192.001 Definitions.
192.14 Caboose equipment.
192.15 Engine equipment.
192.17 Arrest of passenger; police power of conductors.
192.18 Shipment of grain, delivery.
192.25 Railroad train crews.
192.255 Qualifications of conductors and flagmen.
192.266 Lights on track motor cars.
192.267 Luminous markings on engines and cars.
192.268 Windshield, canopy and curtains on track motor cars.
192.27 Connecting tracks and switching.
192.29 Train speed at street and highway crossings.
192.292 Trains obstructing highways.
192.295 Wilful neglect of railroad employes.
192.31 Telltales over railroads.
192.32 Trespassing on railroad.
192.321 Getting on and off cars.
192.324 Railroad bridges to be safe for employes.
192.327 Motor vehicles of railroads used to transport its employes.
192.33 Fences, cattle guards, crossings.
192.34 Fences; complaint of insufficient; hearing; order.
192.35 Interference with fences; trespassers on track.
192.36 Fences, occupant of land may build or repair.
192.37 Fences, farm crossings; railroads to provide.
192.38 Contracts not affected.
192.42 Common carriers, joint liability, enforcement.
192.43 Liability of carrier of passengers made absolute.
192.44 Fires; railroad liability; action for damages.
192.47 Railroad police; oath; powers.
192.52 Terminals and shops, removal.
192.53 Railroad track clearance.
192.54 General penalty for this chapter.
192.55 Special penalties for this chapter.
192.56 Abandoning of railroad stations.
192.71 Lands may be sold; proceedings if terms of grant not complied with.
192.72 Lands may be mortgaged.
192.73 Sale of abandoned rail property after release by state.
192.80 Full crew employe rights.
192.001 192.001 Definitions. In this chapter:
192.001(1m) (1m) "Department" means the department of transportation.
192.001(2) (2) "Office" means the office of the commissioner of railroads.
192.001 History History: 1977 c. 29; 1981 c. 347; 1983 a. 189; 1993 a. 16, 123.
192.14 192.14 Caboose equipment.
192.14(1)(1) This section shall apply to all cabooses except those operated in yard or transfer service.
192.14(2) (2) Cabooses shall be at least 24 feet in length exclusive of platform and be of either a cupola or bay window type. Cabooses shall be of metal construction and shall be sufficiently insulated to reduce noise to a reasonable level. Cabooses shall be provided with a door with a window at each end, and with an outside platform across each end, not less than 24 inches in width and be equipped with proper guard rails and with grab irons and steps for the safety of persons getting on and off.
192.14(3) (3) The trucks shall provide riding qualities at least equal to those of freight-type trucks modified with elliptical or additional coil springs or other means of equal or greater efficiency and shall be equipped with standard steel wheels.
192.14(4) (4) Cabooses constructed after December 30, 1973 shall be equipped with cushion underframe draft gear. Cabooses constructed prior to December 30, 1973 shall be equipped with cushion draft gear.
192.14(5) (5) Cabooses placed in service after December 30, 1973 shall be provided with electric lighting of at least 40 footcandles for direct illumination of the caboose desk, reading areas and lavatory facilities.
192.14(6) (6) Wherever glass or glazing materials are used on exterior doors or windows they shall be of the shatterproof glass type or an equivalent clear plastic product.
192.14(7) (7) Stanchions, grab handles or bars shall be installed at entrances, exits and cupola within convenient reach of employes moving within the caboose. All edges and protrusions, including, but without limitation because of enumeration, all bench, desk, chair and other furnishings, shall be rounded.
192.14(8) (8) All cabooses shall be equipped with at least one portable foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide type fire extinguisher with a minimum capacity of 1-1/4 gallons or 5 pounds. Such extinguishers shall be placed in readily accessible locations and shall be effectively maintained.
192.14(9) (9) In the event a failure of required equipment or standards of maintenance occurs after a caboose has commenced a trip in service, it shall be corrected at the first point at which maintenance supplies are available, or, in case of repairs, at the first point where repair facilities are available.
192.14(10) (10) If in any particular case any temporary exemption from any requirement of this section is deemed necessary by a carrier, the office shall consider the application of the carrier for temporary exemption and may grant the exemption when accompanied by a full statement of the conditions existing and the reasons for the exemption. Any exemption so granted will be limited to the particular case specified and shall be limited to a stated period of time.
192.14(11) (11) Compliance with this section shall be accomplished within 5 years of December 30, 1973. The requirements stated in this section shall be deemed complied with by equipment or standards or maintenance equal or superior to those prescribed in this section.
192.14(12) (12) The office may after public hearing make rules and establish the standards deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.
192.14 History History: 1973 c. 154; 1981 c. 347 s. 80 (1); 1993 a. 16, 123.
192.15 192.15 Engine equipment.
192.15(1)(1) This section shall apply to all engines or locomotives used in operating a railroad.
192.15(2) (2) For purposes of this section:
192.15(2)(a) (a) "Cab" means the crew compartment of the engine.
192.15(2)(b) (b) "Control unit" means the unit which controls the movement of multiple units.
192.15(2)(c) (c) "Engine" means a locomotive or a unit propelled by any form of energy, or a combination of such units operated from a single control, used in train or yard service.
192.15(2)(d) (d) "Initial terminal" means the terminal within the state from which an engine is dispatched and at which maintenance supplies are available or at which regular maintenance forces are available to repair defective equipment.
192.15(2)(e) (e) "Railroad" means a railroad operated as a common carrier in this state.
192.15(3) (3) Cabs shall be sufficiently insulated to reduce noise in the cab in accordance with federal regulations.
192.15(4) (4) Cabs shall be provided with at least 2 doors for exiting in 2 different directions. Exterior platforms shall be equipped with appropriate hand or guard rails. All ladders and steps shall be equipped with grab irons for the safety of persons getting on and off.
192.15(5) (5) Wherever glass and glazing materials are used on exterior engine doors or windows they shall be in compliance with federal regulations.
192.15(6) (6) Cab doors and windows shall be weatherstripped to prevent drafts and noxious odors from entering the cab. Cabs shall be heated to maintain a minimum temperature of 50° Fahrenheit and shall be insulated to retain heat. Heaters shall be in proper working order whenever the engine is in use.
192.15(7) (7) Cabs shall be supplied with a drinking cup dispenser with a supply of cups. At least one gallon of sanitary water from a water cooler or sealed containers of water from a refrigerated cooler shall be in the cab at the time of departure from the initial terminal.
192.15(8) (8) Each cab used in train service more than 25 miles from an initial terminal shall be equipped with a suitable retention toilet facility. If locomotives are operated in multiple units only the control unit needs to comply with the toilet facility requirement. All toilet facilities shall be sanitary and operational when placed in service at the initial terminal.
192.15(9) (9) Each cab shall be in a clean and sanitary condition when placed in service.
192.15(10) (10) A cab used in train service shall be equipped with a speedometer functioning accurately within 3 miles per hour. If locomotives are operated in multiple units only the control unit needs to comply with the speedometer requirement.
192.15(11) (11) Engines shall be equipped with whistles or horns mounted to face the direction in which the engine is moving and placed to emit a warning sound at a sound level which accords with established practices to warn employes and the public of the engine's approach.
192.15(12) (12) All cabs shall be equipped with at least one portable foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide type fire extinguisher with a minimum capacity of 1-1/4 gallon or 5 pounds. The extinguisher shall be placed in a readily accessible location and shall be effectively maintained.
192.15(13) (13) If a failure of required equipment or standards of maintenance, as set forth under this section, occurs after an engine has commenced a trip or tour of duty in service, it shall be corrected at the first point at which maintenance supplies are available, or, in case of repairs, prior to the next assignment.
192.15(14) (14) If in any particular case any exemption from any requirement of this section is deemed necessary by a carrier, the office shall consider the application of the carrier for exemption and may grant the exemption when accompanied by a full statement of the conditions existing and the reasons for the exemption. Any exemption so granted shall be limited to the particular case specified and shall be limited to a stated period of time.
192.15(15) (15) Compliance with this section shall be accomplished within 5 years of November 17, 1977. The requirements stated in this section shall be deemed complied with by equipment or standards or maintenance equal or superior to those prescribed in this section.
192.15 History History: 1977 c. 155; 1981 c. 347 s. 80 (1); 1993 a. 16, 123.
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