9. Propionic acidemia and methylmalonic acidemia are two types of organic acidemias. In propionic academia and methylmalonic acidemia, the body is unable to process certain parts of proteins and lipids (fats) properly. In most cases, the features of propionic acidemia become apparent within a few days after birth. Propionic acidemia affects about 1 in 100,000 people in the United States. The effects of methylmalonic acidemia, which usually appear in early infancy, vary from mild to life-threatening. Without treatment, this disorder can lead to coma and death in some cases. This condition occurs in an estimated 1 in 50,000 to 100,000 people.
10. Though OA was determined to have met the criteria under s.
DHS 115.06 for being added to the list of congenital and metabolic disorders for which WSLH must test the blood samples of newborns, the conditions were inadvertently omitted from the list of conditions in s.
DHS 115.04 during subsequent revisions.
11. The process for promulgating permanent rules may take 24 months to complete, or longer if the department is unable to submit the permanent rules to the legislature prior to its last general business floor period in 2016.
Filed with LRB:
June 27, 2014
Publication Date:
July 3, 2014
Effective Dates:
July 3, 2014 through
November 29, 2014
Hearing Date:
August 15, 2014
emergency_rules EmR1408
EmR1408 — The Commissioner of Insurance proposes an order to amend section
Ins 17.01 (3); and to repeal and recreate section. Ins 17.28 (6), Wis. Admin. Code, relating to the Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund Annual Fund and mediation panel fees, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 and affecting small business.
This emergency rule was approved by the Governor on June 12, 2014.
The statement of scope for this rule, SS
147-13, was approved by the Governor on November 18, 2013, published in
Register No. 695, on November 30, 2013, and approved by the Commissioner on May 8, 2014.
Finding of Emergency
The Commissioner of Insurance finds that an emergency exists and that the attached rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare. Facts constituting the emergency are as follows:
These changes must be in place with an effective date prior to July 1, 2014 in order for the new fiscal year assessments to be issued in accordance with s.
655.27 (3), Wis. Stats. The permanent rule-making process cannot be completed prior to the effective date of the new fee schedule. The fiscal year fund fees were established by the Board of Governors at the meeting held on December 18, 2013 and the mediation panel fees established by the Board of Governors at the meeting held on March 19, 2014.
Filed with LRB:
June 13, 2014
Publication Date:
June 18, 2014
Effective Dates:
June 18, 2014 through
November 14, 2014
Hearing Date:
August 12, 2014
Extension Through:
January 13, 2015
Natural Resources (10)
Fish, Game, etc., Chs.
NR 1—
emergency_rules EmR1210
1. EmR1210 (DNR # WM-09-12(E)) — The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board proposes an order to amend
sections NR 10.001 (25c), 10.02 (1), 10.06 (5) and (8) (intro.), 10.07 (2) (b) 2., 10.07 (2m) (intro.) and (e) (intro.), 10.07 (2m) (f) (intro.), 10.09 (1), 10.13 (1) (b) 9., 10.13 (1) (b) 15., 10.13 (1) (b) 16., 10.145 (intro), 10.145 (3) to (8), 12.10 (intro.), 12.10 (1) (a) 4., 12.10 (1) (b) 2., 12.15 (13) and 19.25 and to create
sections NR 10.001 (22q), 10.001 (23a), 10.001 (23am), 10.001 (23b), 10.001 (26g), 10.001 (33), 10.01 (3) (j), 10.07 (1) (m), 10.07 (2m) (em), 10.07 (2m) (g) 3., NR 10.07 (4), 10.13 (1) (b) 15m., 10.13 (1) (b) 18., 10.145 (1m), (1u) and Note, sections NR 10.16 (5), 10.295, 12.15 (11) (e), 12.60 to 12.63, 12.64 (1) (a) and (b) (intro.) 1., 12.64 (1) (b) 2. and 3., 12.64 (1) (b) 4. and 5., 12.64 (2) (a) to (c), 12.64 (2) (d), 12.64 (3) and 12.65, relating to the wolf hunting and trapping season and regulations and a depredation program.
This emergency rule was approved by the Governor on August 10, 2010.
The statement of scope for this rule, SS
023-12, was approved by the Governor on April 12, 2012, published in
Register No. 676, on April 30, 2012, and approved by the Natural Resources Board on May 23, 2012.
Finding of Emergency
A non-statutory provision, Section 21, of 2011 ACT 169 requires the department to submit rules necessary for implementation or interpretation and establishes that the department is not required to make a finding of emergency.
Filed with LRB:
August 15, 2012
Publication Date:
August 18, 2012
Effective Dates:
August 18, 2012 through the
date on which the permanent rules take effect, as provided in
2011 Wisconsin Act 169, section
This emergency rule was approved by the Governor on August 30, 2012.
The statement of scope for this rule, SS
038-12, was approved by the Governor on May 29, 2012, published in
Register No. 678, on June 14, 2012, and approved by the Natural Resources Board on June 27, 2012.
Finding of Emergency
A non-statutory provision, Section 21, of 2011 ACT 169 requires the department to submit rules necessary for implementation or interpretation and establishes that the department is not required to make a finding of emergency.
Filed with LRB:
September 14, 2012
Publication Date:
October 1, 2012
Effective Dates:
October 1, 2012 through the date on which the permanent rules take effect, as provided in
2011 Wisconsin Act 169, section
emergency_rules EmR1320
3. EmR1320 (DNR # FH-27-13(E)) — The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board proposes an order to create
Chapter NR 85, relating to development of a competitive grant program for cities, villages, towns, counties, federally recognized Indian tribes or bands located in this state, and fish farms in order to increase the capacity to raise walleye for stocking in Wisconsin waters.
This rule was approved by the Governor on November 8, 2013.
The statement of scope for this emergency rule, SS
104-13, was approved by the Governor on August 12, 2013, published in
Register No. 692 on September 1, 2013 (August 31, 2013), and approved by the Natural Resources Board on September 25, 2013.
Finding of Emergency — Exemption
2013 Wisconsin Act 20, the 2013-15 state budget, included the following nonstatutory language: The department of natural resources may promulgate emergency rules under section
227.24 of the statutes implementing sections
29.739 and
29.740 of the statutes, as created by this act. Notwithstanding section
227.24 (1) (c) and
(2) of the statutes, emergency rules promulgated for walleye population maintenance and enhancement grants remain in effect until June 30, 2016, or the date on which permanent rules take effect, whichever is sooner. Notwithstanding section
227.24 (1) (a) and
(3) of the statutes, the department is not required to provide evidence that promulgating this rule as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this subsection.
Filed with LRB:
November 14, 2013
Publication Date:
November 21, 2013
Effective Dates:
November 21, 2013 through June 30, 2016, or the date on which permanent rules take effect, whichever is sooner.
Hearing Date:
December 12, 2013 and
December 19, 2013
emergency_rules EmR1405
4. EmR1405 (DNR # WM-24-13(E)) — The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board proposes an order to repeal sections
NR 10.01 (3) (ed), (es) 3., and (et), 10.07 (3), 10.09 (2), 10.28 (3), and 45.09 (9), to amend
sections NR 1.15 (1) (a), (b), and (c) 1., (2) (a) (intro.) and (at), and (3), 10.001 (2e), (6p), and (19e), 10.01 (3) (es) 1. and 2. and (3) (ev), 10.02 (3), 10.06 (8) (b) and (note), 10.07 (2m) (b) 1., 10.102 (1) (e) 4., 10.105 (1), (2), (4,) and (7), 10.106 (intro.) and (1), 12.06 (1), (2), and (4), 12.16 (4), 13.38 (2) (b) and (Note), and 19.60 (2) (b) 1., to repeal and recreate
sections NR 1.15 (2) (a) 8., 10.01 (3) (e) and (em), 10.104, 10.106 (2), 10.28 (1) and (2), 10.28 (4), and 10.41, and to create
Chapter NR 10 (Title.) and sections NR 10.001(1k) and (23a) and (b), 10.01 (2) (b) (Note) and (4) (dm) (Note), and Subchapter II, relating to deer management, hunting, and implementation of the 2012 White-tailed Deer Trustee Report.
This emergency rule was approved by the Governor on February 10, 2014
The statement of scope for this rule, SS
098-13, was approved by the Governor on July 23, 2013, published in
Register No. 692, on August 14, 2013, and approved by the Natural Resources Board on September 25, 2013.
Finding of Emergency
A non-statutory provision, SECTION
9132 of
2013 Act 20, establishes that the department may promulgate rules to implement the 2012 final deer management report and that the department is not required to make a finding of emergency.
Filed with LRB:
February 25, 2014
Publication Date:
March 7, 2014
Effective Dates:
March 7, 2014 through
June 30, 2015
emergency_rules EmR1409
5. EmR1409 (DNR # FH-03-14(E)) — The Wisconsin Natural Resources Board proposes an order to amend
sections NR 20.36 (2) and 23.055 (2), relating to modifications in daily bag limits and minimum size limits in response to tribal harvest.
This emergency rule was approved by the Natural Resources Board on May 28, 2014, and by the governor on June 6, 2014.
The statement of scope for this rule was approved by the governor on February 14, 2014, published in
Register No. 698 on February 28, 2014, and approved by the Natural Resources Board on March 19, 2014.
Statement of Emergency
This emergency rule is needed to promote the preservation and protection of public peace, health, safety, and welfare in the Ceded Territory of Wisconsin by minimizing regional social and economic disruption known to be associated with reductions in walleye bag limits on off-reservation waters.
Filed with LRB:
June 16, 2014
Publication Date:
June 14, 2014
Effective Dates:
June 14, 2014 through
November 10, 2014
Hearing Date:
July 14, 2014 and
July 16, 2014
Extension Through:
January 9, 2015
This emergency rule was approved by the Governor on June 25, 2014.
The statement of scope for this rule, SS
124-13, was approved by the governor on September 20, 2013, published in
Register No. 694, on October 14, 2013, and approved by the Natural Resources Board on December 11, 2013.
Finding of Emergency
The emergency rule procedure, pursuant to s.
227.24, Stats., is necessary and justified to preserve the public welfare and interest in ensuring a sustainable population of Blanding's turtles. The Blanding's turtle is proposed for delisting from the State's Threatened Species list per administrative rule ER-27-11, which is expected to take effect as early as December 2013. Although the Blanding's turtle no longer meets the scientific criteria for listing, the Department feels that the population is nonetheless too vulnerable to survive the threat of harvest and collection, and believes emergency rules are needed to ensure a proper recovery before these activities are permitted.
All turtles not listed as threatened or endangered in ch.
NR 27 or as otherwise specified have a 135-day open season (July 15-November 30) during which members of the public may capture and possess up to 5 individuals [s.
NR 19.275 (4),
21.13 (4) and
22.13 (4)] per day. Permanent rule-making to protect Blanding's turtles from this harvest will not go into effect until after the 2014 open season for turtles is already underway. An emergency rule is therefore necessary to prevent the harvest and possession of Blanding's turtles during the 2014 open season until the permanent rule goes into effect.
The anticipated impact of collection and harvest to Blanding's turtle conservation and recovery in the state necessitates putting the emergency rule into effect during the 2014 open season for turtles while the agency complies with the permanent rule-making procedures.
Filed with LRB:
July 10, 2014
Publication Date:
July 13, 2014
Effective Dates:
July 13, 2014 through
December 9, 2014
Hearing Date:
August 27, 2014
The rule was adopted by the Natural Resources Board on June 25, 2014, approved by the Governor on August 27, 2014, and signed by Policy Director Michael L. Bruhn for Secretary Cathy Stepp, also on August 27, 2014.
The statement of scope for this rule, SS
020-14, was approved by the Governor on March 10, 2014, published in
Register No. 699, on March 31, 2014, and approved by the Natural Resources Board on May 27, 2014.
Statement of Emergency
The emergency rule procedure, pursuant to s.
227.24, Stats., is necessary and justified in establishing rules to protect the public welfare. The federal government and state legislature have delegated to the appropriate agencies rule-making authority to control the hunting of migratory birds. The State of Wisconsin must comply with federal regulations in the establishment of migratory bird hunting seasons and conditions. Federal regulations are not made available to this state until late July of each year. This order is designed to bring the state hunting regulations into conformity with the federal regulations. Normal rule-making procedures will not allow the establishment of these changes by September 1. Failure to modify our rules will result in the failure to provide hunting opportunity and continuation of rules which conflict with federal regulations.
Filed with LRB:
August 28, 2014
Publication Date:
September 1, 2014
Effective Dates:
September 1, 2014 through
January 28, 2015
Hearing Date:
October 29, 2014
This rule was approved by the Governor on August 27, 2014.
The statement of scope for this rule, SS
020-14, was approved by the Governor on March 10, 2014, published in
Register No. 699, on March 31, 2014, and approved by the Natural Resources Board on May 27, 2014.
Finding of Emergency
The emergency rule procedure, pursuant to s.
227.24, Stats., is necessary and justified in establishing rules to protect the public welfare. The federal government and state legislature have delegated to the appropriate agencies rule-making authority to control the hunting of migratory birds. The State of Wisconsin must comply with federal regulations in the establishment of migratory bird hunting seasons and conditions. Federal regulations are not made available to this state until late July of each year. This order is designed to bring the state hunting regulations into conformity with the federal regulations. Normal rule-making procedures will not allow the establishment of these changes by September 1. Failure to modify our rules will result in the failure to provide hunting opportunity and continuation of rules which conflict with federal regulations.