
Record of Committee Proceedings

Committee on Financial Institutions and Rural Issues

Senate Bill 116

Relating to: remittance transfers under the Uniform Commercial Code Article 4A, relating to funds transfers.

By Senators Lasee, L. Taylor and Lehman; cosponsored by Representatives Sanfelippo, Craig, Brooks and Kahl.

April 01, 02013           Referred to Committee on Financial Institutions and Rural Issues

May 08, 2013              Public Hearing Held

Present:       (3)        Senator Schultz; Senators Petrowski and Jauch.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (2)        Senators Lasee and Lassa.

Appearances For

·      Rob Kovach - Sen. Lasee

·      Jay Risch - WI Bankers Association

·      Heather  MacKinnon - Wisconsin Bankers Association

Appearances Against

·      None.

Appearances for Information Only

·      None.

Registrations For

·      Daryll Lund - Community Bankers of WI

·      Tom Liebe - WI Credit Union League

Registrations Against

·      None.

Registrations for Information Only

·      None.

May 10, 2013              Executive Session Held

Present:       (0)        None.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (0)        None.

Moved by  that Senate Bill 116 be recommended for passage.

Ayes:     (5)     Senator Schultz; Senators Lasee, Petrowski, Lassa and Jauch.

Noes:     (0)     None.



Sanchit Mulmuley

Committee Clerk