Generally, 213.01
wisconsin statutes WISCONSIN STATUTES
See Statutes
wisconsin valley improvement company WISCONSIN VALLEY IMPROVEMENT COMPANY
Generally, 182.70
wisconsin veterans_ council WISCONSIN VETERANS' COUNCIL
Corporate powers, 188.10
wisconsin veterans home WISCONSIN VETERANS HOME
wisconsin works program WISCONSIN WORKS PROGRAM
witness fees WITNESS FEES
Generally, 814.67, 885.05
Note: Many statutory provisions for administrative and court proceedings in specific cases contain provisions for witness fees. For witness fees in a specific action, refer to the entries relating to fees and other procedural matters listed under the subject heading for the action.
County payment, 59.64 (1)
Expert witnesses, 814.04 (2)
Indigent defendant, defense witnesses, 885.10
Indigent witness, 885.09
Nonresident witness, 885.09
Prepayment requirements, 885.06
State witnesses:
Civil action, 885.07
Criminal action, 885.08
Taxation, proof required, 814.11
witnesses WITNESSES
See also Evidence
Generally, Chs. 885, 906
Absent voting procedure, 6.87
Actions against public officers, 885.24
Affirmation instead of oath, 906.03
Anti-trust law investigatory proceedings, 133.11
Arson investigation, subpoena, fees, 165.55 (7)
Attachment, 885.11 (2), 885.12
Before referee, 805.06 (4) (b)
Compelled by legislature, 13.31 to 13.36
Bail, 969.01 (3)
Jumping, 946.49 (2)
Banking review board, proceedings, 220.035 (1)
Basic will and basic will with trust, see Probate and Transfers at Death—19. Wills
Battery to, 940.201
Bribery, 946.61
Calling by judge, 906.14
Character, evidence of, 904.04 (1) (c), 906.08
Child witnesses, duty to expedite proceedings, 971.105
Coercing before officers, 885.12
Competency, general rule, 906.01
Conduct, evidence of, 906.08
For not testifying, 885.11
Legislature may punish, 13.26
Corporations and limited liability companies, agents, immunity, 885.25
Court appointed experts, compensation, 907.06
Crime victims compensation, justice department subpoenas, 949.115
Crime witness assistance surcharge, 973.045, 973.05, 973.07
Crime witnesses' rights, Ch. 950
Criminal case:
Compelling to testify, 972.08
Discovery, 971.23
Hostile, 972.09
Cross-examination, scope, 906.11
Dead man's statute, 885.16, 885.17
Declaration to physicians for natural death, 154.03
Deemed sworn, when, 887.03
Employment relations commission, 111.07
Examination, 805.10
Exclusion of, 906.15
Bases of opinions, 907.03
Disclosure of facts or data underlying opinion, 907.05
Testimony, 907.02
In civil actions, 887.25
In criminal or grand jury cases, 976.02
Of prisoners, 976.01
Failure to attend, damages, contempt, 885.11
Failure to call, comment or instruction on, 971.23 (3)
Fees, see Witness Fees
Grand jury:
Oaths, 968.44
Rights, 968.45
Testimony, when disclosed, 968.53
Harassment, judge to protect from, 906.11 (1)
Hostile, 972.09
Husband and wife, competency in nonmarital cases, 891.39
Immunity, see Self-Incrimination
Impeachment, 906.07