Physical health risk assessment and disease management re MA or Badger Care enrollees [Sec. 1559g, h, 1641d, e, 9121 (7j)] [1559g, 1641d — partial veto; 9121 (7j) — vetoed] -  Act 20
district attorneyDistrict attorney
Assistant DAs in Chippewa and St. Croix counties: OJA to fund [Sec. 9111 (4q), (4r)] -  Act 20
Deputy DA salary limitation provision changed -  Act 224
Deputy DA salary limitation provision changed -  Act 78
Human trafficking and trafficking of a child: crimes created; AG, DA, DHFS, OJA, and DOA duties specified  -  Act 116
Multijurisdictional enforcement group DA positions in Dane, Milwaukee, and St. Croix counties; federal Byrne Justice Assistant Grant funding [Sec. 9101 (6L), 9111 (1L)-(3L)]  -  Act 20
Musical performance: advertising or conducting using a false connection between the performing group and recording group prohibited; AG and DA enforcement authority  -  Act 15
Trempealeau County DA converted to full-time status [Sec. 3926p] -  Act 20
Trigger lead information re consumer reports: state law restrictions on dissemination and use of; DATCP, AG, DOJ, DA, civil action, and penalty provisions -  Act 76
Vernon County DA converted to full-time status [Sec. 3926p] -  Act 20
Parenting plan in actions affecting the family: clerk of court and mediator duties; deadline for filing when court waives mediation requirement or when mediator notifies the court there is no agreement modified -  Act 187
do not call listDo not call list, see Telephone
dockDock, see Port
dodge countyDodge County
Circuit court branches added in Barron, Chippewa, Dodge, Green, Monroe, and St. Croix counties; State Law Library provision -  Act 28
dodgeville, city ofDodgeville, City of, see Iowa County
Quarantine requirement for a dog that bites a person: exception for law enforcement dog under set conditions; examination by veterinarian requirement -  Act 37
domestic abuseDomestic abuse, see Women
double bottom trailerDouble bottom trailer, see Bus and truck
douglas countyDouglas County
Douglas County veterans health study; to include anticipated need for rehabilitative center, nursing home, or assisted living facility; LAB to specify scope and methodology [Sec. 9153 (2c)] -  Act 20
Drainage board public contract minimum bid requirements: amount increased -  Act 122
Drainage district loans from BCPL trust funds [Sec. 674d-w] -  Act 20
Drainage district: local governmental units required to consider relationship with re comprehensive plans, notification provisions; DATCP to develop educational pamphlet; annual report requirements modified; disclosure that property is in a special purpose district required on the real estate condition report -  Act 121
dredgingDredging, see Lakes
drivers_ educationDrivers' education
Driver education course, driver school, and DOT knowledge examination: additional information required  -  Act 68
drug abuseDrug abuse, see Drugs
Clean sweep program: funding from recycling fund; grants re unwanted prescription drugs permitted [Sec. 2594g, i, 9103 (1k)] -  Act 20
Drug Abuse Program surcharge allocated to DHFS and OJA [Sec. 3866, 9407 (1)] -  Act 20
Drugs to treat HIV infections: DHFS may use federal project aids moneys rather than federal project operations moneys to reimburse costs (remedial legislation)  -  Act 89
Family Care program expanded, districts renamed ``long-term care districts"; JCF authority revised; changes re county use of COP funds, Wisconsin Partnership Program operations, resource center governing boards and local and regional committees [for section numbers, see entry under ``Nursing homes and adult care"] -  Act 20
Federal Byrne Justice Assistance Grant funding for multijurisdictional enforcement groups (MEGs), Wisconsin CASA Association, and Dane County youth court coordinator [Sec. 9101 (6L), (6Lj), (7t)] -  Act 20
HIRSP Authority changes -  Act 39
HIRSP Authority changes [Sec. 213, 675, 679, 761, 2876-2878, 2885-2893, 9114 (2w)] -  Act 20
HIRSP pilot program for certain drugs for persons with HIV; DHFS report on modifying pilot program re purchase of drugs [Sec. 402, 1646, 2883, 2884, 3035r, s, 9121 (7p)]  -  Act 20
Medicare Part D re persons with HIV infections: restriction on DHFS subsidization of premiums revised [Sec. 3037, 3038] -  Act 20
Multijurisdictional enforcement group DA positions in Dane, Milwaukee, and St. Croix counties; federal Byrne Justice Assistant Grant funding [Sec. 9101 (6L), 9111 (1L)-(3L)]  -  Act 20
Outpatient prescription drug dual eligibles: MA coverage eliminated [Sec. 1589, 1591, 1603] -  Act 20
Pharmacy dispensing fee increase for generic drugs re certain MA programs; DHFS duties specified [Sec. 9121 (7j)] [vetoed] -  SB-40
Prescription drug assistance for the elderly: appropriation for payments to pharmacies and pharmacists decreased for fiscal year 2006-07 [Sec. 9221 (3)] -  Act 5
Protective placements and protective services, involuntary administration of psychotropic medication, guardianships, conservatorships, wards, and services for adults at risk and elder adults at risk: reconciliation of 2005 WisActs 264, 387, and 388 -  Act 45
SSN requirement re MA, Badger Care, or elderly drug assistance program: exemption expanded re well-established religious objections [Sec. 1673, 1674, 9321 (8)]  -  Act 20
Substance abuse program for purposes of the earned release program: Corr.Dept and DHFS may provide [Sec. 3168]  -  Act 20
Wholesale drug distributor licensing requirements created; Pharmacy Examining Board authority; electronic track and trace pedigree technology requirement [Sec. 217h, 678t, 686r, 3462q, 3465p, q, s, 3526a-p, 3530a-i, 9140 (1j), 9440 (1j), (2t)] -  Act 20
Administrative suspension of a driver's license: immediate eligibility for an occupational license (remedial legislation) -  Act 136
Aircraft OWI and prohibited alcohol concentration penalties made the same as motor vehicle penalties; minor passenger, operating in a reckless manner, and alcohol and other drug assessment and treatment provisions [Sec. 814m, 1819m, 2665g-r, 3315k, s] -  Act 20
Driver improvement surcharge account in DHFS: annual appropriation for alcoholism services for drivers made continuing [Sec. 417] -  Act 20
Ignition interlock device ordered by court: DOT to place same restriction on occupational license (remedial legislation) -  Act 94
Repeat drunken driving offenses: felony penalties revised; driver improvement surcharge provision  -  Act 111
dwelling or dwelling codeDwelling or dwelling code, see Housing
e - E -
earned income tax credit _eitc_Earned income tax credit (EITC), see Income tax — Credit
eau claire, city ofEau Claire, City of
Hobbs Ice Arena in City of Eau Claire: renovation grant from WDF [Sec. 195, 9108 (8i)] -  Act 20
Rail Passenger Route Development Program expanded re routes between Chicago and Milwaukee, between Madison and La Crosse, and between Madison and Eau Claire [Sec. 2543]  -  Act 20
Transportation improvements in City of Eau Claire re certain highways: DOT study and report required [Sec. 9148 (9d)] -  Act 20
eau claire countyEau Claire County
Cleghorn Community Center in Town of Pleasant Valley: one-time grant for parking lot and road improvements; sunset provided [Sec. 79m, n, 572m, n, 9155 (5a)(f), 9455 (4f)]  -  Act 20
edgar, village ofEdgar, Village of, see Marathon County