School safety research, plans and funding; suspensions and expulsions for threats; parental liability for damage caused by child; reporting pupil without parent or guardian; school performance report; truancy definition; DOJ and DPI to seek federal funds [Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 887d, 896m, 2042g, 2048nr, t, 2068m, r, 2108m, 2124m-u, 3111s, t, 9339 (4g), 9439 (1g)] -  AB133
Sex offender registry information: Corr.Dept to provide to certain public and private schools - AB466
Smoking ban expanded to post-secondary school campuses -  AB196
Social security coverage for students employed at public schools, colleges and universities modified  - AB322
Social security coverage for students employed at public schools, colleges and universities modified  - SB141
SSN used as student ID number: prohibition expanded to private institutions of higher education - AB28
TEACH financial assistance to public library boards modified; educational agency with data line access may share with local or county government but business entity access prohibited - AB646
Threat to cause death, bodily harm or property damage aimed at certain public structures: felony crime created  - SB239
Threat to cause death, bodily harm or property damage aimed at certain structures: felony crime created  - SB191
Threat to cause property damage or bodily harm or death in certain cases re educational institutions: prohibitions created - SB383
Tobacco use and smoking in school zone prohibited; exemption and violator detention provisions - AB16
Transportation of pupils re private schools and special education and children-at-risk programs: boundary limit revised  - AB146
Transporting pupils to private schools: school board contract with parents revised -  AB69
Undergraduate student expenses paid by a business: income and franchise tax credits created -  SB482
Youth options program: private school pupils may participate -  SB512
parole or probationParole or probation
Child abuse and neglect reports: disclosure to certain departments and agencies for investigation of correctional community placement violations [A.Amdt.2: agency changed to person and ``services to subject of placement" added; S.Amdt.1: extended supervision added to definition]  - AB144
Death (by lethal injection) or life imprisonment for first-degree intentional homicide of child under age 16; parole and extended supervision eligibility revised - SB153
D.N.A. data bank: expansion re persons required to give specimens; surcharge provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2288b, f, h-L, 2718yn, z, 3202e-p, 9358 (5x), 9458 (2x)]  - AB133
Felonies committed with firearms: law narrowed; minimum terms shortened and made mandatory; probation prohibited - SB173
Felony penalties and structure of felony sentences: 1997 WisAct 283 changes eliminated -  AB296
Felony penalties and structure of felony sentences: 1997 WisAct 283 changes eliminated -  SB137
Internet access prohibited or restricted for certain child sex offenders on parole, probation or supervised or conditional release -  AB95
Internet access prohibited or restricted for certain child sex offenders on parole, probation or supervised or conditional release -  SB65
OWI offenses: probation for [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3205d-f, 9358 (6m)] -  AB133
Parole, probation and extended supervision effectiveness: Corr.Dept required to improve in certain counties [Sec. 268, 269, 9111] -  SB357
Probation, parole and extended supervision field office: notification requirements re plans to establish  - AB527
Probation, parole or extended supervision agent positions increased and purchase of goods, care and services for persons on parole or probation re Milwaukee county  - AB722
Probation, parole or extended supervision agents with duty to locate absconders: concealed weapon provisions; Corr.Dept requirements specified -  AB743
Serious sex crimes: minimum prison sentence set; probation restricted -  AB271
Serious sex crimes: minimum prison sentence set; probation restricted -  SB82
Sex offender registry re parole, probation or extended supervision: information requirements revised; residence change prohibition -  AB99
Sexually violent person on supervised release: restrictions on residence within certain cities - SB164
pathways to independencePathways to independence, see Medical assistance
payday loan providerPayday loan provider, see Small loan
payment in lieu of taxesPayment in lieu of taxes, see Property tax
pcbs _polychlorinated biphenyls_PCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls), see Environmental protection
peace officerPeace officer, see Police
pecfa _petroleum storage environmental cleanup program_PECFA (Petroleum storage environmental cleanup program), see Petroleum
peeping tomPeeping Tom, see Privacy
personal flotation devicePersonal flotation device, see Boat
personal propertyPersonal property
Antique slot machines: possession or transfer of permitted in certain cases [A.Amdt.1: provision re premise with alcohol beverage license or permit] -  AB273
Foreign corporation activity that does not create nexus [Sec. 1723, 9343 (18); original bill only; Conf.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: provisions restored and revised, 1722yc, 9343 (22dd)] -  AB133
Foreign corporation activity that does not create nexus [Sec. 1723, 9343 (18)] -  SB45
Hunting revisions: licenses for and possession of firearms by minors; education program and certificates; seized or confiscated wild animals, fish and personal property; proceeds from sale of certain pelts; arrow tips used on crossbows  - AB851
Manufacturer's rebate on tangible personal property: sales or use tax paid on reduced price -  AB619
Manufacturing property and personal property tax assessment: Standard industrial classification manual references replaced by North American industry classification system; computer equipment and hardware store provisions  - AB839
Personal property reports: filing extension -  AB41
Public treasury: class 3 notice for unclaimed funds revised -  AB226
Security or surveillance device: tampering with made a crime -  AB719
State master lease program revisions re DOA authority and energy conservation construction projects [Sec. 93-102, 106, 107, 515, 2819-2821, 2822; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 94, 101, 515] -  AB133
State master lease program revisions re DOA authority and energy conservation construction projects [Sec. 93-102, 106, 107, 515, 2819-2821, 2822] -  SB45
Tangible personal property definition clarified re sales and use taxes -  AB390
Tangible personal property used in farming: sales and use tax exemptions expanded to include - AB515
Tangible personal property used in farming: sales and use tax exemptions expanded to include - SB391
Tip or gratuity re sale of tangible personal property: sales and use tax exemptions created -  AB572
Uniform unclaimed property act revisions -  AB799
personal property _ taxationPersonal property — Taxation, see Property tax
personal watercraftPersonal watercraft, see Boat
personnel commissionPersonnel commission
Health care provider or facility employe reporting a violation: retaliation or discrimination against person prohibited; DWD and Personnel commission provisions  - AB379
Health care provider or facility employe reporting a violation: retaliation or discrimination against person prohibited; DWD and Personnel commission provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, retaliation or discrimination provisions replaced with disciplinary action, notice provision]  - SB172
personnel recordPersonnel record, see Employment
pesticidePesticide, see Pests
Agricultural chemical fee reduction extended [Sec. 176, 712, 1937-1942, 1943-1945; A.Sub.Amdt.1: agricultural chemical cleanup funding, 184e, 1945e, g] - AB133
Agricultural chemical fee reduction extended [Sec. 176, 712, 1937-1942, 1943-1945] -  SB45
Consumer billing practices: prohibitions created; lawn care service contracts regulated; DATCP duties specified  - AB306
Pesticide sales and use reporting system created; consultation and reporting requirements [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 189e, g, 1942m, 9104 (1w); Conf.Amdt.1: system creation, consultation and reporting requirements removed, DATCP to develop proposal and pilot project with JCF approval, 1942mc, deletes 1942m, 9101 (1w)] -  AB133
Pesticide use in schools and on grounds: school board requirements created; DATCP, DHFS and U.W. Extension duties set - AB944
Pesticide use in schools and on grounds: school board requirements created; DATCP, DHFS and U.W. Extension duties set - SB479
petition for recallPetition for recall, see Recall
AB-225 re attracting wild animals with bait opposed -  AP3
AB-225 re attracting wild animals with bait opposed -  AP4
AB-225 re attracting wild animals with bait opposed -  AP5
AB-225 re attracting wild animals with bait opposed -  AP6
AB-225 re attracting wild animals with bait opposed -  AP7
AB-225 re attracting wild animals with bait supported -  AP2
AB-730 and SB-384: local professional football stadium district opposed -  SP12
Compassionate child care legislation: enactment supported -  SP8