Urban river grants, general land acquisition and Frank Lloyd Wright Monona terrace project: funding provisions; JCF review procedure [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1165am, 1235b-j, 1254e-r, 1262b-q, 1262r-1266v, 1319m, r, 1323j, 1324e-v, 1661m; A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: deletes 1235b-j, 1254e-r, 1262b-q, 1262r-1264m, 1266h-v, 1319m, r, 1324e-v, 1661m; S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: deletes 1262r-1264m] -  AB150
U.W. system capital planning: report on funds reallocation [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9157 (9h)] - AB150
UWHCA revisions re lease and affiliation agreement, employe contracts, LAB audit and records management [Sec. 2, 9-15, 28, 55-57, 62-67, 9162] -  AB935
UWHCA revisions re lease and affiliation agreement, employe contracts, LAB audit and records management [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``University of Wisconsin hospitals and clinics authority"]  - SB565
Volunteer health care provider program: approval requirements revised [Sec. 4373-4377; original bill only]  - AB150
Volunteer health care provider program: approval requirements revised -  AB477
Volunteer health care provider program: approval requirements revised -  SB242
Wisconsin institute for school executives: funding for [Sec. 598, 3857; A.Sub.Amdt.1: appropriations supplement provided, report required, JCF duties, 9137 (1x), deletes 3857; deleted by A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1; restored by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: 598, 9137 (1j)] -  AB150
Youth and athlete facility construction and coliseum renovation at state fair park [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9108 (12), 9152 (1x), (1z); S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: use may be restricted, 1965c, 1966j] -  AB150
legislature _ information policy, joint committee onLegislature — Information policy, Joint committee on
Information technology sharing by state agencies; DOA duties and implementation plan requirements  - SB396
Legislative information policy and privacy bureau created, JCLO duties set; JCIP duties expanded re public video conferencing -  SB395
legislature _ legislative organization, joint committee onLegislature — Legislative organization, Joint committee on
Attorney general's capitol office space requirement removed; references to location of office deleted  - AB398
Bill draft requests by legislators: number of free drafts per session limited; fee for additional drafts set; legislative office expense allowance authorized -  AB561
Blue book distribution and legislator allotment modified; legislative office expense allowance authorized  - AB710
Council of state governments: JCLO authority to maintain membership deleted -  SB539
Folded state highway maps distributed to legislators revised; legislative office expense allowance authorized  - AB711
Folded state highway maps: stamping or labeling by legislators prohibited; JCLO may establish toll-free legislative hotline, DOT to provide information on maps  - AB47
Highway service (wall) map distribution to legislators revised; legislative office expense allowance authorized  - AB714
Legislative document distribution service subscription provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 41m, 42m, 1755m, n, 9137 (2v), 9337 (1v)] -  AB150
Legislative employe base salary set -  SB539
Legislative hotline: JCLO may establish toll-free service; DOT to provide information on folded state highway maps  - AB162
Legislative information policy and privacy bureau created, JCLO duties set; JCIP duties expanded re public video conferencing -  SB395
Legislative office and travel expense allowances for legislators authorized -  AB713
Legislative office expense allowances authorized; limits specified -  AB888
Legislative office expense allowances authorized; postage stamp perforation requirement created  - AB45
Legislator office space: JCLO to assign based on district number; exceptions for leadership - AB1022
Party caucuses research staff: positions and JCLO authority deleted -  SB539
State printing changes re certain DOA, state agencies and contract printer requirements; legislative printing specifications; specific authority of Governor deleted; DOA authority and out of state printing provisions -  SB637
Theobald, Dr. H. Rupert: public service honored by plaque to be placed in Assembly chamber [S.Amdt.1: use of private contributions (amendment adoption reconsidered, laid on table)] - AB833
Wisconsin information service council created to broadcast government proceedings; DOA and JCLO duties set  - SB397
Anderson, Gerald K.: life and public service -  AJR72
Bice, Raymond C.: life and public service -  AJR23
Bice, Raymond C.: life and public service -  SJR10
Cirilli, Arthur: life and public service -  SJR46
Consecutive terms of office for governor and state legislators limited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - AJR54
Consecutive terms of office for state officers, legislators and members of U.S. Congress from this state limited: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR32
Elective state officials appointment to positions in state employment restricted -  AB431
Fellenz, Louis: life and public service -  SJR16
Group health insurance coverage: eligibility of Governor and legislators -  SB73
Hanaway, Donald: life and public service -  SJR36
Kenyon, Kyle: life and public service -  AJR88
La Fave, Reuben: life and public service -  AJR34
Legislative immunity from arrest and civil process: constitutional grant abolished. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR27
Legislative immunity from arrest and civil process: constitutional grant abolished. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  SJR22
Legislative terms of office revised: Assembly made 4-year, Senate made 6-year. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR45
Legislator office space: JCLO to assign based on district number; exceptions for leadership - AB1022
Lieutenant governor's office abolished; gubernatorial line of succession amended re Speaker of the assembly: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR57
Lobbyist service by former legislators or constitutional officers prohibited for certain period -  SB101
Lobbyist service by former legislators prohibited for certain period -  AB24
Lobbyist service by former legislators prohibited for certain period -  AB266
Lobbyist service by legislators prohibited [Assembly rule 21m] - AR3
Morton, Earl D.: life and public service -  SJR44
Nelson, Gaylord: receipt of Presidential medal of freedom commended -  AJR58
Peterson, Elmer C.: life and public service -  SJR8
Plewa, John: life and public service -  SJR37
Reger, Fred: life and public service -  AJR2
Secretary of state duties re oaths of office, trademark, notary public applicants and certain corporate regulations modified - AB1096
Secretary of state duties re oaths of office, trademark, notary public applicants and certain corporate regulations modified (remedial legislation) -  SB586
Vanderperren, Cletus: life and public service -  AJR1
Wheeler, Floyd E.: life and public service -  AJR51
Wing, Jerry: life and public service -  AJR11
legislature _ member _ compensationLegislature — Member — Compensation
Bill draft requests by legislators: number of free drafts per session limited; fee for additional drafts set; legislative office expense allowance authorized -  AB561
Blue book distribution and legislator allotment modified; legislative office expense allowance authorized  - AB710
Folded state highway maps distributed to legislators revised; legislative office expense allowance authorized  - AB711
Highway service (wall) map distribution to legislators revised; legislative office expense allowance authorized  - AB714
Legislative interim allowances for postage and clerical assistance discontinued -  AB1
Legislative interim allowances for postage and clerical assistance discontinued [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 16q, r, 17f, 9337 (2t); S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: authorization procedure provided, allowances continued, deletes 16r; A.Amdt.1 to S.Amdt.116: procedure for adjusting maximum legislator expenses, 9137 (3g)] -  AB150
Legislative office and travel expense allowances for legislators authorized -  AB713
Legislative office expense allowances authorized; limits specified -  AB888
Legislative office expense allowances authorized; postage stamp perforation requirement created  - AB45
Legislative per diem allowances: revision re number of eligible days -  AB887
Salary-setting procedure for legislators: JCOER to submit in bill form -  AB436
Salary-setting procedure for legislators: JCOER to submit in bill form; provision re failure to enact; travel and per diem allowances set -  AB904
Salary-setting procedure for legislators: JCOER to submit in resolution form; two-thirds vote required  - AB300
Sick leave program for state legislators: accumulation of unused leave restricted -  AB712
legislature _ procedureLegislature — Procedure
Assembly rules revised [for rule numbers, see entry under: ``Legislature — Rules — Assembly"]  - AR2
Assembly rules revised re ending daily session, special committees creation, rereferral of a proposal while in committee and after reported out [Assembly rules 10 (1m)(intro.), (3), 42 (3)(c), 90, 90 (2), 95 (82), (90)] -  AR31
Budget stabilization fund: appropriation provided; statements re property tax relief and two-thirds vote to withdraw moneys from fund -  AB730
Floorperiods for 1995-96 session created; deadline for Governor's budget message extended -  SJR1
Legislative proposals to change certain funding sources for programs: statutory provision created to regulate  - AB461
Organization of 1995-96 Assembly; list of officers; notification to Senate and Governor -  AR1
Organization of 1995-96 Senate; list of officers; notification to Assembly and Governor -  SR1
Revival of 1995 AB-33 (U.W. system undergraduate tuition and academic fees) -  AJR97
Revival of 1995 AB-758 (sulfide ore mining) -  AJR98