2015 - 2016 LEGISLATURE
April 14, 2015 - Introduced by Senators Tiffany, L. Taylor, Cowles, Petrowski,
Bewley, Lassa and Lasee, cosponsored by Representatives Krug, Spiros,
Czaja, Tittl, Milroy, Kremer, Murphy, Kahl, Mursau, Knodl, Ballweg,
Thiesfeldt, Petryk, Rohrkaste and Considine. Referred to Committee on
Senate Organization.
SJR26,1,1 1Relating to: proclaiming April 2015 as Forestry and Paper Products Month.
SJR26,1,52 Whereas, Wisconsin has nearly 17 million acres of public and private forests,
3managed by the forest products industry, nonindustrial private landowners, and
4county, state, and tribal agencies, which provide the essential raw material for the
5state's forest products and paper industry along with a myriad of benefits; and
SJR26,1,106 Whereas, the forest products industry—composed of the logging, pulp and
7paper, lumber and wood products, and printing industries—significantly contributes
8to Wisconsin's economic health and well-being by employing more than 54,000
9women and men in family-supporting jobs whose annual income exceeds $3.2
10billion; and
SJR26,1,1211 Whereas, the forest products industry contributes an estimated $226 million
12in state and local taxes; and
SJR26,2,213 Whereas, Wisconsin's forest products industry accounts for 13.2 percent of
14manufacturing jobs, is the number one employer in 23 counties, and every 10 forest

1industry jobs support an additional 23 jobs in other sectors of the state's economy;
SJR26,2,63 Whereas, the products of Wisconsin's pulp, paper, lumber, and wood
4manufacturing industries shipments are worth more than $17.8 billion annually,
5including more than $14.4 billion in pulp and paper products and more than $3.3
6billion in lumber and wood products; and
SJR26,2,127 Whereas, Wisconsin's papermakers employ more than 31,000 men and women,
8earning more than $2.4 billion in family-supporting salaries; Wisconsin's 18,805
9lumber and wood products employees earn more than $781 million; the state's 5,125
10forestry and logging workers earn more than $33.6 million; and the printing
11industries of Wisconsin employ more than 28,700 employees earning more than
12$309.2 million; and
SJR26,2,1613 Whereas, papermaking began in 1848, three months before Wisconsin became
14a state, and paper manufacturing has been a cornerstone of the state's economy for
15more than 165 years, and in fact Wisconsin has led the nation in paper
16manufacturing for more than 60 years; and
SJR26,2,1917 Whereas, Wisconsin produces a greater diversity of paper products than any
18other state in the four main categories of packaging, communication (printing and
19writing), tissue, and specialty grades; and
SJR26,2,2220 Whereas, Wisconsin's lumber and wood products industry predates the state,
21leads the nation in millwork production, and is third nationally in hardwood veneer
22output; and
SJR26,3,323 Whereas, the industry's products are societal staples that include lumber and
24wood material for homes as well as other residential, commercial, industrial,
25municipal, and agricultural buildings, plus essentials and amenities including

1cabinets, furniture and fixtures, windows, pallets and shipping materials, posts and
2poles, fuel wood, and biomass for energy and other purposes, as well as Christmas
3trees; and
SJR26,3,84 Whereas, Wisconsin's nearly 17 million acres of forest lands and its millions of
5urban trees significantly enhance the quality of life in our great state, contribute to
6water quality, support and enhance soil quality, provide habitat and sustenance for
7terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna, and offer four-season recreational and
8aesthetic opportunities to residents and visitors of all ages; and
SJR26,3,119 Whereas, Wisconsin forests are growing one and a half times more timber than
10is being harvested each year, with saw timber volume increasing by 1.68 billion
11board-feet annually; and
SJR26,3,1412 Whereas, the forest products industry in Wisconsin supports sustainable
13forestry to maintain woodlands as healthy, complex ecosystems that provide
14ecological, social, and economic benefits today and for future generations; and
SJR26,3,1915 Whereas, 7.2 million forested acres—including county, state, tribal, private
16nonindustrial, and private industrial ownerships—are third-party certified as
17"sustainably managed" regarding widely accepted forest practices and standards,
18and most of this forest land (public and private) is open for hunting, hiking,
19bird-watching, and other recreational activities; now, therefore, be it
SJR26,3,22 20Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the members of the
21Wisconsin legislature proclaim April 2015 as Forestry and Paper Products Month in
22Wisconsin and commend this observance to all citizens; and, be it further
SJR26,3,25 23Resolved, That the legislature calls upon our citizens to learn more about the
24important role the forest products industry plays in our economy and environment;
25and, be it further
1Resolved, That the senate chief clerk shall provide a copy of this joint
2resolution to the Council on Forestry, the Wisconsin Paper Discovery Center, the
3Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education at the College of Natural Resources
4at the University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point, the Wisconsin River Papermaking
5Museum, and the Wisconsin County Forestry Association.
SJR26,4,66 (End)