The public is rightfully demanding that we do more with less. But meeting this demand is causing greater strain in the relationship between state, local and federal governments because fewer taxpayers dollars are available.
To put things in perspective, right now, every cent of the more than $5 billion the state collects in income taxes goes back to local government. That's right. State government doesn't spend one penny of your income tax dollar on state programs. It all goes back to your school board, your county board and your municipal board.
Yet, we hear more and more complaints from local government that the state is not sending them enough money.
This tells me the current relationship between state-and-local government needs to be restructured. Therefore, I am creating a Blue Ribbon Commission on State and Local Partnership to develop a new system for providing the services our people demand and collecting the money to pay for them. Don Kettl will lead this effort.
This new partnership will be the cornerstone for my next biennial budget. And just so we all know what's at stake: the state will not increase the money it sends to local government until this new partnership is in place.
And while we have Don Kettl here, let's get campaign finance reform passed. I will sign any finance reform legislation that gets to my desk.
S404 We can further strengthen the partnerships between government and its people by improving our conduct. Ladies and gentlemen, the people are tired of petty politics. And if we don't change the way we conduct the people's business, they will change our ways for us. We can start by toning down the partisan attacks and cynical gamesmanship.
We can improve the atmosphere in this building by making laws the old-fashioned way. So instead of proposing a mini-budget, the initiatives outlined tonight will be presented to you as individual legislation.
The Face of the Future in Wisconsin requires everyone in this building to work together.
In closing, ladies and gentlemen, building Wisconsin's Face of the Future will take vision, hope and strong will. And above all else, a burning desire to succeed.
For we have not toiled, reformed and sacrificed for more than 150 years to stand in the bright light of tomorrow's promise and accept mediocrity.
Our purpose is higher, our conviction is stronger and our vision is more far-reaching.
Wisconsin will remain the state America looks to for leadership.
Why? Because we believe anything is possible. Then we make it happen.
When I stood here in 1990 and said we would win a Rose Bowl in five years, people nearly laughed me off the stage. And if I would have mentioned winning the Heisman – they would have committed me to Mendota.
But now, winning championships is expected in Wisconsin.
I take great pride in presenting to you tonight the men who accomplished those feats: Coach Barry Alvarez and his players: Chris Ghidorzi, Jason Doering, Donnell Thompson and Chris McIntosh. Barry, when I made my prediction we would have been happy with one – three is truly amazing. Thanks for bringing so much pride to our state.
The Heisman Trophy – the rarest of all accomplishments – stands as a symbol that we can accomplish anything. If we can dream it, we can do it. Ron, we thank you for reminding us of that.
And we thank Erica Palmer for making Wisconsin a national champion by winning the NCAA Cross Country title this fall.
Tonight, we painted a picture of the Face of the Future in Wisconsin. And we laid out an aggressive vision for making this face a reality.
As a state, we hold great confidence and optimism in the future because of the strength of our people, such as :
These great athletes,
The scientist who holds the key to our new economy,
The entrepreneur who turns bold research into the jobs of tomorrow,
The dairy farmers who feed our families,
The disabled whose talents strengthen our society,
The educator who prepares our children for the endless possibilities of the future,
The diversity and ethnicity of our people,
Our seniors who built today's foundation,
And our children who hold tomorrow's hope.
But, as always, we see the face of the future most clearly in our families, who carry forward our dreams for a better tomorrow.
And for me, I see the future in the face of a special little princess, Sophie Ann.
Together, we all make up the Face of the Future in Wisconsin. The face of greatness.
Thank you and God bless Wisconsin.
8:16 P.M.
Senate Enrolled Proposals
The Chief Clerk records:
Senate Joint Resolution 33
Report correctly enrolled on January 26, 2000.
Chief Clerk's Report
The Chief Clerk records:
Senate Joint Resolution 33
Deposited in the office of the Secretary of State on January 26, 2000.
legislative reference bureau corrections
Corrections In:
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(January 24, 2000)
1. Page 16, line 9: delete "paragraph" and substitute "subsection".
Corrections In:
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(January 24, 2000)
Page 17, line 17: delete "paragraph" and substitute "subsection".