98.14(3) (3) The department shall prescribe specifications with which the glassware described in this section shall comply. The unit of graduation for all Babcock glassware shall be the true cubic centimeter or the weight of one gram of distilled water at 4 degrees centigrade.
98.14(4) (4) Sealers of weights and measures are not required to seal Babcock milk, cream or butter test bottles or milk pipettes marked as in this section provided, but they shall from time to time make tests of individual bottles used by the various firms in the territory over which they have jurisdiction in order to ascertain whether the above provisions are being complied with and they shall report immediately to the department violations found.
98.14 History History: 1993 a. 492; 1997 a. 253.
98.145 98.145 Licensing of milk and cream testers.
98.145(1) (1) To secure fair and accurate tests to producers and manufacturers for the determination of the basis of payment or for settlement for such milk or cream, or for the purpose of official inspection, or for the making of records of dairy production, persons making such milk fat tests shall be licensed by the department as herein provided.
98.145(2) (2) No person may engage as a tester of milk or cream to determine its value for payment or for the purpose of official inspection or for records of dairy production for the purposes described above unless the person holds a license issued by the department; but no such license is required of a licensed cheesemaker or buttermaker. The license shall expire biennially on October 31 of the 2nd year commencing after the date of issuance or renewal. Each application for milk tester license or renewal thereof shall be accompanied by a fee of $50. Each application shall be made upon forms provided by the department. If the department conducts a reinspection of any milk or cream tested by a person licensed under this subsection due to any violation of any federal or state law which the department determines in a regularly scheduled inspection of milk or cream tested by that person, the department shall charge that person $25 for that reinspection.
98.145(3) (3) To qualify for a milk and cream tester's license the applicant shall not have an arrest or conviction record, subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335, shall furnish 2 references who have known the applicant for at least one year and shall give proof of ability to perform the necessary duties to the satisfaction of the department by satisfactorily passing a written examination pertaining to milk and cream sampling and care of samples and use of the Babcock test or other test method approved by the department; and by actual demonstration in the laboratory of his or her ability to determine accurately the milk fat content of milk and cream including special emphasis on the handling and testing of composite samples of milk and cream.
98.145(4) (4) Unless provision is made for the testing of milk or cream by a duly licensed tester as provided herein, no dairy plant shall receive any milk or cream unless at least one employe is a milk and cream tester licensee who shall be responsible for the care of samples and the testing of milk and cream and who shall be regularly assigned to the duty of making such tests.
98.145(5) (5) This section shall not be construed to require the licensing of city or village sanitary or dairy inspectors.
98.145 History History: 1977 c. 216; 1981 c. 380; 1981 c. 391 s. 211; 1987 a. 27.
98.146 98.146 Licensing milk weighers and samplers.
98.146(1) (1) All persons except licensed cheesemakers and buttermakers taking weights and samples of milk in bulk tanks or measuring milk in bulk tanks to determine weight, on the farm premises where such milk is produced, shall be licensed by the department under this section, and no person who is not so licensed shall engage in such activities.
98.146(2) (2) Each application for a license under this section or license renewal shall be made on forms provided by the department and shall be accompanied by the license fee required under sub. (4). The license shall expire biennially on September 30 of the 2nd year commencing after the date of issuance or renewal. The applicant shall not have an arrest or conviction record, subject to ss. 111.321, 111.322 and 111.335, and shall give proof of ability to engage in such weighing and sampling to the satisfaction of the department by satisfactorily passing a written examination pertaining to such activities. If the department conducts a reinspection of any measurement by a person licensed under this subsection due to any violation of any federal or state law which the department determines in a regularly scheduled inspection of that measurement, the department shall charge the holder of that license the reinspection fee required under sub. (4) for that reinspection.
98.146(3) (3) No dairy plant shall receive any milk required to be weighed and sampled by a licensee under this section unless it has been so weighed and sampled.
98.146(4) (4) The department may establish by rule the amount of license or reinspection fees required under sub. (2). Unless otherwise established by department rule, a license fee under sub. (2) is $40 and a reinspection fee under sub. (2) is $40.
98.15 98.15 False testing.
98.15(1)(1) No person shall manipulate, underread or overread or make any false determination by the Babcock test or any other test used for determining the value of milk or cream. No person shall make any false record or report of the results of any such test.
98.15(2) (2) A district attorney to whom any violation of this section is reported shall cause appropriate actions or proceedings to be instituted for the collection of a forfeiture or fine or for the enforcement of other remedies. In any enforcement action the court may, in addition to any other penalty provided, order restitution to any party injured by violation of this section. If the violator is convicted of a crime, restitution shall be in accordance with s. 973.20.
98.15 History History: 1979 c. 264; 1987 a. 398.
98.16 98.16 Licensing of vehicle scale operators.
98.16(1) (1)Definitions. In this section:
98.16(1)(b) (b) "Vehicle scale" means a commercial scale that is designed to weigh loaded or unloaded highway, farm or industrial vehicles, except that it does not include a scale that is operated exclusively by this state.
98.16(2) (2)License.
98.16(2)(a)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., a person may not operate a vehicle scale without a license from the department. A separate license is required for each scale. A license is not transferable between persons or scales. A license expires on March 31 annually. The department shall provide a license application form for persons applying for a license. The form may require information reasonably required by the department for licensing purposes. A license application shall be accompanied by applicable fees under pars. (b) and (c).
98.16(2)(a)2. 2. Subdivision 1. does not apply to a person who operates a vehicle scale only as an employe of a person who is required to hold a license to operate the scale under this paragraph.
98.16(2)(b) (b) Beginning on October 14, 1997, and ending on June 30, 1999, the fee for a license under par. (a) is $60.
Effective date note NOTE: Par. (b) is repealed and recreated eff. 7-1-99 by 1997 Wis. Act 27 to read:
Effective date text (b) The fee for a license under par. (a) is $30, except that the department may establish a different fee by rule.
98.16(2)(c) (c) An applicant for a license under par. (a) shall pay a license fee surcharge of $200 in addition to the license fee if the department determines that within one year prior to submitting the license application the applicant operated a vehicle scale without a license as required by par. (a). Payment of the license fee surcharge does not relieve the applicant of any other civil or criminal liability for the operation of a vehicle scale without a license but shall not constitute evidence of violation of a law.
98.16(2)(d) (d) The department shall not issue or renew a license under par. (a) unless the applicant pays all fees required under pars. (b) and (c) as set forth in a statement issued by the department. The department shall refund a fee paid under protest if the department determines that the fee was not required to be paid under this section.
98.16(3) (3)Rules. The department may promulgate rules to establish license fees under sub. (2) (b) and to regulate the operation of vehicle scales. The rules may include all of the following:
98.16(3)(a) (a) Standards for the construction and maintenance of vehicle scales.
98.16(3)(b) (b) Requirements for testing and certification of vehicle scales.
98.16(3)(c) (c) Requirements for record keeping and reporting related to the testing and certification of vehicle scales.
98.16 History History: 1993 a. 16; 1997 a. 27.
98.18 98.18 Installing and servicing weights and measures.
98.18(1)(1)License required.
98.18(1)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (bm), no person may engage in the business of installing, servicing, testing or calibrating weights and measures without a license from the department. A license expires on December 31 annually.
98.18(1)(bm) (bm) Paragraph (a) does not apply to any of the following:
98.18(1)(bm)1. 1. A person who installs, services, tests or calibrates weights and measures only as an employe of a person who is required under par. (a) to hold a license to perform those services.
98.18(1)(bm)2. 2. An inspector or metrologist employed by this state, a county or a municipality to test or calibrate weights and measures.
98.18(1d) (1d) License application. An applicant for a license issued under sub. (1) (a) shall apply on a form provided by the department. The applicant shall provide on the form information that is reasonably required by the department for issuing licenses under this section. The license application shall be accompanied by the applicable fees under subs. (1h) and (1p).
98.18(1h) (1h)License fees. Unless the department establishes different fees by rule, the following annual license fees shall apply:
98.18(1h)(a) (a) If the applicant solely engages in installing, servicing, testing or calibrating weights and measures that the applicant owns, the applicant for a license under sub. (1) (a) shall pay a license fee in the amount of $100.
98.18(1h)(b) (b) If the applicant installs, services, tests or calibrates weights or measures for others, the applicant for a license under sub. (1) (a) shall pay all of the following:
98.18(1h)(b)1. 1. A basic license fee of $200.
98.18(1h)(b)2. 2. A supplementary license fee of $50 for each additional business location if the applicant operates from more than one business location.
98.18(1p) (1p)Surcharge for operating without a license. An applicant for a license under sub. (1) (a) shall pay a license fee surcharge of $200 in addition to the license fee if the department determines that within one year before making the application the applicant violated sub. (1) (a). Payment of this surcharge does not relieve the applicant of any other civil or criminal liability that the applicant may incur because of the violation of sub. (1) (a), but does not constitute evidence of violation of a law.
98.18(1t) (1t)License contingent on fee payment. The department may not issue or renew a license under sub. (1) (a) unless the applicant pays all fees required under subs. (1h) and (1p) as set forth in a statement issued by the department. The department shall refund a fee paid under protest if the department determines that the fee was not required to be paid under this section.
98.18(2) (2)Rules. The department may promulgate rules to establish license fees under sub. (1h) and to regulate the installation, servicing, testing and certification of weights and measures. The rules may include record-keeping and reporting requirements.
98.18(3) (3)Prohibited practices. A person who installs, services, tests or calibrates weights and measures may not do any of the following:
98.18(3)(a) (a) Install or adjust a weight or measure to make the weight or measure incorrect or to cause the weight or measure to violate this chapter or rules promulgated under this chapter.
98.18(3)(b) (b) Misrepresent that a weight or measure is correct.
98.18(3)(c) (c) Use any test weight or measure that has not been inspected, tested and approved by the department or by a laboratory certified by the national institute of standards and technology.
98.18 History History: 1993 a. 16; 1997 a. 27.
98.21 98.21 Bread, standard loaves.
98.21(1) (1) Except as provided in sub. (2), the weight of a loaf of bread manufactured, procured, made or kept for sale, offered for sale, or sold, for use or consumption within this state, shall be a multiple of 4 ounces and at least one-half pound avoirdupois weight. A variation or tolerance of one ounce in excess or one ounce in deficiency per pound from the weights provided for in this section shall be allowed in the weight of individual loaves of bread, but the average weight of at least 10 loaves of any one size shall not be less than the standard weight prescribed in this section. If 10 loaves of the same approximate size are not available, then the weight of all available loaves shall be used to decide the average weight, but in no case shall said number be less than 5.
98.21(2) (2) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any of the following:
98.21(2)(a) (a) Rolls, buns, biscuits, crackers and similar articles weighing less than 4 ounces avoirdupois each.
98.21(2)(b) (b) Stale bread, provided that such bread be conspicuously marked "stale bread", or placed in a container conspicuously marked "stale bread", and sold as and for stale bread.
98.21(2)(c) (c) Bread manufactured and sold for persons requiring special breads due to a medical condition.
98.21(3) (3) No person, by himself or herself or by a servant or agent, no firm or corporation, in its own behalf or by a servant or agent, and no person, firm or corporation as the servant or agent of another person, firm or corporation, shall manufacture, procure, make or keep for sale, offer or expose for sale, or sell, bread in the form of loaves of weights other than provided for in sub. (1) and in excess of the tolerances provided for therein.
98.21 History History: 1971 c. 113; 1983 a. 14, 329; 1993 a. 492.
98.22 98.22 Bulk deliveries sold in terms of weight and delivered by vehicle.
98.22(1)(1) When a commodity in bulk is delivered by vehicle to an individual purchaser and the commodity is sold in terms of weight units, the delivery shall be accompanied by a duplicate delivery ticket with the following information clearly stated in ink or by means of other indelible marking equipment:
98.22(1)(a) (a) The name and address of the vendor.
98.22(1)(b) (b) The name and address of the purchaser.
98.22(1)(c) (c) The net weight of the delivery expressed in pounds.
98.22(1)(d) (d) The gross and tare weights of the delivery if the net weight of the delivery is derived from determination of gross and tare weights.
98.22(2) (2) Where milk is picked up at farms, only the identity of the vendor and the net weight need be stated.
98.22(3) (3) One of the duplicate delivery tickets required under sub. (1) shall be retained by the vendor, and the other shall be delivered to the purchaser at the time of delivery of the commodity, or shall be surrendered, on demand to the inspector or sealer, who may retain it as evidence and issue a weight slip in lieu thereof for delivery to the purchaser. If the purchaser carries away the purchase, the vendor shall be required only to give to the purchaser at the time of sale a delivery ticket stating the number of pounds of commodity delivered to the purchaser. If the commodity is to be weighed by the purchaser, the purchaser shall furnish the vendor the duplicate delivery ticket provided for in this section.
98.22 History History: 1993 a. 492; 1995 a. 225.
98.225 98.225 Deliveries of certain liquid fuels.
98.225(1) (1) In this section, "liquid fuel" means gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil, diesel fuel or alternate fuels, as defined in s. 78.39 (1).
98.225(2) (2) No person may sell liquid fuel by liquid measure and deliver it by a vehicle equipped with a pump and metering device unless the pump and metering device is equipped with a delivery ticket printer. Except as provided in sub. (3), the seller shall, at the time of delivery, either provide a copy of the delivery ticket printed by the delivery ticket printer to the purchaser or leave a copy at the place of delivery. The delivery ticket shall contain all of the following information:
98.225(2)(a) (a) The name and address of the seller.
98.225(2)(b) (b) The name and address of the purchaser.
98.225(2)(c) (c) A description of the liquid fuel delivered.
98.225(2)(d) (d) The meter reading showing the volume of liquid fuel delivered.
98.225(3) (3) If there is a malfunction with the delivery ticket printer, the seller shall, at the time of delivery, either provide the purchaser or leave at the place of delivery the information required under sub. (2) in written form.
98.225 History History: 1993 a. 234.
98.245 98.245 Liquefied petroleum gas sales.
98.245(1) (1)Sales except by units of measurement prohibited. It is unlawful to sell or offer to sell at retail any liquefied petroleum gas except by avoirdupois weight, specified in pounds; liquid measure, specified in gallons; or vapor measure, specified in cubic feet, or such other units as may be approved by the department.
98.245(2) (2)Packages to bear tare weight. When liquefied petroleum gas is sold or offered for sale at retail by weight, in portable containers, the tare weight of the container shall be plainly and conspicuously marked on the outside of the container. Tare weight shall not be construed to include the valve protecting cap, which shall be removed when weighing. It is unlawful to sell or offer or expose for sale liquefied petroleum gas in packages or containers which do not bear a statement as to tare weight as required by this section, or which packages or containers bear a false statement as to tare weight, provided packages intended to be used only once and clearly marked with the statement "not refillable" are exempt from this tare weight requirement.
98.245(3) (3)Refilling; credit. When liquefied petroleum gas is sold by the package or container, either by a refilling of a container or an exchange of containers, the vendor shall give the purchaser full credit for the unused liquid remaining in a container being exchanged or refilled.
98.245(4) (4)Correction to temperature of volume sold.
98.245(4)(a)(a) When liquefied petroleum gas is sold or delivered to a consumer as a liquid and by liquid measurement the volume of liquid so sold and delivered shall be corrected to a temperature of 60 degrees Fahrenheit through use of an approved volume correction factor table, or through use of a meter that is equipped with a sealed automatic compensating mechanism and that is in compliance with sub. (7). All sale tickets shall show the delivered gallons, the temperature at the time of delivery and the corrected gallonage, or shall state that temperature correction was automatically made.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1997. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?