state aidState aid, see specific subject
state bankState bank, see Bank
state bar associationState bar association, see Attorney
state capitolState capitol
Capitol offices relocation authority and funding repealed [Sec. 219, 670, 674] -  Act 33
state courts, director ofState courts, Director of
Court imposed assessments, surcharges, and restitution payments consolidated in the statutes and renamed surcharges; report and fiscal estimate provisions  -  Act 139
state debtState debt, see Debt, Public
state employment relations, office ofState employment relations, Office of
DER eliminated; powers and duties transferred to DOA [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Reorganization of state government"] -  Act 33
Nonrepresented state employee compensation plan modifications re health insurance premium credits, earned annual leave, travel and expense reimbursement, and additional paid personal holiday; Office of State Employment Relations provision -  Act 117
state fair park boardState fair park board
State Fair Park Board: sunset on legislative membership eliminated -  Act 27
state historical society of wisconsin _shsw_State Historical Society of Wisconsin (SHSW), see Historical society
state landState land, see Public land
state lotteryState lottery, see Lottery
state office buildingState office building
Rented office space by the state; management cost supplementation; DOA review and report of state office space utilization; plan for consolidation [Sec. 672m, 9101 (11q), 9130 (1q)] [9130 (1q) — partial veto; 9101 (11q) — vetoed] -  Act 33
state officersState officers, see Legislature — Member; Public officers; specific title
state parkState park, see also Forestry
Heritage Hill State Park development and maintenance: expenditure requirements do not apply in fiscal year 2003-04 [Sec. 9138 (3)] -  Act 33
state printingState printing
State government management system and Web site; business intelligence and data warehousing; land information systems; printed publication restrictions [Sec. 141f, 215m, 230d-t, 9101 (4k), (14p), 9401 (2k)] [all sections vetoed except 141f] -  Act 33
state prisonState prison, see Prison
state public defenderState public defender, see Public defender
state registrarState registrar, see Vital statistics
state superintendent of public instructionState superintendent of public instruction, see also Public instruction, Department of
Federal funds use for administrative purposes; State superintendent annual plan required; JCF duties [Sec. 1995t] [vetoed] -  SB-44
MPCP private school participation: criminal background checks of all employees required and prohibition on employing persons convicted of certain felonies; State Superintendent, DOJ, and fingerprint provisions [vetoed]  -  AB-836
MPCP private school participation: evidence of financial viability and sound fiscal practices required; DPI and State Superintendent authority specified -  Act 155
state symbolState symbol, see Symbols, State
Court imposed assessments, surcharges, and restitution payments consolidated in the statutes and renamed surcharges; report and fiscal estimate provisions  -  Act 139
LC director or designee attendance required at certain meetings in which the Commission on Uniform State Laws participates if attendance will benefit operations of LC staff (remedial legislation) -  Act 172
Numerical cross-references in the statutes to other parts of the statutes: requirement that the Revisor print the list in each biennial issue of the Wisconsin Statutes eliminated (Revisor's revision bill) -  Act 323
Revisor's revision bill -  Act 320
Revisor's revision bill -  Act 321
Revisor's revision bill -  Act 322
Revisor's revision bill -  Act 324
Revisor's revision bill -  Act 325
Revisor's revision bill -  Act 326
Revisor's revision bill -  Act 327
stevens point, city ofStevens Point, City of
Portage County Arts Alliance appropriation eliminated [Sec. 302] -  Act 33
stewardship programStewardship program, see Natural resource
straseskie, kirk allenStraseskie, Kirk Allen
Life and military service commended [AJR-34] -  JR-38
Wisconsin citizens who lost their lives fighting for freedom in Iraq honored for their sacrifice [SJR-45]  -  JR-20
streetStreet, see also Road
Off-road utility vehicle: operation on certain roadways permitted; definition, registration, operator's license, rules of the road, and vehicle emission provisions  -  Act 192
Traffic marking enhancement grant program created [Sec. 420f, p, 424, 427m, 1701m, 9153 (4q)] -  Act 33
struebing, wilmer hStruebing, Wilmer H.
Life and public service [AJR-3] -  JR-9
studiesStudies, see also Reports; specific subject
Leasing property that is tax exempt as residential housing: property tax exemption provided; LC study required  -  Act 195
MPCP study: LAB to administer; report required [vetoed] -  AB-126
State aid distribution to municipalities: JCLO may appoint committee to study [Sec. 9133 (3m)] [vetoed]  -  SB-44
Technology commercialization grant and loan program and angel investment and early stage seed investment tax credits created; investor networks development provisions; study and report required [partial veto] -  Act 255
Wild crane crop damage study re Indian gaming revenues: obsolete appropriation repealed [Sec. 398r, 609m]  -  Act 33
sturino, paul jSturino, Paul J.
Wisconsin citizens who lost their lives fighting for freedom in Iraq honored for their sacrifice [SJR-45]  -  JR-20
sunsetSunset, see also specific subject
Environmental Improvement Program and Environmental Results Program created; provisions re audits, incentives, immunity from civil liability, and access to certain information; penalty and sunset provided [vetoed]  -  AB-228
Farmland preservation claims sunset [Sec.1583p, 1731ec-n] [vetoed] -  SB-44
Halfway houses for nonviolent offenders: program created, sunset provided [Sec. 439t, w, 1189g, r, 2485g, r, 9410 (1q)] [2485g — partial veto] -  Act 33
Land Information Board and Wisconsin Land Council continued, sunset date extended; report provisions retained; lapse of land recording fee revenue; comprehensive planning grant elements [Sec. 98e, 147, 148, 230b, c, 1533d, 2809, 2811-2813, 9201 (1q)] [230b, c — vetoed]  -  Act 33
Local levy limits created; referendum provision; sunset provided [Sec. 943m, 1532m] [vetoed] -  SB-44
Oversize or overweight vehicle permit fee increases: sunset date delayed [Sec. 2594-2603] -  Act 33
School aid appropriation funded from the transportation fund; transportation aid funding on one-time basis only for 2003-05 biennium, [Sec. 8, 8m, 173, 173m, 179, 179m, 353, 353m, 852, 852m, 2007, 2007m, 2033-2039m, 9441 (1f)] [8 — partial veto; 8m, 173m, 179m, 353m, 852m, 2007m, 2033m, 2034m, 2036m, 2037m, 2038m, 2039m, 9441 (1f) — vetoed]  -  Act 33
State Fair Park Board: sunset on legislative membership eliminated -  Act 27