Juvenile release, escape or absence from certain facilities or institutions: notification of victims, witnesses and general public modified -  Act 207
Restitution for juvenile's act: performance of services for the victim by the juvenile authorized -  Act 183
Victim attendance at parole hearings [Sec. 4q, r, 20L, 512b-e, 722k, 9211 (9e), 9311 (1e)] -  Act 237
crime victim rights boardCrime victim rights board
Crime victim rights revised; Crime victim rights board created -  Act 181
criminal identification and investigationCriminal identification and investigation
Child support enforcement: DWD authority re subpoena of financial data, access to certain records and genetic testing -  Act 191
Child welfare, children in out-of-home care, TPR and adoption: laws revised; definition of abandoned infant; procedures re background checks clarified [Sec. 43, 101-103, 105-151, 157m, p, 192, 196, 680, 683-685, 691-697, 701-722, 9109 (1), 9309 (1), (2)] -  Act 237
Credentials issued by DORL: applicant investigation and fee provisions [Sec. 223, 224, 4201, 4292-4297, 9242 (1), 9342 (1)] -  Act 27
Criminal background checks and reporting and investigating client abuse for certain health care and children's facilities; computer link and automated interface; audit and study requirements [Sec. 1631d, 1640d, 1645m, 1655p, r, 1661d, 1663d, 1664d, f, 1976m, 2006u, 2059d, f, 2157gv, 2860g, 2986u-un, 3101m, 4196u, 4198n, 5176g, 5250b, 9123 (13pt), (13pu), 9131 (3pt)-(3px), 9132 (3pt), 9423 (9pt), (9ptt), 9431 (1pt), 9442 (1pt)] -  Act 27
Criminal history and abuse record search law re 1997 WisAct 27 revised [Sec. 156, 157, 158-187, 191, 227-250, 393, 9422 (3)] -  Act 237
Kinship care eligibility revisions [Sec. 1622d, 1623d, 1624d, 1626g, 1628g, 9423 (10f)] -  Act 27
Kinship care: long-term program created -  Act 105
Obsolete language and provisions eliminated re certain DPI and public school statutes; background check on DPI license applicant modified re photograph (remedial legislation)  -  Act 113
Photographing and fingerprinting juveniles [Sec. 3103j-n] -  Act 27
Seized alcohol beverages and cigarettes: use in criminal investigations authorized (remedial legislation)  -  Act 291
d - D -
dairy plantsDairy plants
Dairy plant financial statements and hazardous waste facility records or information: access to confidential documents required re child and spousal support  -  Act 191
dairy productDairy product, see also Food
Farmer assistance and farm mediation and arbitration programs revised; dairy farmer exit and entry program created; admissibility of evidence provision -  Act 264
Rural economic development program changes; grants for dairy farm or other agricultural business [Sec. 4382-4401, 4403, 4404, 9310 (3)] [4393 — partial veto; 4383n — vetoed] -  Act 27
Rural economic development program: grants for specified purposes and GPR amounts increased [Sec. 556, 9210 (2)]  -  Act 237
Stray voltage research funding; includes economic effect on milk production [Sec. 170v, 2498v, 3160m] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
dairy product _ regulationDairy product — Regulation
Federal dairy pricing policy and milk marketing order reforms: DATCP duty; DATCP to assist organizations in reforming policies [Sec. 173, 173b, 2493, 2493b, 9404 (2x)]  -  Act 27
Asthmatic pupil: possession and use of metered dose or dry powder inhaler permitted -  Act 77
Dogs used to perform law enforcement functions: liability for damages -  Act 141
Elder abuse or neglect reporting: retaliation or discrimination against person prohibited; complaint and court action for damages provisions -  Act 131
Hospital lien provisions expanded to include chiropractic services; ``hospital lien" changed to ``health care provider lien" [Sec. 5165c-x, 9356 (9h), 9456 (4z)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Minimum markup law: revisions re sale of motor vehicle fuel; provisions re damage, petroleum price reporting service and notification requirements -  Act 55
Partial-birth abortions prohibited, exception to save life of woman; violators sentenced to life imprisonment; liability provisions -  Act 219
Personal identifying information and identification document misappropriation: prohibition created; civil action provision -  Act 101
Recycling program: volume-based solid waste fee criteria modified; civil liability immunity; grant program amended; DNR duties set, report and study required  -  Act 60
Underage drinking penalties and civil liability exemption re retaining proofs of age [Sec. 2903rm, 2905g, m, 9343 (1vx)] -  Act 27
Wrongful death claims: limit increased; minor sibling provision  -  Act 89
Wrongful death or civil action: recovery on behalf of a child revised (remedial legislation) -  Act 290
Battery to or criminal damage to property of witness: prohibitions expanded re threats and family members  -  Act 143
Court ordered restitution to victims or payments to persons represented by DATCP: appropriation created [Sec. 182]  -  Act 27
Fermented malt beverage wholesaler distribution rights: cause of action for agreement violations created; requirements re shipments from outside the state revised  -  Act 166
Petroleum contaminated soil handling re contract with DOT: liability exemption [Sec. 678m] -  Act 237
Petroleum contaminated soil transportation: liability exemption created [Sec. 3660g] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Recycling program: volume-based solid waste fee criteria modified; civil liability immunity; grant program amended; DNR duties set, report and study required  -  Act 60
Vehicles obstructing freeway or expressway: removal of disabled vehicle; civil liability immunity re damage from removal or storage; stopping at scene of accident  -  Act 258
Wildlife damage abatement and claim program: hunting access provision revised [Sec. 82ac-ae] -  Act 237
Wildlife damage program revised; certain land required to be open to hunting; urban wildlife damage control grants, claims and abatement programs; JCF approval re release of funds; report required [for section numbers and vetoes, see ``Game"] -  Act 27
danceDance, see Amusement
dane countyDane county
Badger trail between Madison and Freeport, Illinois: development of abandoned rail corridor [Sec. 766ur] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Criminal violations of certain income and franchise tax provisions: location of trial set (remedial legislation)  -  Act 291
Drug crime prosecutions in Milwaukee and Dane counties: DOA funding to OJA for DA positions [Sec. 9101 (3), (4)] -  Act 27
Sexually violent person commitment cases: assistant DAs provided for certain counties; records and report of time spent on cases required; additional prosecutors provided [Sec. 5491b, 9101 (6), (7), 9131 (1m)] -  Act 27
USH 14: erection and maintenance of specific information signs on certain portion authorized -  Act 124
data processingData processing, see also Telecommunications
Aquatic and terrestrial resources inventory information system [Sec. 364m, 762c] -  Act 27
Campaign finance data base: funding allocated for software conversion and enhancement [Sec. 9129 (1m)]  -  Act 27
Campaign finance reports: electronic filing requirements created -  Act 230
Certificates of title: revisions re electronic delivery, automated format, title transfer and special transaction fee [Sec. 3189, 3242, 3253, 3975mm, 3984, 3985, 3992, 3993, 3999, 4000, 4003p, r, 4029-4033, 4036, 4037-4043m, 4044m, 4048, 4052, 9349 (4), (10m), 9449 (2), (6m)] -  Act 27
Child and other support-related payments: DWD to implement statewide automated receipt and disbursement system; segregated fund created [for section numbers, see entry under ``Family — Support"] -  Act 27
Child support liens, levies and financial institution account data exchange; support collections trust fund repealed [partial veto] -  Act 191
Circuit court automation: continuing PR appropriation [Sec. 716] -  Act 27
Computer property tax treatment: DOR to study [Sec. 9143 (2e)] -  Act 27
Computers and related equipment: property tax exemption created; escrow fund created for aid payments; reporting requirements [Sec. 52, 59, 59m, 83d, 279-279bp, o, 307r, 312, 313, 317n-318, 368p, 369g, 725, 9242 (12), (13p), 9342 (5p), 9442 (2), (3)] -  Act 237
Corr.Dept information system reengineering; JCIP approval required [Sec. 9132 (1k)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Credential application and information: DORL to provide electronic procedures [Sec. 4197m, 4198m, 4201m, 4286g-s, 4290m, 4303m, 4304m, 4307m, 4312m, 4320m, 4327m, 9442 (1j)] [9442 (1j) — vetoed] -  Act 27
Criminal background checks and reporting and investigating client abuse for certain health care and children's facilities; computer link and automated interface; audit and study requirements [for section numbers, see entry under ``Criminal identification and investigation"]  -  Act 27
DHFS information services employe positions transferred to DOA [Sec. 9123 (8)] -  Act 27
Electronic database information: access to and release in the courts, 1/22/97 -  SCO
Electronic funds transfer of certain taxes: DOR may require only by promulgating rules; authority to prescribe other methods re tax payments, forms filing and document authentication [for section numbers, see entry under ``Revenue, Department of"] -  Act 27
Electronic funds transfer re community service job, transitional placement and payments to custodial parent of infant; grant increases [Sec. 1815, 1816] -  Act 27
Electronic signature use authorized and regulation provided; Commission on the use of electronic signatures created, reports required; DFI duties set -  Act 306
Electronic transfer of food stamp benefits: federal PR appropriation account created [Sec. 46, 9455 (1)]  -  Act 237
Facility licensing and certification system: DHFS to develop; DOA Secretary may withhold approval of funding re DORL input [Sec. 9123 (7)] -  Act 27
Filing and paying taxes: DOR to study alternative methods [Sec. 9143 (2m)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Hazardous materials emergency response computer and equipment: local match provisions [Sec. 3116s, 3117d-f]  -  Act 27
Information systems technology oversight [Sec. 7m, 10s, 143n, 9101 (11g)] [143n, 9101 (11g) — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Information technology, Council on, eliminated [Sec. 10rm, 54mm, 148e, 1346g] -  Act 27
Information technology development projects; services appropriation structure and lapse [Sec. 143r-146s, 666m, n, 670r, 740c-j, 9201 (3x), 9401 (3g)] [670r — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Information technology strategic plan updates [Sec. 143m] -  Act 27