Whereas, The room designated for the accommodation of the state senate is inadequate on account of improper heating and ventilation, and is lacking in many other respects, so as to make it not only inconvenient and uncomfortable, but also an unhealthful place for the senate to meet in.
Resolved by the senate, That the superintendent of public property at his earliest convenience designate and prepare a more suitable place for the senate to hold its sessions. It is suggested that the old supreme court room would be a much more sanitary and convenient place than the present quarters.
Our colleagues in the past made the sacrifice to create this beautiful room, now it is our turn to allow it to be restored for future generations. Our temporary relocation will be much better than that afforded our colleagues.
When the Senate convenes on January 9, 1996 in the temporary chamber located in the 119 Martin Luther King Building, it will be the first time in 82 years that the Senate will not meet in this room.
I hope that all of us will have the honor and privilege of serving in the Senate when the Senate once again convenes in this room, restored to all of its grandeur. It will truly be a monument to democracy.
Upon adjournment please join me in the Senate parlor to toast the start of the restoration of the South wing.
Senator Ellis, with unanimous consent, asked that all action be messaged to the Assembly.
Senator Farrow, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate adjourn pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1.
3:20 P.M.
Chief Clerk's Report
The Chief Clerk records:
Seante Bill 17
Senate Bill 55
Senate Bill 80
Senate Bill 131
Senate Bill 132
Senate Bill 144
Senate Bill 249
Presented to the Governor on November 16, 1995.
Senate Enrolled Proposals
The Chief Clerk records:
Senate Bill 4
Senate Bill 160
Senate Bill 210
Senate Bill 289
Report correctly enrolled on November 16, 1995.
legislative reference bureau corrections
Corrections In:
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(November 14, 1995)
Note: These changes reflect the content of the drafting record for Senate Amendment 1.