(e) The board may accept for any of its purposes and functions under this compact any and all donations and grants of moneys, equipment, supplies, materials, and services from any state, the United States, or any governmental agency, and may receive, utilize, and dispose of those donations and grants.
(f) The board may contract with, or accept services or personnel from, any governmental or intergovernmental agency, individual, firm, or corporation, or any private nonprofit organization or institution.
(g) The board shall formulate necessary procedures and develop uniform forms and documents for administering the provisions of this compact. All procedures and forms adopted by board action shall be contained in a compact manual.
(8) Article VIII — Entry into compact and withdrawal. (a) This compact shall become effective when it is adopted in a substantially similar form by 2 or more states.
(b) Entry into the compact shall be made by resolution of ratification executed by the authorized officials of the applying state and submitted to the chairperson of the board. The resolution shall be substantially in the form and content as provided in the compact manual and shall include all of the following:
1. A citation of the authority from which the state is empowered to become a party to this compact.
2. An agreement of compliance with the terms and provisions of this compact.
3. An agreement that compact entry is with all states participating in the compact and with all additional states legally becoming a party to the compact.
(c) The effective date of entry shall be specified by the applying state but shall not be less than 60 days after notice has been given by one of the following:
1. The chairperson of the board of the compact administrators.
2. The secretary of the board to each participating state that the resolution from the applying state has been received.
(d) A participating state may withdraw from participation in this compact by official written notice to each participating state, but withdrawal shall not become effective until 90 days after the notice of withdrawal is given. The notice shall be directed to the compact administrator of each member state. No withdrawal of any state shall affect the validity of this compact as to the remaining participating states.
(9) Article IX — Amendments to the compact. (a) This compact may be amended from time to time. Amendments shall be presented in resolution form to the chairperson of the board of compact administrators and shall be initiated by one or more participating states.
(b) Adoption of an amendment shall require endorsement by all participating states and shall become effective 30 days after the date of the last endorsement.
(c) A participating state shall respond to the compact chairperson within 120 days after receipt of a proposed amendment. Amendments proposed to change local law by the compact administrators shall be reviewed and approved by the legislature.
282,6 Section 6. 29.972 of the statutes is created to read:
29.972 Revocation; failure to comply. (1) The department shall deny an application to issue or renew, or suspend if already issued, all hunting, fishing, or trapping approvals issued to a person under this chapter if the person who violates this chapter does any of the following:
(a) Fails to respond to a summons under s. 23.66 (3) or 23.67 (4), or a warrant or summons under s. 968.04.
(b) Fails to appear on the court date set under s. 23.72 or 23.75 unless the person makes a deposit under s. 23.66 or makes a deposit and stipulation under s. 23.67.
(c) Fails to appear before the court and is subject to a bench warrant under s. 968.09.
(2) (a) The requirement to deny or suspend an approval under sub. (1) does not apply if the court revokes any or all of the person's hunting, fishing, or trapping approvals under s. 23.79 (4) or 23.795 (2).
(b) The requirement to deny or suspend an approval under sub. (1) remains in effect until either of the following occurs:
1. The person resolves the matter under sub. (1) that resulted in the denial or suspension.
2. The court revokes or suspends any or all of the person's hunting, fishing, or trapping approvals under s. 29.971.
(3) The department shall establish procedures for the denial or suspension of approvals under subs. (1) and (2), including all of the following:
(a) The exchange of information among the department, the district attorneys, and the clerks of court.
(b) Notice to the person who is subject to the denial or suspension.
(c) The opportunity for an administrative appeal to the department which shall be limited to the issue of whether the action listed in sub. (1) (a) to (c) is sufficient to require the department to deny an application to issue or renew, or to suspend the approvals.
282,7g Section 7g. 29.99 of the statutes is created to read:
29.99 Wildlife violator compact surcharge. (1) If a court imposes a fine or forfeiture for a violation of a provision of this chapter or an order issued under this chapter, the court shall impose a wildlife violator compact surcharge under ch. 814 equal to $5 for the violation.
(2) If a fine or forfeiture is suspended in whole or in part, the wildlife violator compact surcharge shall be reduced in proportion to the suspension unless the court directs otherwise.
(3) If any deposit is made for an offense to which this section applies, the person making the deposit shall also deposit a sufficient amount to include the wildlife violator compact surcharge under this section. If the deposit is forfeited, the amount of the wildlife violator compact surcharge shall be transmitted to the secretary of administration under par. (d). If the deposit is returned, the wildlife violator compact surcharge shall also be returned.
(4) The clerk of the court shall collect and transmit to the county treasurer the wildlife violator compact surcharge and other amounts required under s. 59.40 (2) (m). The county treasurer shall then make payment to the secretary of administration as provided in s. 59.25 (3) (f) 2. The secretary of administration shall deposit the amount of the wildlife violator compact surcharge in the conservation fund.
282,7m Section 7m. 814.75 (27) of the statutes is created to read:
814.75 (27) The wildlife violator compact surcharge under s. 29.99.
282,8g Section 8g. 814.76 (20) of the statutes is created to read:
814.76 (20) The wildlife violator compact surcharge under s. 29.99.
282,8m Section 8m. 814.77 (16) of the statutes is created to read:
814.77 (16) The wildlife violator compact surcharge under s. 29.99.
282,9g Section 9g. 973.05 (2m) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, is amended to read:
973.05 (2m) Payments under this section shall be applied first to payment of the penalty surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to the payment of the jail surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to the payment of part A of the crime victim and witness assistance surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to part B of the crime victim and witness assistance surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to the crime laboratories and drug law enforcement surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to the deoxyribonucleic acid analysis surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to the drug abuse program improvement surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to the drug offender diversion surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to payment of the driver improvement surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to the truck driver education surcharge if applicable until paid in full, shall then be applied to payment of the domestic abuse surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to payment of the consumer protection surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to payment of the natural resources surcharge if applicable until paid in full, shall then be applied to payment of the natural resources restitution surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to the payment of the environmental surcharge if applicable until paid in full, shall then be applied to the payment of the wild animal protection surcharge if applicable until paid in full, shall then be applied to the payment of the wildlife violator compact surcharge if applicable until paid in full, shall then be applied to payment of the weapons surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to payment of the uninsured employer surcharge until paid in full, shall then be applied to payment of the enforcement surcharge under s. 253.06 (4) (c), if applicable, until paid in full, and shall then be applied to payment of the fine and the costs and fees imposed under ch. 814.