2009-2010 Wisconsin Legislature

Senate Bill 103

Relating to: restrictions on the operation of motor vehicles by persons using electronic text messaging devices and providing a penalty. Relating to: restrictions on the operation of motor vehicles by persons using electronic text messaging devices and providing a penalty.

Status: A-Rules

Important Actions (newest first)

Date / House Action Journal
4/28/2010 Asm.Failed to concur in pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1971
11/10/2009 Asm.Report concurrence recommended by committee on Transportation, Ayes 10, Noes 2515
10/20/2009 Sen.Read a third time and passed, Ayes 27, Noes 5368


Date / House Action Journal
3/3/2009 Sen.Introduced by Senators A. Lasee, Cowles, Lehman, Carpenter, Risser, Lassa, Harsdorf, Taylor, Darling, Schultz, Olsen and Hansen;
Cosponsored by Representatives Barca, Townsend, Van Roy, Bies, Spanbauer, Lothian, Petrowski, A. Ott, Friske and Strachota
3/3/2009 Sen.Read first time and referred to committee on Transportation, Tourism, Forestry, and Natural Resources92
3/19/2009 Sen.Public hearing held 
5/20/2009 Sen.Senate amendment 1 offered by Senator A. Lasee179
6/5/2009 Sen.Senate amendment 2 offered by Senator A. Lasee194
7/16/2009 Sen.Executive action taken 
7/17/2009 Sen.Report adoption of Senate Amendment 2 recommended by committee on Transportation, Tourism, Forestry, and Natural Resources, Ayes 6, Noes 1243
7/17/2009 Sen.Report passage as amended recommended by committee on Transportation, Tourism, Forestry, and Natural Resources, Ayes 5, Noes 2243
7/17/2009 Sen.Available for scheduling 
9/28/2009 Sen.Senate substitute amendment 1 offered by Senator A. Lasee338
10/13/2009 Sen.Placed on calendar 10-20-2009 by committee on Senate Organization358
10/20/2009 Sen.Read a second time367
10/20/2009 Sen.Senate amendment 1 to Senate substitute amendment 1 offered by Senator Decker367
10/20/2009 Sen.Senate amendment 1 to Senate substitute amendment 1 adopted, Ayes 32, Noes 0367
10/20/2009 Sen.Senate amendment 2 to Senate substitute amendment 1 offered by Senators Olsen, Ellis, Harsdorf, Schultz, Cowles and Hansen367
10/20/2009 Sen.Senate amendment 2 to Senate substitute amendment 1 withdrawn and returned to author367
10/20/2009 Sen.Senate amendment 3 to Senate substitute amendment 1 offered by Senator Carpenter367
10/20/2009 Sen.Senator Miller added as a coauthor364
10/20/2009 Sen.Senator Miller added as a coauthor of Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Substitute Amendment 1374
10/20/2009 Sen.Senate amendment 3 to Senate substitute amendment 1 withdrawn and returned to author368
10/20/2009 Sen.Senate amendment 2 to Senate substitute amendment 1 resubmitted368
10/20/2009 Sen.Senate amendment 2 to Senate substitute amendment 1 adopted368
10/20/2009 Sen.Senate substitute amendment 1 adopted368
10/20/2009 Sen.Ordered to a third reading368
10/20/2009 Sen.Rules suspended368
10/20/2009 Sen.Read a third time and passed, Ayes 27, Noes 5368
10/20/2009 Sen.Ordered immediately messaged368
10/22/2009 Asm.Received from Senate449
10/23/2009 Asm.Read first time and referred to committee on Transportation451
10/29/2009 Asm.Executive action taken 
11/10/2009 Asm.Report concurrence recommended by committee on Transportation, Ayes 10, Noes 2515
11/10/2009 Asm.Referred to committee on Rules515
4/28/2010 Asm.Failed to concur in pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1971
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