Assumption of risk, abrogation of defense, 895.37
Burning material, handling, 941.10
Commercial paper, negligence contributing to alteration or unauthorized signature, 403.406
Comparative, 895.045
Contributory, 895.045
  Affirmative defenses, pleading, 802.02
  Crime victim, no defense to crime, 939.14
  Employe in third party industrial cases, 102.29 (2)
Criminal, 939.25
Direct action statute, insurers, 803.04 (2)
Fellow servant rule abolished, 895.37
Homicide caused by, 940.08, 940.10
Infant minor, presumption, 891.44
Injury by dangerous weapon, explosives or fire, 940.24
Minor driver's, imputed to sponsor, 343.15 (2)
Minor's and spouse's, imputed to auto owner, 895.048
Municipalities, notice of claim, limitation of damages, 893.80
Operation of vehicles, 941.01
Recreational activity participants, 895.525
Vehicles operated by city, 345.05
Vicious animal, negligent control causing death, 940.07
Volunteer fire company, maximum recovery level for tort actions, 893.80 (3)