False identity assumed to commit a crime: penalty enhancement provided -  AB25
False report of police misconduct prohibited; conspicuous notification provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, report changed to complaint] -  AB208
False representations affecting elections: law expanded re reelection -  AB213
Fraud investigations under W-2 [Sec. 1867, 1868; original bill only] -  AB100
Fraud investigations under W-2 [Sec. 1867, 1868] -  SB77
Fraudulent misrepresentation of residence: W-2 and food stamp provisions to incorporate federal provisions [Sec. 1755, 1764, 1799, 1800, 1808, 1809] -  AB100
Fraudulent misrepresentation of residence: W-2 and food stamp provisions to incorporate federal provisions [Sec. 1755, 1764, 1799, 1800, 1808, 1809] -  SB77
Lobbying by principals that offer memberships for sale: business and financial report requirements revised  - AB535
Lobbying by principals that offer memberships for sale: business and financial report requirements revised; CPA provision - AB511
Questionnaire responses by candidates or elected officials: publication or dissemination of false information prohibited - AB4
Solid waste laws, permits and special orders: intentional violation made a crime; forfeiture increased; false statement provision revised -  SB290
fredrick, stephen eFredrick, Stephen E.
Life and public service - AJR36
frit _fixed retirement investment trust_FRIT (Fixed retirement investment trust), see Retirement — Public
fte _full_time equivalent position_FTE (Full-time equivalent position), see Public employe
Alternate fuel tax rate adjustment [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 2428g, 9143 (2r)] -  AB100
Aviation fuel purchase: allowance re petroleum inspection fee [Sec. 720, 3118, 3119, 3120, 3121, 9310 (7)]  - AB100
Aviation fuel purchase: allowance re petroleum inspection fee [Sec. 720, 3118, 3119, 3120, 3121, 9310 (7)]  - SB77
Aviation fuel tax computation: technical correction re 1997 Wis Act 27 -  AB606
Aviation fuel tax computation: technical correction re 1997 Wis Act 27 -  SB362
Aviation fuel tax rate increased [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2432m, 2434g, r, 9443 (15i); A.Amdt.8: computation of tax revised, 2434b, deletes 2432m, 2434g, r, 9443 (15i)]  - AB100
Business tax registration provisions [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub. Amdt.1: Sec. 2360m, 2388m-p, 2391m, 2392mm, no, 2416m-q, 2428p-v, 2432p-t, 2444m, 2950m, 2977c, 3121c, 5503h, 9443 (18t)] -  AB100
Diesel fuel: dye required for tax exemption [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2413m, 2414n, 2438m, 9443 (15j)] - AB100
Diesel fuel dyed for nonhighway use: motor vehicle fuel tax exemption expanded -  AB640
Diesel fuel dyed for nonhighway use: motor vehicle fuel tax exemption expanded -  SB358
Diesel fuel dyed for nonhighway use: motor vehicle fuel tax exemption expanded re gasoline - AB738
Diesel fuel dyed for nonhighway use: motor vehicle fuel tax exemption expanded re gasoline - AB804
DOA gasohol and alternative fuels report modified (remedial legislation) -  SB399
DOA report re gasohol, alternative fuels, resource recovery and recycling modified [Sec. 99, 119; original bill only]  - AB100
DOA report re gasohol, alternative fuels, resource recovery and recycling modified [Sec. 99, 119] - SB77
Great Lakes: drilling to explore for or produce oil or gas prohibited -  SB350
Income and franchise tax: corporate income apportionment formula revised; credits for sales tax on fuel and electricity used in manufacturing limited [A.Amdt.1: report required]  - AP8 AB5
Income and franchise tax: corporate income apportionment formula revised; credits for sales tax on fuel and electricity used in manufacturing limited -  AP8 SB5
Low-income energy board and fund created; electric or gas provider fee provision -  AB941
Low-income energy board and fund created; electric or gas provider fee provision -  SB529
Manufacturing sales tax credit for fuel [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2262m, s, t, 2264m, 2276m-p, 2279g, 2280m, n, 2286m-p, 9343 (9z); A.Amdt.8: deletes 2279g]  - AB100
Manufacturing sales tax credit for fuel and electricity: alternative minimum tax and effective date [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 284m, p, 286m, 293p, 294p, 297p, 9342 (3e), (6t)]  - AB768
Minimum markup law: revisions re sale of motor vehicle fuel; damage provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, provisions re petroleum price reporting service and notification requirements] -  AB283
Minimum markup law: revisions re sale of motor vehicle fuel; damage provisions -  SB277
``Special fuel" and ``motor fuel" replaced with ``alternate fuel" and ``motor vehicle fuel" respectively (remedial legislation) - AB963
Weights and measures laws revised re liquified petroleum gas meters and fees, licenses for certain persons and fees for commercial scale licenses [Sec. 170, 2548-2568, 9304 (1)-(3); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 2550m, 2552d, f, 2568b, 9304 (1t), (2), 9404 (4t), (4x), deletes 2552, 2568, 9304 (1), (3)] - AB100
Weights and measures laws revised re liquified petroleum gas meters and fees, licenses for certain persons and fees for commercial scale licenses [Sec. 170, 2548-2568, 9304 (1)-(3)] - SB77
full_time equivalent position _fte_Full-time equivalent position (FTE), see Public employe
funeral and funeral directorFuneral and funeral director
Burial or funeral payments for certain benefit and assistance program recipients increased; MA resource determination revised re irrevocable burial trust -  AB489
Burial or funeral payments for certain benefit and assistance program recipients increased; MA resource determination revised re irrevocable burial trust -  SB325
Disposition of human remains: right of person to control by written document and to appoint agent to carry out wishes; civil liability immunity provision -  AB943
Internal revenue code updates; deduction for interest on qualified education loans limited; depreciation computation; technical changes [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Income tax"] -  AB768
Telephone solicitation prohibited re cemetery merchandise or lot, burial agreements, mausoleum space and certain insurance - AB515
Telephone solicitation prohibited re cemetery merchandise or lot, burial agreements, mausoleum space and certain insurance - SB292
fur farmFur farm
Captive wildlife: new regulatory structure under DNR created -  AB514
Domestic mink: occupational tax discontinued; proceeds used for research -  SB234
g - G -
Charitable gaming, Council on, eliminated [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 89m, 4675m] - AB100
Compulsive gambling awareness campaigns [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 229m, 607m, 704g, 1410g; enrolling correction, 607m renumbered 605m] - AB100
Compulsive gambling prevention and treatment: board, toll-free hotline, outreach program and research, treatment center and prisoner treatment program created; funding from lottery and racing revenues -  AB597
Delinquent taxes: bingo supplier, racing and pari-mutuel wagering license denied for; SSN and federal employer ID provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 566bi-bn, 9301 (2e)]  - AB768
Gaming board abolished, functions transferred to DOA; Division of gaming created; authority over state lottery transferred to DOR [Sec. 15, 17, 49, 86-89, 175, 176, 226-233, 690, 691, 754, 757, 3094, 3097, 3293, 3295, 3299, 3301, 3305, 3307, 3313, 3314, 4549-4592, 4594-4605, 4607-4615, 4617-4621, 4624-4683, 4685-4697, 4700, 4702-4736, 4740-4744, 4746, 4750-4752, 4754-4758, 4760-4766, 4768, 4769, 4771-4773, 4776, 4778, 4780-4783, 4785-4793, 5223, 5224, 5342, 5449, 9120 (1), (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 4769m, 4782m, deletes 4740, 4769, 4773, 4782; A.Amdt.8: deletes 89, 229, 4662, 4663, 4675] -  AB100
Gaming board abolished, functions transferred to DOA; Division of gaming created; authority over state lottery transferred to DOR [Sec. 15, 17, 49, 86-89, 175, 176, 226-233, 690, 691, 754, 757, 3094, 3097, 3293, 3295, 3299, 3301, 3305, 3307, 3313, 3314, 4549-4592, 4594-4605, 4607-4615, 4617-4621, 4624-4683, 4685-4697, 4700, 4702-4736, 4740-4744, 4746, 4750-4752, 4754-4758, 4760-4766, 4768, 4769, 4771-4773, 4776, 4778, 4780-4783, 4785-4793, 5223, 5224, 5342, 5449, 9120 (1), (2)] -  SB77
Indian gaming compacts: Governor to submit to Legislature for approval -  AB211
Indian gaming compacts: Governor to submit to Legislature for approval -  SB42
Indian gaming compacts: Governor to submit to Senate for approval -  AB210
Indian gaming compacts: Governor to submit to Senate for approval -  SB43
Indian gaming regulation: funding increased [Sec. 9201 (2)] - AB768
Indian gaming regulation: funding increased [Sec. 9201 (2)] - SB436
Nonresident gambling winnings at Native American casinos in Wisconsin: taxation of [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 281e, g, 9342 (3b)] - AB768
Pari-mutuel wagering regulation: funding increased [Sec. 9201 (1)] -  AB768
Pari-mutuel wagering regulation: funding increased [Sec. 9201 (1)] -  SB436
Political contributions by owners, operators or managers of casinos or racetracks: acceptance prohibited; forfeiture provided - AB793
State lottery, lottery credit and pari-mutuel wagering eliminated; new claims under the farmland relief tax credit prohibited -  AB350
State lottery, lottery credit and pari-mutuel wagering eliminated; new claims under the farmland relief tax credit prohibited -  SB199
State lottery, pari-mutuel on-track betting and Indian gaming agreements: proceeds to reduce property taxes re principal dwellings and rent; distribution not subject to uniformity requirement of the Wisconsin constitution (section 1, article VIII). Constitutional amendment (1st consideration)  - SJR32
Captive wildlife: new regulatory structure under DNR created -  AB514
Deer (antlerless) hunting provision re hunter education and firearm safety program certificate [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, small game hunting provision added, minimum age restriction removed] -  AB79
Deer meat: processor may sell if unclaimed -  AB732
DNR reports required re fish hatchery operations and funding for fish and wildlife account [A.Sub.Amdt.1]  - AB61
Dog damages to certain wildlife: procedure to recover forfeitures established -  SB282
Fish and game laws: chap.29, Wis.Stats., recodified -  AB864
Hunting, fishing, trapping or managment of wild animals: local governmental unit ordinance authority; DNR provision  - AB646
Seized fish and game: distribution to certain food programs and sale to certain businesses permitted; sale proceeds for certain DNR programs [Sec. 323, 961-967, 1120; original bill only] - AB100