2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
February 19, 2024 - Offered by Representative Brandtjen.
AB125-ASA2,1,3 1An Act to create 146.36 of the statutes; relating to: pelvic exams on
2unconscious patients and modifying rules promulgated by the Department of
3Health Services.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill requires a hospital, a clinic associated with a hospital, or an
ambulatory surgical center to ensure written informed consent is obtained from a
patient before a pelvic exam is performed on the patient solely for educational
purposes while the patient is under general anesthesia or otherwise unconscious.
The bill also creates a Department of Health Services rule providing that a hospital,
a clinic associated with a hospital, or an ambulatory surgical center must maintain
written policies and procedures requiring written informed consent to be obtained
from a patient before a pelvic exam is performed on the patient solely for educational
purposes while the patient is under general anesthesia or otherwise unconscious.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB125-ASA2,1 4Section 1 . 146.36 of the statutes is created to read:
1146.36 Informed consent for pelvic examinations. (1) In this section,
2“ambulatory surgical center" has the meaning given in 42 CFR 416.2.
AB125-ASA2,2,6 3(2) A hospital, a clinic associated with a hospital, or an ambulatory surgical
4center shall ensure that, before a pelvic examination is performed for solely
5educational purposes on a patient while the patient is under general anesthesia or
6otherwise unconscious, written informed consent is obtained from the patient.
AB125-ASA2,2 7Section 2 . DHS 124.10 of the administrative code is created to read:
AB125-ASA2,2,13 8DHS 124.10 Consent policy for pelvic examinations performed for
9educational purposes.
A hospital, a clinic associated with a hospital, or an
10ambulatory surgical center, as defined in s. 146.36 (1), Stats., shall maintain written
11policies and procedures requiring written informed consent to be obtained from a
12patient before a pelvic examination is performed on the patient solely for educational
13purposes while the patient is under general anesthesia or otherwise unconscious.
AB125-ASA2,3 14Section 3 . Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
15except as follows:
AB125-ASA2,2,1716 (1) The treatment of s. DHS 124.10, Wis. Adm. Code, takes effect as provided
17in s. 227.265, stats.