2001 - 2002 LEGISLATURE
March 4, 2002 - Offered by Committee on Health.
AB876-AA4,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
AB876-AA4,1,2 21. Page 1, line 10: delete "requiring" and substitute "allowing".
AB876-AA4,1,4 32. Page 6, line 5: delete the material beginning with that line and ending with
4line 15 and substitute:
AB876-AA4,1,7 5"1. Two members who represent small employers, as defined in s. 635.02 (7),
6and who are selected from a list of nominees submitted by organizations
7representing small businesses.
AB876-AA4,1,108 2. Four members who represent small employer insurers, as defined in s.
9635.02 (8), and who are selected from a list of nominees submitted by organizations
10representing health insurers.
AB876-AA4,1,1211 3. One member who is a physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), and who is
12selected from a list of nominees submitted by organizations representing physicians.
14. One member who is a nurse, as defined in s. 441.11 (2), who works in an
2executive position, and who is selected from a list of nominees submitted by
3organizations representing nurses.
AB876-AA4,2,64 5. Two members who represent hospitals, including one member from a rural
5hospital and one member from an urban hospital, and who are selected from a list
6of nominees submitted by organizations representing hospitals.".
AB876-AA4,2,7 73. Page 6, line 16: delete "4." and substitute "5.".
AB876-AA4,2,8 84. Page 6, line 23: delete "Four" and substitute "Three".
AB876-AA4,2,9 95. Page 6, line 24: delete lines 24 and 25 and substitute:
AB876-AA4,2,12 10"3. Three members who represent providers, as defined in s. 635.30 (1) (g), at
11least one of whom is a physician, as defined in s. 448.01 (5), and at least one of whom
12represents hospitals.".
AB876-AA4,2,13 136. Page 12, line 2: after "63" insert "days".
AB876-AA4,2,15 147. Page 13, line 24: after "insurer" insert "that chooses to participate in the
15program under this section".
AB876-AA4,2,17 168. Page 14, line 12: delete "2004 and ending with 2008" and substitute "2003
17and ending with 2007".
AB876-AA4,2,19 189. Page 14, line 22: after "insurer" insert "that chooses to participate in the
19program under this section".
AB876-AA4,2,21 2010. Page 14, line 24: after "insurer" insert "that chooses to participate in the
21program under this section".
AB876-AA4,2,23 2211. Page 15, line 6: after "insurer" insert "that chooses to participate in the
23program under this section".
112. Page 15, line 16, on lines 16 and 19: after "rates" insert "determined by
2the board".
AB876-AA4,3,5 313. Page 15, line 21: after "(a)." insert "The provider discount rates under this
4paragraph apply only to services for which the commissioner provides
5reimbursement under sub. (2) (c).".
AB876-AA4,3,7 614. Page 16, line 6: after "(3) (c) 3." insert "by small employer insurers that
7choose to participate in the program under this section.".
AB876-AA4,3,8 815. Page 20, line 7: after "rates" insert "determined by the board".
AB876-AA4,3,10 916. Page 23, line 13: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
10with line 24 and substitute:
AB876-AA4,3,13 11"(a) One member representing small employers, one member representing
12small employer insurers, and one member representing hospitals, for terms expiring
13on May 1, 2005.
AB876-AA4,3,1514 (b) Two members representing small employer insurers, and the member who
15is a physician, for terms expiring on May 1, 2006.
AB876-AA4,3,1816 (c) One member representing small employers, one member representing small
17employer insurers, one member representing hospitals, and the member who is a
18nurse, for terms expiring on May 1, 2007.".
AB876-AA4,3,19 1917. Page 24, line 9: delete "Four" and substitute "Three".
AB876-AA4,3,20 2018. Page 24, line 10: delete "2 specified" and substitute "one specified".
AB876-AA4,3,21 2119. Page 24, line 13: delete "Three" and substitute "Four".
AB876-AA4,3,22 2220. Page 24, line 14: delete "and".
121. Page 24, line 15: after "act," insert "and one specified under section 15. 735
2(2) (a) 3. of the statutes, as created by this act,".