personal propertyPERSONAL PROPERTY
Action to recover, statute of limitations, 893.35
Assignment of injury claims by public assistance recipients, 49.65
Attachment, 811.12
Bank stock, transfer, 221.43
Contracts to transfer, covendors in, 700.21
Damages, action for injury to property, limitation, 893.52
Federal liens, 779.97
Foreign will, certificate of assignment, 868.05
Fraudulent transfers, 943.25
Insurance companies:
  Fraudulent transfers after petition for liquidation, 645.53 (2)
  Liquidation, perfection of transfers, 645.54 (2)
Interest, summary confirmation, 867.046 (2)
Interests in,
Joint tenancy, 700.19
Joint tenants, recovery, 895.06
Lien of agent, broker for advances, commissions, 779.45
Limited partnership interest, 179.61
Manufacturing property, state assessment, 70.995
Marital property,
Personal representative has title, 857.01
Secured transactions, default involving security interest covering real and personal property, 409.501
Security interest, equities sold on execution, 815.26
Security interest documents, filing by register of deeds, 59.51 (11) to (13)
Slander of title, 706.13
  Criminal, 943.60
Special inspection warrants, 66.122, 66.123
Tenant, left on premises, storage or disposition, 704.05 (5)
Unclaimed, how disposed of, 171.01 to 171.07
U. S. owned, certain property taxed, 70.177
Wrongful taking, limitation, 893.51