1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
June 29, 1999 - Offered by Representatives Schooff and Balow.
AB133-ASA1-AA37,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the substitute amendment as follows:
AB133-ASA1-AA37,1,3 32. Page 286, line 3: before "560.62" insert "560.155,".
AB133-ASA1-AA37,1,6 43. Page 286, line 11: before "Notwithstanding" insert "Of the amounts in the
5schedule, $1,000,000 shall be allocated in each fiscal year for grants and loans under
6s. 560.155.".
AB133-ASA1-AA37,1,7 74. Page 289, line 21: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA37,1,8 8" Section 210f. 20.143 (1) (Lm) of the statutes is created to read:
120.143 (1) (Lm) Business employes' skills training financial assistance;
All moneys received in repayment of loans under s. 560.155 for financial
3assistance under s. 560.155.".
AB133-ASA1-AA37,2,4 45. Page 1384, line 23: after that line insert:
AB133-ASA1-AA37,2,5 5" Section 2955f. 560.155 of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1-AA37,2,9 6560.155 Business employes' skills training financial assistance
(1) From the appropriations under s. 20.143 (1) (c) and (Lm), the
8department may award financial assistance as provided in sub. (2) (a) to a business
9if all of the following apply:
AB133-ASA1-AA37,2,1110 (a) The business is located in this state and satisfies any of the following
AB133-ASA1-AA37,2,1212 1. The business has no more than 35 full-time employes.
AB133-ASA1-AA37,2,1413 2. The business had no more than $2,500,000 in gross annual income in the
14year preceding the year in which the business receives the financial assistance.
AB133-ASA1-AA37,2,1715 (b) The business uses the financial assistance to provide skills training or other
16education related to the needs of the business to current or prospective employes of
17the business.
AB133-ASA1-AA37,2,1918 (c) The business submits a plan to the department detailing the proposed use
19of the financial assistance and the secretary approves the plan.
AB133-ASA1-AA37,2,2220 (d) The business enters into a written agreement with the department that
21specifies the conditions for the use of the financial assistance, including reporting,
22auditing and repayment requirements.
AB133-ASA1-AA37,3,323 (e) The business agrees in writing that, before providing training or other
24education to a current or prospective employe with the financial assistance, it will

1enter into a contract with the employe under which the business agrees to retain the
2employe, and the employe agrees to work for the business, for at least one year after
3the employe's training or education is completed.
AB133-ASA1-AA37,3,54 (f) The business agrees in writing to submit to the department the report
5required under sub. (3) by the time required under sub. (3).
AB133-ASA1-AA37,3,8 6(2) (a) The department may not award a business more than $10,000 in
7financial assistance under this section. One-half of the amount awarded to a
8business shall be a grant and one-half shall be a loan.
AB133-ASA1-AA37,3,129 (b) In awarding financial assistance under this section, the department shall
10give preference to businesses in industries with especially severe labor shortages.
11The department shall consult with the department of workforce development to
12determine which industries are experiencing severe labor shortages.
AB133-ASA1-AA37,3,15 13(3) A business that receives financial assistance under this section shall submit
14to the department, within 6 months after spending the full amount of the proceeds,
15a report detailing how the proceeds were used.".