Noes, 1 - Senator Adelman.
Senate Bill 422
Relating to: considering certain statutory factors in deviating from the child support percentage standard, treatment of child care expenses, ordering trusts for the support of children, order of disbursement of wages for Huber law inmates, reducing a payer's child support obligation if the child receives a federal benefit, a study of county child support agency staffing, ordering payment of postmajority support for a child with exceptional educational needs, requiring a report evaluating the adequacy of child support orders and paternity judgments and blood test costs.
Introduction and adoption of Senate amendment 1.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Huelsman, Welch, Darling, Risser and Adelman.
Noes, 0 - None.
Introduction and adoption of Senate amendment 2.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Huelsman, Welch, Darling, Risser and Adelman.
Noes, 0 - None.
Introduction and adoption of Senate amendment 3.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Huelsman, Welch, Darling, Risser and Adelman.
Noes, 0 - None.
Passage as amended.
Ayes, 3 - Senators Huelsman, Welch and Darling.
Noes, 2 - Senators Risser and Adelman.
Senate Bill 435
Relating to: the time to answer a summons in certain cases and requiring that the costs awarded to an individual represented by a unit of government be paid to the unit of government (suggested as remedial legislation by the department of justice).
Ayes, 5 - Senators Huelsman, Welch, Darling, Risser and Adelman.
Noes, 0 - None.
Joanne Huelsman
S542 The committee on Transportation, Agriculture and Local Affairs reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 96
Relating to: the operation and local regulation of bicycles and the operation and use of other vehicles.
Ayes, 5 - Senators A. Lasee, Drzewiecki, Zien, Andrea and Clausing.
Noes, 0 - None.
Assembly Bill 186
Relating to: eligibility for special registration plates and identification cards for parking privileges for physically disabled persons.
Ayes, 5 - Senators A. Lasee, Drzewiecki, Zien, Andrea and Clausing.
Noes, 0 - None.
Assembly Bill 231
Relating to: information contained in the files on licensees maintained by the department of transportation.
Ayes, 5 - Senators A. Lasee, Drzewiecki, Zien, Andrea and Clausing.
Noes, 0 - None.
Assembly Bill 251
Relating to: damage done by horses, sheep and goats.
Ayes, 5 - Senators A. Lasee, Drzewiecki, Zien, Andrea and Clausing.
Noes, 0 - None.
Assembly Bill 252
Relating to: requiring the use of safety belts or child safety restraint systems for children riding within cargo areas of motor trucks and providing a penalty.
Ayes, 5 - Senators A. Lasee, Drzewiecki, Zien, Andrea and Clausing.
Noes, 0 - None.
Assembly Bill 483
Relating to: appraisal of and payment for animals that are destroyed because of infectious diseases, livestock remedies, violations of animal health laws, granting rule-making authority and providing a penalty.
Introduction and adoption of Senate substitute amendment 1.
Ayes, 5 - Senators A. Lasee, Drzewiecki, Zien, Andrea and Clausing.
Noes, 0 - None.
Concurrence as amended.
Ayes, 5 - Senators A. Lasee, Drzewiecki, Zien, Andrea and Clausing.
Noes, 0 - None.
Tracy , Alan T., of Madison, as Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, to serve for the term ending at the pleasure of the Governor.
Ayes, 5 - Senators A. Lasee, Drzewiecki, Zien, Andrea and Clausing.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 271
Relating to: designating STH 33 as the "84th Division `Railsplitters' Memorial Highway".
Introduction and adoption of Senate substitute amendment 1.
Ayes, 5 - Senators A. Lasee, Drzewiecki, Zien, Andrea and Clausing.
Noes, 0 - None.
Passage as amended.
Ayes, 5 - Senators A. Lasee, Drzewiecki, Zien, Andrea and Clausing.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 466
Relating to: bringing honeybees and related items into this state and granting rule-making authority.
Ayes, 5 - Senators A. Lasee, Drzewiecki, Zien, Andrea and Clausing.
Noes, 0 - None.
Senate Bill 470
Relating to: substituting "phosphate" for "phosphoric acid" in the fertilizer control law, prohibited practices in installing, servicing, testing or calibrating weights and measures and due dates for payment of tonnage fees (suggested as remedial legislation by the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection).
Ayes, 5 - Senators A. Lasee, Drzewiecki, Zien, Andrea and Clausing.
Noes, 0 - None.
Alan Lasee
petitions and communications
State of Wisconsin
Department of Revenue
January 16, 1996
The Honorable, The Senate:
A summary report containing 1994 individual income tax statistics for Wisconsin school districts, which the Department of Revenue is required by law to provide you, is enclosed.
Sections 73.03 (29) and (30), Wis. Stats., require the Department to collect and analyze information from individual income taxfilers concerning the school district in which they resided during the taxable year, and to notify the presiding officers of both houses of the Legislature and the co-chairs of the Joint Committee on Finance of the results of the analysis.
Space was provided on all individual income tax returns for taxpayers to indicate, using a four-digit code, the school district in which they resided. These codes conform to the codes used by the Department of Public Instruction. School district information was not requested of Homestead credit claimants unless the claimant also filed an individual income tax return. Also, nonresidents filing Wisconsin income tax returns were directed not to enter a school district code.