We appreciate the courtesy and cooperation extended to us by staff of the Department of Natural Resources. A response from the Department is Appendix VII.
Janice Mueller
State Auditor
State of Wisconsin
Legislative Audit Bureau
July 6, 1998
The Honorable, The Legislature:
As requested by the Public Service Commission (PSC), we have completed a financial audit of the Universal Service Fund, which was established under 1993 Wisconsin Act 496 to ensure that all state residents receive essential telecommunication services and have access to advanced telecommunication capabilities, such as the Internet. Our audit report contains our unqualified opinion on the Fund's financial statements and related notes for the calendar years ending December 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996.
During the course of our audit, we found that PSC has not fully developed all of the programs it established to enhance telecommunication capabilities around the state. Consequently, the Fund's 1997 expenditures were significantly less than its $8 million budget for programs and administration, and its balance increased by $1.91 million to reach $6.27 million at the end of its second year of operation. To reduce this balance, PSC temporarily suspended revenue assessments against telecommunication providers effective January 1998.
The Legislature also intends to fund the Educational Telecommunications Access Program, which is one of five programs related to the Technology for Educational Achievement (TEACH) initiative established in 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, from the Universal Service Fund. The program is intended to provide eligible school districts, technical college districts, private colleges, and private library boards with enhanced telecommunication services such as direct access to the Internet and two-way interactive video, which allows participants to view and respond to instructional presentations made from off-site locations. The Legislature appropriated $12.32 million from the Universal Service Fund to support this program during the 1997-99 biennium.
As of May 31, 1998, the Universal Service Fund had not incurred any expenditures under the Educational Telecommunications Access Program. However, because the entire $12.32 million is available to the TEACH Board for expenditure at any time during the 1997-99 biennium, PSC will need to re-institute assessments against telecommunication providers. The Joint Committee on Finance may wish to ensure that the fees assessed against the telecommunication providers are sufficient and timely to fund all Universal Service Fund expenditures when it receives a report concerning certain financial activities, which the Legislature required from PSC and the TEACH Board under non-statutory provisions in 1997 Wisconsin Act 27. That report is due in August 1998.
We appreciate the courtesy and cooperation extended to us by the staff at PSC and at the Fund's administrator, Williams, Young and Associates, LLC, during the audit. A response from Public Service Commission is the appendix.
Janice Mueller
State Auditor
State of Wisconsin
Higher Educational Aids board
June 30, 1998
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Per 1997 Act 27, section 9156(1)(h) the Higher Educational Aids Board along with the Educational Approval Board have conducted a study to identify all statutes relating to the functions and duties of each board that are obsolete or antiquated. Attached are the findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
S745 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (608)264-6181. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Jane Hojan-Clark
Acting Executive Secretary
State of Wisconsin
Department of Justice
July 1, 1998
The Honorable, The Legislature:
Section 9131 of 1997 Wisconsin Act 27 requires the Department of Justice to prepare and submit two reports on criminal history background searches. I am please to offer these reports to fulfill requirements of that legislation.
"Criminal Background Record Checks - Uniform Fee Proposal" is a report on the feasibility of establishing uniform fees for criminal history searches performed under ss.165.82. The Department of Justice has determined that a uniform fee of $7 would provide the revenue necessary to support current costs, but opposes the implementation of a uniform fee structure for reasons detailed in the report.
"Caregiver Background Checks - Determining Convictions in Other States" is a two-part report. The first part, prepared by the Department of Justice, examines whether an efficient method exists to determine if a person employed in the caregiver industry has a relevant criminal conviction in a state other than Wisconsin. Use of the current national record check system would require state legislation and the submission of an applicant fingerprint card. The report outlines some other options available to caregivers searching for out-of-state criminal record information.
The second part of the report, prepared by the Department of Health and Family Services, examines the methods available for determining if a caregiver has been reported for abuse or neglect or misappropriation of property in another state.
Questions about either Department of Justice report should be referred to Michael A. Roberts, Deputy Administrator, Division of Law Enforcement Services, at 608/266-7052. Questions concerning the report developed by the Department of Health and Family Services can be referred to George Watson of DHFS at 267-7949.
James E. Doyle
Attorney General
executive communications
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
July 2, 1998
To the Honorable, the Senate:
The following bill(s), originating in the Senate, have been approved, signed and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State:
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
June 3, 1998
To the Honorable, the Senate:
The following bill(s), originating in the Senate, have been approved, signed and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State:
referrals and receipt of committee reports concerning proposed administrative rules
Relating to the remediation of soil contamination through landspreading.
Submitted by Department of Natural Resources.
Report received from Agency, July 7, 1998.
Referred to committee on Environment and Energy, July 8, 1998.
Relating to emission limitations for motor vehicles.
Submitted by Department of Natural Resources.
Report received from Agency, July 7, 1998.
Referred to committee on Environment and Energy, July 8, 1998.
Relating to the slow-no-wake speed restriction on Tombeau lake, Walworth county.
Submitted by Department of Natural Resources.
Report received from Agency, July 7, 1998.
Referred to committee on Environment and Energy, July 8, 1998.
Relating to commercial fishing in the Wisconsin-Minnesota boundary waters.
Submitted by Department of Natural Resources.
Report received from Agency, July 7, 1998.
Referred to committee on Environment and Energy, July 8, 1998.
Relating to implementation of the automated license issuance system.
Submitted by Department of Natural Resources.
Report received from Agency, July 7, 1998.
Referred to committee on Environment and Energy, July 8, 1998.
Relating to the administration of the forest crop law and the managed forest law.
Submitted by Department of Natural Resources.
Report received from Agency, July 7, 1998.
Referred to committee on Environment and Energy, July 8, 1998.
Relating to adopting additional annuity mortality tables.