negotiable instrumentsNEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS
Attested, proof as though unattested, 889.23
Bank, paper unaffected by statute of limitations, 893.65
Bills of lading, 407.104

Check, clearing at par, 224.07
  To state, 20.905
Consumer credit transactions, 422.406
Documents of title, 407.104

Effect of nonpayment, check to state, 20.905
Fiduciaries, uniform act, 112.01
Fiduciary security transfers, uniform act, 112.06
Investment securities, certificated, 408.105 (1)

Levy and sale on execution, 815.25
Maker, not liable to garnishment, 812.19
Municipal bonds, issue, sale and transfer, Ch. 67
Signature, presumed genuine, limitation, 891.25
Statute of limitation, payment, 893.48
Villages, power to issue, 61.61
Warehouse receipts,
Worthless, civil liability, 943.245
  Issuing, 943.24