mental hospitals, countyMENTAL HOSPITALS, COUNTY
Abuse or neglect of residents, 940.29
Administration, 46.18
Board of trustees, 46.18
Employes, 46.19
Establishment, 51.09
Fishing licenses for inmates, 29.145 (1b)
Inpatient health care facilities, licensing and approval fees, exemption, 140.86
Joint institutions, 46.20
Maintenance of patients, settlements, 46.10
Milwaukee county, 46.21 (2), 51.08
Minimum standards, 46.175
Outpatient clinic certifications, 51.038
Outpatient treatment facility determination, 51.04
Patients, incentive payments, 46.18 (14)
Plans, examination and approval, 46.16, 46.17
Sanitary conditions, 140.055
Superintendent, 46.19
  Service of petition for guardianship, 880.08
Supervision, 46.16, 46.17
Tubercular patients:
  Hospitals for, 51.09
  Segregation, 51.65