AB378,18,1110 (d) The provisions of s. 973.075 (1) (b) 1. to 3. and (5) apply to vehicles other than
11motor vehicles under this subsection.
AB378,18,1412 (e) This subsection shall not apply to a deer killed, or so injured that it must
13be killed, by a collision with a motor vehicle on a highway. For purposes of this
14subsection, "deer" does not include farm-raised deer.
Note: Reconciles the treatments by 1995 Wis. Acts 79, 126 and 225.
AB378, s. 51 15Section 51. 29.578 (14) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB378,18,1816 29.578 (14) (am) The department may issue special retail deer sale permits
17authorizing a person to retail a venison in the carcass from a deer lawfully killed
18under this section to any retailer of meats.
Note: Corrects error in transcribing 1991 Wis. Act 269.
AB378, s. 52 19Section 52. The amendment of 30.12 (4) (a) of the statutes by 1995 Wisconsin
20Act 201
is not repealed by 1995 Wisconsin Act 227. Both amendments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
AB378, s. 53 21Section 53. 30.16 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
130.16 (1) (a) Removal. The governing body of any municipality in this state
2may cause to be removed to a convenient and safe place any watercraft or float
3obstructing or interfering with the free navigation of any river, canal, water channel
4or slip within its harbor after having given reasonable notice to the master or owner
5or the agent of the master or owner, if known and a resident of this state, or to the
6person in charge thereof, to so remove such watercraft or float. The governing body
7of the municipality by ordinance or resolution may authorize any harbor master or
8other public officer over whom it has jurisdiction to remove such the obstruction, and
9may prescribe the officer's duties with respect thereto and the mode of carrying them
10into effect and may prescribe penalties for violation of such ordinance or resolution.
Note: Corrects error in transcribing 1991 Wis. Act 316.
AB378, s. 54 11Section 54. The amendment of 30.202 (3) of the statutes by 1995 Wisconsin
12Act 201
is not repealed by 1995 Wisconsin Act 227. Both amendments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
AB378, s. 55 13Section 55. The amendment of 30.204 (5) of the statutes by 1995 Wisconsin
14Act 201
is not repealed by 1995 Wisconsin Act 227. Both amendments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
AB378, s. 56 15Section 56. 30.40 (7m) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 211,
16is amended to read:
AB378,19,1817 30.40 (7m) "Nonmetallic mining" has the meaning given in s. 144.9407 (1) (a)
18295.11 (3).
Note: Inserts correct cross-reference. Section 144.9407 (1) (a) was renumbered to
s. 295.11 (3) by 1995 Wis. Act 227.
AB378, s. 57 19Section 57. 30.44 (8) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Acts 201
20and 211, is amended to read:
130.44 (8) (a) Except as provided under sub. (1) (f), a person shall apply for and
2be issued by the board a permit for an activity in subs. (1) to (5) for land in the
3riverway 59.692.
Note: Deletes text inserted by 1995 Wis. Act 201 which was rendered surplusage
by the treatment by 1995 Wis. Act 211.
AB378, s. 58 4Section 58. 30.44 (8) (c) (intro.) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin
5Acts 201
and 211, is amended to read:
AB378,20,96 30.44 (8) (c) (intro.) The board may grant a waiver of a performance standard
7for an activity in sub. (1) (b) and issue a permit under par. (a) or may grant a waiver
8authorizing an activity prohibited under s. 30.45 (3) or (3m) for land in the riverway
959.692 if one of the following applies:
Note: The insertion of "59.692" by 1995 Wis. Act 201 was rendered surplusage by
the treatment by 1995 Wis. Act 211.
AB378, s. 59 10Section 59. The treatment of 30.681 (1) (b) of the statutes by 1995 Wisconsin
11Act 290
is not repealed by 1995 Wisconsin Act 436. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
AB378, s. 60 12Section 60. The treatment of 30.681 (2) (b) of the statutes by 1995 Wisconsin
13Act 290
is not repealed by 1995 Wisconsin Act 436. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
AB378, s. 61 14Section 61. The treatment of 30.681 (2) (d) of the statutes by 1995 Wisconsin
15Act 290
is not repealed by 1995 Wisconsin Act 436. Both treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
AB378, s. 62 16Section 62. 30.77 (3) (dm) 1. of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB378,21,218 30.77 (3) (dm) 1. In this paragraph, "local entity" means a city, village, town,
19county, qualified lake association, as defined in s. 144.253 281.68 (1), nonprofit
20conservation organization, as defined in s. 23.0955 (1), town sanitary district, public

1inland lake protection and rehabilitation district or another local governmental unit,
2as defined in s. 66.299 (1) (a), that is established for the purpose of lake management.
Note: Inserts correct cross-reference. Section 144.253 was renumbered to s.
281.68 by 1995 Wis. Act 227.
AB378, s. 63 3Section 63. 33.32 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB378,21,124 33.32 (1) (f) An owner, mortgagee, lessee or other person having an interest in
5any parcel affected by the determination who feels aggrieved thereby , may, within
640 days after the date of mailing of notice, appeal therefrom to the circuit court of the
7county in which the district is located by causing a written notice of appeal to be
8served upon the secretary of the district. The secretary in case such appeal is taken
9shall make a brief statement of the proceedings had in the matter and shall transmit
10the same with all papers in the matter to the clerk of the circuit court. Such appeal
11shall be tried and determined in the same manner as cases originally commenced in
12said court.
Note: Removes comma added by 1991 Wis. Act 316. The comma was never shown
in the printed statutes.
AB378, s. 64 13Section 64. 36.09 (1) (j) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB378,22,1814 36.09 (1) (j) Except where such matters are a subject of bargaining with a
15certified representative of a collective bargaining unit under s. 111.91, the board
16shall establish salaries for persons not in the classified staff prior to July 1 of each
17year for the next fiscal year, and shall designate the effective dates for payment of
18the new salaries. In the first year of the biennium, payments of the salaries
19established for the preceding year shall be continued until the biennial budget bill
20is enacted. If the budget is enacted after July 1, payments shall be made following
21enactment of the budget to satisfy the obligations incurred on the effective dates, as
22designated by the board, for the new salaries, subject only to the appropriation of

1funds by the legislature and s. 20.928 (3). This paragraph does not limit the
2authority of the board to establish salaries for new appointments. The board may
3not increase the salaries of employes specified in ss. 20.923 (5) and (6) (m) and 230.08
4(2) (d) under this paragraph unless the salary increase conforms to the proposal as
5approved under s. 230.12 (3) (e) or the board authorizes the salary increase to correct
6salary inequities under par. (h), to fund job reclassifications or promotions, or to
7recognize competitive factors. The board may not increase the salary of any position
8identified in s. 20.923 (4) (j) or (4m) under this paragraph unless the salary increase
9conforms to the compensation plan for executive salary group positions as approved
10under s. 230.12 (3) (b) or the board authorizes the salary increase to correct a salary
11inequity or to recognize competitive factors. The granting of salary increases to
12recognize competitive factors does not obligate inclusion of the annualized amount
13of the increases in the appropriations under s. 20.285 (1) for subsequent fiscal
14bienniums. No later than October 1 of each year, the board shall report to the joint
15committee on finance and the departments of administration and employment
16relations concerning the amounts of any salary increases granted to recognize
17competitive factors, and the institutions at which they are granted, for the 12-month
18period ending on the preceding June 30.
Note: Corrects error in transcribing 1987 Wis. Act 340.
AB378, s. 65 19Section 65. The treatments of 40.05 (4) (b) of the statutes by 1995 Wisconsin
20Act 27
, sections 1957 and 1957r, are not repealed by 1995 Wisconsin Act 240. All
21treatments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
AB378, s. 66 22Section 66. The amendment of 40.08 (8) (b) of the statutes by 1995 Wisconsin
23Act 302
is not repealed by 1995 Wisconsin Act 414. Both amendments stand.

Note: There is no conflict of substance.
AB378, s. 67 1Section 67. The amendment of 40.08 (14) of the statutes by 1995 Wisconsin
2Act 302
is not repealed by 1995 Wisconsin Act 414. Both amendments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
AB378, s. 68 3Section 68. The amendment of 40.23 (1) (b) of the statutes by 1995 Wisconsin
4Act 302
is not repealed by 1995 Wisconsin Act 414. Both amendments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
AB378, s. 69 5Section 69. 45.74 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB378,23,76 45.74 (1) (c) The amount of $45,000 for loan applications approved during the
7period beginning on, August 12, 1993, and ending on June 30, 1994.
Note: Deletes unnecessary comma.
AB378, s. 70 8Section 70. 46.10 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB378,23,189 46.10 (7) The department shall administer and enforce this section. It shall
10appoint an attorney to be designated "collection and deportation counsel" and other
11necessary assistants. The department may delegate to such the collection and
counsel such other powers and duties as it deems considers advisable.
13The collection or and deportation counsel or any of the assistants may administer
14oaths, take affidavits and testimony, examine public records, subpoena witnesses
15and the production of books, papers, records, and documents material to any matter
16of proceeding relating to payments for the cost of maintenance. The department
17shall encourage agreements or settlements with the liable person, having due regard
18to ability to pay and the present needs of lawful dependents.
Note: Corrects error in transcribing 1991 Wis. Act 316 and modernizes language.
AB378, s. 71 19Section 71. 46.206 (1) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 77,
20is amended to read:
146.206 (1) (b) All records of the department and all county records relating to
2social services shall be open to inspection at all reasonable hours by authorized
3representatives of the federal government. Notwithstanding ss. 48.396 (2) and
4938.396 (2), all county records relating to the administration of such the services and
5public assistance shall be open to inspection at all reasonable hours by authorized
6representatives of the department.
Note: 1995 Wis. Act 77 amended this section, as affected by 1995 Wis. Act 27. Act
27 changed "such" to "the". Act 77 reinserted "such" without strikes and underscores.
No change was intended.
AB378, s. 72 7Section 72. The amendment of 46.215 (1m) of the statutes by 1995 Wisconsin
8Act 352
is not repealed by 1995 Wisconsin Act 417. Both amendments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
AB378, s. 73 9Section 73. 46.215 (2) (c) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB378,24,2211 46.215 (2) (c) 1. A county department of social services shall develop, under
12the requirements of s. 46.036, plans and contracts for care and services to be
13purchased, except for care and services under subch. III of ch. 49 or s. 301.08 (2). The
14department of health and family services may review the contracts and approve
15them if they are consistent with s. 46.036 and if state or federal funds are available
16for such purposes. The joint committee on finance may require the department of
17health and family services to submit the contracts to the committee for review and
18approval. The department of health and family services may not make any payments
19to a county for programs included in a contract under review by the committee. The
20department of health and family services shall reimburse each county for the
21contracts from the appropriations under s. 20.435 (3) (oo) and (7) (b) and (o) or under
22s. 20.435 (3) (cd)
, as appropriate, under s. 46.495.

Note: 1995 Wis. Act 27 repealed s. 20.435 (3) (cd) and (oo) effective 7-1-96.
AB378, s. 74 1Section 74. 46.22 (1) (b) 3. b. of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB378,25,43 46.22 (1) (b) 3. b. To make investigations which relate to programs under s.
449.046,1993 stats., upon request by the department of health and family services.
Note: 1995 Wis. Act 27 repealed s. 49.046 effective 1-1-96.
AB378, s. 75 5Section 75. 46.22 (1) (c) 8. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB378,25,106 46.22 (1) (c) 8. (intro.) To administer child welfare services including services
7to juveniles who are delinquent and to children who are mentally retarded,
8dependent, neglected, delinquent, or nonmarital, and to other children who are in
9need of such services. In administering child welfare services the county department
10of social services shall be governed by the following:
Note: Replaces "children" with "juveniles" for consistency of references to
delinquents with language of ch. 938.
AB378, s. 76 11Section 76. 46.22 (1) (c) 8. c. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB378,25,1813 46.22 (1) (c) 8. c. Upon the request of the judge assigned to exercise jurisdiction
14under chs. 48 and 938, the county department of social services shall investigate the
15home environment and other factors in the life of any child brought to the attention
16of the court for alleged dependency, or neglect, or any juvenile brought to the
17attention of the court for alleged
delinquency, and to assume guidance and
18supervision of any child juvenile placed on probation by that court.
Note: Replaces "child" with "juvenile" for consistency of references to delinquents
with language of ch. 938.
AB378, s. 77 19Section 77. The amendment of 46.22 (1) (dm) of the statutes by 1995 Wisconsin
20Act 352
is not repealed by 1995 Wisconsin Act 417. Both amendments stand.
Note: There is no conflict of substance.
AB378, s. 78
1Section 78. 46.22 (1) (e) 3. a. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB378,26,143 46.22 (1) (e) 3. a. A county department of social services shall develop, under
4the requirements of s. 46.036, plans and contracts for care and services, except under
5subch. III of ch. 49 and s. 301.08 (2), to be purchased. The department of health and
6family services may review the contracts and approve them if they are consistent
7with s. 46.036 and to the extent that state or federal funds are available for such
8purposes. The joint committee on finance may require the department of health and
9family services to submit the contracts to the committee for review and approval.
10The department of health and family services may not make any payments to a
11county for programs included in the contract that is under review by the committee.
12The department of health and family services shall reimburse each county for the
13contracts from the appropriations under s. 20.435 (3) (oo) and (7) (b) and (o) or under
14s. 20.435 (3) (cd)
, according to s. 46.495.
Note: 1995 Wis. Act 27 repealed s. 20.435 (3) (cd) and (oo) effective July 1, 1996.
AB378, s. 79 15Section 79. 46.28 (1) (am) 1. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB378,26,1817 46.28 (1) (am) 1. A child juvenile adjudged delinquent for whom a case
18disposition is made under s. 938.34.
Note: Replaces "child" with "juvenile" for consistency of references with language
of ch. 938.
AB378, s. 80 19Section 80. 46.28 (1) (am) 2. of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB378,26,2321 46.28 (1) (am) 2. A child found to be in need of protection or services for whom
22an order is made under s. 48.345 or a juvenile found to be in need of protection or
23services for whom an order is made under s.

Note: Inserts reference to "juvenile" for consistency of references with language
of ch. 938.
AB378, s. 81 1Section 81. 46.40 (1) (c) of the statutes, as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 303,
2is amended to read:
AB378,27,153 46.40 (1) (c) The Milwaukee County department of social services shall report
4to the department in a manner specified by the department on all children under the
5supervision of the Milwaukee County department of social services who are placed
6in foster homes and whose foster parents receive funding for child care from the
7amounts distributed under par. (a) so that the department may claim federal foster
8care and adoption assistance reimbursement under 42 USC 670 to 679a for the
9amounts expended by the Milwaukee County department of social services for the
10provision of child care for those children. Notwithstanding s. 46.49, if the
11department receives any federal moneys under 42 USC 67 670 to 679a in
12reimbursement of the amounts expended by the Milwaukee County department of
13social services for the provision of child care for children in foster care in 1996 and
141997, the department shall distribute those federal moneys to the Milwaukee County
15department of social services for the provision of child care for children in foster care.
Note: Inserts correct cross-reference.
AB378, s. 82 16Section 82. 46.979 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 404,
17is renumbered 49.131 (2) (a) and amended to read:
AB378,27,2018 49.131 (2) (a) From the appropriation under s. 20.445 (3) (md), distribute
19$9,998,500 in fiscal year 1995-96 and $10,099,200 in fiscal year 1996-97 for child
20day care services under s. 46.98 49.132 (2m) and (3).
Note: 1995 Wis. Act 404 renumbered the remainder of s. 46.979 to be s. 49.131 and
renumbered s. 46.98 (2m) and (3) to be s. 49.132 (2m) and (3).
AB378, s. 83
1Section 83. 46.98 (2) (title) and (a) of the statutes, as affected by 1995
2Wisconsin Act 404
, are renumbered 49.132 (2) (title) and (a).
Note: 1995 Wis. Act 404 renumbered the remainder of s. 46.98 to be s. 49.132.