Relating to: the award of litigation expenses in condemnation proceedings.
By Law Revision Committee
Read first time and referred to committee on Judiciary.
Assembly Bill
Relating to: restitution.
By Law Revision Committee
Read first time and referred to committee on Judiciary.
Assembly Bill
Relating to: appraisal of and payment for animals that are destroyed because of infectious diseases, livestock remedies, violations of animal health laws, granting rule-making authority and providing a penalty.
By Representatives Ott, Ainsworth, Brandemuehl, Seratti, Baldus, Freese, F. Lasee, Zukowski, Hahn and Olsen; cosponsored by Senator Schultz
Read first time and referred to committee on Transportation, Agriculture and Local Affairs.
Assembly Bill
Relating to: restricting the remedies available and requiring awards of costs in actions against agricultural uses.
By Representatives Klusman, Ward, Gronemus, Ott, Olsen, Zukowski, Ainsworth, Wilder, Hahn, Skindrud, Otte, Kreibich, Coleman, Jensen, Freese, Seratti, Brandemuehl, Silbaugh, Gunderson, Nass, Hutchison, Brancel, Powers, Ourada, Goetsch, Lehman, Musser, Huebsch, Albers, Grothman, Johnsrud, Foti, Porter, Gard and Harsdorf; cosponsored by Senators Drzewiecki, A. Lasee, Breske, Schultz, Weeden, Rude, Zien, Darling and Fitzgerald
Read first time and referred to committee on Transportation, Agriculture and Local Affairs.
Assembly Bill
Relating to: a loan guarantee program for the acquisition or improvement of farm assets.
By Representatives Ott, Ainsworth, F. Lasee, Ward, Harsdorf, Baldus, Wilder, Green, Freese, Hahn, Olsen, Gard, Albers, Hutchison, Kreibich, Gunderson, Dobyns, Musser, Seratti, Plombon and Ladwig; cosponsored by Senators Fitzgerald, Schultz, Breske, Rude, Clausing and Decker
Read first time and referred to committee on Transportation, Agriculture and Local Affairs.
Assembly Joint Resolution 39
Relating to: memorializing Congress to amend the internal revenue code to allow intrafamily transfers of property under the first-time farmer bond program.
By Representatives Ott, Ainsworth, Klusman, Lehman, Skindrud, Ourada, F. Lasee, Freese, Musser, Brandemuehl, Gard, Vrakas, Hahn, Albers, Harsdorf, Gunderson, Ladwig, Owens, Otte, Johnsrud, Huebsch, Kreibich, Green, Goetsch, Olsen, Springer, Grothman, Brancel, Zukowski, Nass and Silbaugh; cosponsored by Senators Petak, Buettner, Panzer, Rude, Burke, Cowles, Breske and Clausing
Read and referred to special committee on State and Federal Relations.
Senator Risser, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate adjourn Regular Session pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1 and the motion approved by the organization committee of the two houses to extend the September floor period to October 12, 1995.
10:01 A.M.
Senate substitute amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 441 offered by Senators Drzewiecki, Buettner, Zien, Welch, Breske, Farrow and Petak.
The Chief Clerk records:
Senate Joint Resolution 36
Senate Joint Resolution 37
Report correctly enrolled on October 10, 1995.
The Chief Clerk records:
Senate Bill 113
Report correctly enrolled on October 11, 1995.
Corrections In:
To 1995 SENATE BILL 144
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(October 11, 1995)
In enrolling, the following corrections were made:
1. Page 1, line 13: substitute "(cw)" for "(aw)"; and substitute "(c)" for "(a)".
Corrections In:
To 1995 SENATE BILL 144
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(October 11, 1995)
In enrolling, the following correction was made:
Page 4, line 16: before "If" insert "(a)".
Corrections In:
To 1995 SENATE BILL 144
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(October 11, 1995)
In enrolling, the following corrections were made:
Page 1, line 4: on lines 4, 8 and 12, substitute "is" for "in".