NATO urged to admit Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and other qualified candidate nations -  SJR32
NATO urged to admit Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and other qualified candidate nations -  SR9
New motor vehicle warranty: law governing repair, replacement, and refund revised; ``nonconformity" definition modified; motor home and commercial motor vehicle provisions - AB856
Private campground: civil liability immunity to owner, operator, employees, and agents -  AB38
Protective headgear use or nonuse by operators and passengers of motorcycles, ATVs, and snowmobiles: introduction of evidence in certain civil actions prohibited, exceptions and recovery for damages provisions -  AB455
Protective headgear use or nonuse by operators and passengers of motorcycles, ATVs, and snowmobiles: introduction of evidence in certain civil actions prohibited, exceptions and recovery for damages provisions -  SB223
PSC members: appointment modified - AB539
Real estate licenses: DORL may enter into reciprocal agreements with other states or territories  - SB369
Right to fish, hunt, trap, and take game: constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) -  AJR1
Right to fish, hunt, trap, and take game: constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) -  SJR7
Rules of appellate procedure revised re review of orders denying certain motions, petitions for review, integrated appeal procedures for certain appeals, and postdisposition relief in cases involving commitment of sexually violent persons  - SB364
Shopping cart re intentional removal: penalty increased to misdemeanor -  AB570
Single vehicle operating on a highway: maximum overall length without permit increased -  AB697
Substance abuse treatment programs for criminal offenders: grant program created for counties that provide; report required - SB518
Tax-me-more fund established re reducing revenue shortfalls - SB184
Three-vehicle combination permit expanded to include golf cart trailers -  AB274
Three-vehicle combinations operating on highways: requirements revised, permit eliminated, and combination expanded to include horse trailers and trailers for certain recreational vehicles -  SB159
TID expenditure period for certain city extended; DOR provision -  SB428
Traffic violation and registration program funding increased -  AB467
U.S. armed forces on active duty in the Middle East: praying for their prompt and safe return; commending their families and friends -  SJR24
U.S. armed forces on active duty in the Middle East: praying for their prompt and safe return; commending their families and friends -  SR8
USH 45 designated and marked ``Wisconsin Labor Highway"; DOT duty set -  AB954
USH 45 designated and marked ``Wisconsin Labor Highway"; DOT duty set -  SB473
Utility public benefits fund: electric and gas utilities may retain a portion of their contribution under certain conditions; PSC duties specified -  SB280
Vehicles or combination of transporting road building and maintenance materials may operate without permit on certain highways under set condition -  SB506
Veteran residential, treatment, and nursing care facilities in northwestern Wisconsin: DVA given authority to develop and operate; trust fund from sale of surplus land re Northern Wisconsin Center for the Developmentally Disabled  - SB205
Wild animals or parts of: exception to prohibition on selling, purchasing, or bartering extended to include certain nonedible parts of lawfully killed upland game birds; definition provision - SB63
Willow flowage project land designated as state forest lands and named Willow Flowage State Forest - AB492
Other proposals coauthored or cosponsored by Sen. Zien:
Senate Bills: 2, 21, 32, 38, 41, 45, 61, 68, 84, 85, 100, 108, 117, 170, 174, 183, 195, 197, 204, 208, 216, 233, 237, 238, 239, 243, 244, 246, 248, 252, 260, 261, 271, 273, 289, 305, 306, 313, 343, 350, 384, 395, 399, 409, 423, 441, 444, 452, 460, 471, 472, 489, 493, 496, 505, 512, 525, 549
Senate Joint Resolutions: 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 38, 45, 47, 48, 49, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 65, 68, 70, 71, 72
Senate Resolutions: 7, 13, 18, 21, 31
Senate Petitions:
Assembly Bills: 2, 14, 19, 31, 42, 51, 63, 86, 104, 106, 107, 109, 141, 144, 155, 185, 200, 230, 231, 275, 283, 284, 293, 299, 321, 342, 344, 351, 370, 372, 388, 413, 432, 435, 475, 485, 487, 493, 495, 496, 500, 506, 515, 520, 525, 528, 532, 537, 538, 548, 556, 574, 592, 595, 604, 615, 618, 653, 654, 655, 679, 699, 726, 742, 762, 766, 769, 771, 775, 781, 794, 796, 801, 811, 845, 859, 865, 868, 881, 904, 910, 918, 923
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 10, 17, 20, 23, 32, 34, 36, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 66, 67