2023 - 2024 LEGISLATURE
April 20, 2023 - Introduced by Senators Spreitzer, Agard, Carpenter, Hesselbein,
Roys, Taylor and Wirch, cosponsored by Representatives Subeck, Riemer, C.
, Andraca, Baldeh, Bare, Cabrera, Clancy, Conley, Considine,
Dittrich, Drake, Emerson, Hong, Jacobson, Joers, Kitchens, Madison,
Moore Omokunde, Murphy, Neubauer, Ohnstad, Ortiz-Velez, Palmeri,
Ratcliff, Shankland, Shelton, Sinicki, Snodgrass, Stubbs and Vining.
Referred to Committee on Senate Organization.
SJR35,1,1 1Relating to: proclaiming May 2023 as Jewish American Heritage Month.
SJR35,1,42 Whereas, since 2006, Jewish American Heritage Month has been observed
3nationwide every May to recognize the more than 360-year history of Jewish
4contributions to our nation's civic, social, economic, and cultural life; and
SJR35,1,75 Whereas, it is estimated that over 330,000 persecuted Jews from Germany,
6Russia, Poland, and several other countries overcame restrictions and immigration
7quotas to find refuge in the United States between 1933 and 1952; and
SJR35,1,108 Whereas, many Jewish American survivors of the Holocaust have dedicated
9their lives to fighting for civil rights and educating future generations about the
10dangers of bigotry and anti-Semitism and the resilience of the human spirit; and
SJR35,1,1211 Whereas, it is estimated that over 33,000 Jews live in Wisconsin today,
12worshiping at over 30 active synagogues; and
SJR35,1,1413 Whereas, the University of Wisconsin-Madison branch of Hillel began in 1924
14and is the second-oldest in the nation; and
1Whereas, several renowned Jewish Americans have resided in Wisconsin,
2including author Edna Ferber, U.S. Senators Herb Kohl and Russ Feingold, actors
3Gene Wilder and Charlotte Rae, magician Harry Houdini, and Israeli Prime
4Minister Golda Meir; and
SJR35,2,75 Whereas, the Jewish tenet tikkun olam, translated from Hebrew as “repair of
6the world," is a call to Jews to pursue justice and righteousness for all of humanity;
SJR35,2,108 Whereas, the Jewish experience in America has consistently reminded us that
9liberty and opportunity ultimately triumph over prejudice and hate; now, therefore,
10be it
SJR35,2,15 11Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the Wisconsin
12Legislature proclaims May 2023 as Jewish American History Month and joins all
13Wisconsinites in thanking our fellow Jewish American citizens for shaping our
14country's character, strengthening our promise of religious freedom, and teaching us
15the virtues of justice, hope, and perseverance.
SJR35,2,1616 (End)