housing and economic development authority, wisconsin Housing and economic development authority, Wisconsin
Activities report - A 469; S 377
Dividends for Wisconsin - S 263
Guaranteed loans: number and dollar amount - A 145, 421, 1001
Guaranteed loans: number and dollar amount - S 141, 800
insurance, office of the commissioner of Insurance, Office of the commissioner of
Health care providers: impact of 1995 WisAct 10 - A 195; S 178
Wisconsin insurance report - S 259
investment board Investment board
Annual performance report - A 135; S 118, 580
Investment goals and strategies: annual report - A 16, 471, 571
Investment goals and strategies: annual report - S 8, 118, 386, 441
Investment policy changes - A 68, 136, 195, 223, 968, 1001
Investment policy changes - S 82, 138, 177, 208, 441, 753, 800
Proposals affecting the human environment - A 271, 977; S 268, 771
joint legislative council Joint legislative council
Adoption laws, adoption assistance and long-term kinship care: legislation on - A 450; S 369
Child abuse and neglect: legislation on prevention of - A 461
Election process: legislation on - A 788; S 580
Fish and game laws recodification: legislation on - A 617; S 492
General report - A 965; S 750
Hunting and fishing changes: legislation on - A 535; S 427
Lead poisoning prevention and control: legislation on - A 788; S 552
Programs for persons with developmental disabilities: legislation on
 - A 788; S 552
Public libraries: legislation on - A 253
Teacher preparation, licensure and regulation: legislation on - A 450; S 369
judicial commission Judicial commission
Annual report - S 584
justice, department of Justice, Department of
Caregiver background checks - A 957; S 745
County-tribal law enforcement programs: annual report - A 67, 542
County-tribal law enforcement programs: annual report - S 68, 402
Criminal background record checks - A 957; S 745
Stalking and harassment statute violations: arrests and judgments of conviction - A 245; S 233
justice assistance, office of Justice assistance, Office of
Anti-drug anti-crime strategy - S 427
Juvenile justice plan: progress report - S 258
justice information systems, bureau of Justice information systems, Bureau of
Annual report - A 789; S 518
legislative audit bureau Legislative audit bureau
Best practices review of local government operations - A 44, 229
Best practices review of local government operations - S 10, 217
Bond underwriting - A 240; S 232
Biennial report - A 53; S 25
Career youth development - A 992; S 792
Charter school program - A 1003; S 804
Children at risk program - A 239; S 230
Corrections costs - A 451; S 363
DATCP consumer protection program - A 452; S 369
DNR expenditures re fish and wildlife programs - A 959; S 744
ECB radio and television networks - A 470; S 383
Fiscal control and budgetary issues - A 121; S 121
Fish stocking and propagation activities - A 214; S 191
Gaming, Division of - A 925; S 726
Gaming board - A 244; S 238
Highway program management - A 111; S 119
Kids information data system - A 453; S 374
Legislator travel expenses reimbursement review - A 44
Local government property insurance fund - A 461; S 377
Lottery - A 96, 198, 953; S 102, 185, 740
Mendota and Winnebago mental health institutes - A 224, 964; S 213, 749
Menominee county evaluation - A 597
Miller park - A 422; S 344
Milwaukee county general assistance-medical program - A 321; S 293
Milwaukee metropolitan sewerage district - A 129; S 138
Multifamily dwelling code - S 101
Nurse aide complaints - A 452; S 370
Nursing home regulation and monitoring by BOALTC - A 543; S 441
Patients compensation fund - A 941; S 732
Petroleum environmental cleanup fund award - A 988; S 787
Reading instruction review - A 940; S 726
State of Wisconsin: financial and compliance audit - A 970; S 228, 755
Technical college system administrative salaries - A 972; S 762
Transportation department general aid program - A 198; S 185
Unemployment reserve fund - S 108
Universal service fund financial audit - A 959; S 744
Universal service fund financial statements - A 221; S 204
U.W. Extension - A 122; S 128
U.W. system financial and compliance audit - A 372; S 306
Vending machine permit fee - S 422
WHA radio and television - A 470; S 383
WHEDA loan guarantee program - A 470; S 382
legislative organization, joint committee on Legislative organization, Joint committee on
Information technology strategic plan - A 995
medical college of wisconsin Medical college of Wisconsin
Family and community medicine department: annual report - A 228; S 218
milwaukee area technical college Milwaukee area technical college
Sexual assault and harassment information - A 421, 995; S 341, 792
milwaukee public schools _ office of governmental relations Milwaukee public schools - Office of governmental relations