medical examinersMEDICAL EXAMINERS
See also Coroner

Abused or neglected children, report, 48.981
Action against, limitation, 893.70
Anatomical gifts, authority to remove, 157.06 (4)
Autopsies, 979.02
  Fees, 979.22
Boat accident deaths, report to department, blood specimens required, 30.67 (6)
Bond, 59.353
Burial of stranger, 979.09
Counties may institute, VI, 4
Cremation, regulations, permit, 979.10
Death, medical certification, 69.18 (2)
District attorney, notice to, 979.01 (1m)
Duties, 59.34
Fees, 59.351
Inquests, procedure, 979.05
  When called, 979.04
Milwaukee county, 59.34, 59.346
Office, 59.352
Records, 59.352
Report, 59.351
Salaries, 59.35, 59.351
Subpoena for documents on death cause, 979.015
Toxicological services, fees, 979.22