Supervision of assessments, 73.05, 73.06
Support payments, of delinquent, 49.855
Tax appeals commission, see Taxation—19. Tax Appeals Commission
Tax exemption devices, report, 16.425
Tax increment law, duties, 66.1105
Tax increments to cities:
Authorize allocation, 66.1105 (6)
Notice of district termination, 66.1105 (8)
Tax returns, defective or omitted, procedure, 76.11 (2)
Tax statement from county clerk, messenger for, 70.55
Taxation districts, assess value, 70.57
Tobacco products tax:
Administration and enforcement, 139.39 (1), 139.83
Monthly returns from distributors, duties, 139.77
Permits for distributors and subjobbers, 139.79
Police powers, 139.832
Records and returns, 139.82
Refunds and credits, 139.80
Salespersons, permits, 139.81
Use tax, 139.78
Total taxes, ascertain and record, 76.11 (1)
Use tax:
Delinquent, write off, 73.03 (27)
Retailers must obtain business tax registration certificate, 77.53 (9)
Returns and payments, 77.58
Vendors to state, set off of payments to, 73.12
Waste treatment facilities, notification on taxability, 70.11 (21)
Industrial wine permit, 125.63
Payment of tax, 139.06 (2)
Sacramental wine permit, issuance, 125.56 (2)
Winery permit, issuance, 125.53
Withholding tax, delinquent, write off, 73.03 (27)
Write-offs, 73.03 (27)
revenue obligations, state REVENUE OBLIGATIONS, STATE
revenue sharing, state REVENUE SHARING, STATE
reversions REVERSIONS
review, board of REVIEW, BOARD OF
revisor of statutes bureau REVISOR OF STATUTES BUREAU
rewards REWARDS
City, when heinous crime committed, 62.26 (4)
Controlled substances, information regarding violation, 165.72
Fire and police, disposition, 62.13 (7)
Governor may offer to detect crime, 14.15
Informers, injury to signs, 86.192
Schools, property damage, information regarding crime, 120.13 (8)
Sheriff offer for capture of convict, 59.29
Village, when heinous crime committed, 61.75
rice RICE
right to die RIGHT TO DIE
Generally, Ch. 154
For detailed analysis, see Declaration to Physicians
riots RIOTS
Damage, liability of municipality, notice of claim, limitations, 893.81
Death and disability benefits for state and local officers, 106.25
Federally reinsured losses, state contribution, 619.02
Law enforcement agencies, cooperation, 59.28 (2), 66.0313
Looting, 943.20 (3)
Emergency powers, 166.23
Liability, notice of claim, limitations, 893.81
National guard, call, 21.11
Sheriff to suppress, 59.28 (1)
State, may incur debt to suppress insurrection, VIII, 7
State property, call of state traffic patrol and conservation wardens, 166.04
riparian rights RIPARIAN RIGHTS
Boat shelters, permit to install, 30.12 (3)
Boundaries, determination of, 30.10 (4)
Condemnation by cities, 62.22 (3)
Conveyances restricted, 30.133
Dams, transfer of land where dam exists, 710.11
Dams in nonnavigable streams, 31.31
Deposits in navigable waters, prohibitions, exceptions, 30.12
Deposits to bulkhead lines allowed, 30.11 (4)
Fish crib, permit issued to install, 30.12 (3)
Mining, water diversion or withdrawal, 293.65
Pierhead lines, establishment, 30.13
Removal of material from bed of lake or stream, 30.20
Riprap, permit issued to install, 30.12 (3)
Determining footage, 30.105
Use of exposed areas along streams, 30.134