Bullying policy for schools: DPI to develop a model and each school board to adopt; Bullying Awareness Day provision  - SB310
Inhalers used by pupils with asthma in private schools: public school requirements and civil liability exemptions expanded to include -  AB1132
Pupil removed from class, school property, or school-sponsored activity: authority extended to teacher's assistants and school employees; classroom code of conduct provision  - SB410
School employee and teacher's assistant allowed to remove pupil from class, school property, or school-sponsored activity for certain disruptive behaviors; code of classroom conduct provision -  AB159
Seclusion and physical or mechanical restraints: use of in public and private schools limited and conditions set; report to DPI required -  SB678
U.W. student rights and academic conduct of instructors regulations created; work day for medical intern set; contract re naming rights to U.W. arena, playing field, or stadium prohibited; maximum weight standards for textbooks used by all students and pupils required -  AB578
school _ employeeSchool — Employee, see also Teacher
Chaperoning pupils on trip developed and sponsored by the school: district employee may accept free or reduced-price travel or accommodations -  AB273
Educational support personnel employee: WRS benefits modified -  SB254
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt re unpardoned felony conviction  - AB284
Employment discrimination based on conviction record: educational agency exempt re unpardoned felony conviction  - SB151
Employment discrimination based on status as a veteran prohibited; civil service limitation on certifying names with veteran preference points eliminated; school board and political subdivisions required to interview each veteran who seeks employment and is qualified for the position  - AB977
Inhalers used by pupils with asthma in private schools: public school requirements and civil liability exemptions expanded to include -  AB1132
Pupil removed from class, school property, or school-sponsored activity: authority extended to teacher's assistants and school employees; classroom code of conduct provision  - SB410
School district may invest certain funds held in trust to provide post-employment benefits [A.Amdt.1: notice and annual report provisions added] -  AB167
School district may invest certain funds held in trust to provide post-employment benefits -  SB113
School employee and teacher's assistant allowed to remove pupil from class, school property, or school-sponsored activity for certain disruptive behaviors; code of classroom conduct provision -  AB159
Seclusion and physical or mechanical restraints: use of in public and private schools limited and conditions set; report to DPI required -  SB678
Spending limits for cities, villages, towns, counties, and technical college districts established, referendum required to exceed the limit; school district revenue modified; QEO exception eliminated from binding arbitration process; MERA revisions re limiting certain expenditures and factors arbitrators must consider; school district professional employees provisions - AB462
Threat to cause bodily harm to social service worker, juvenile intake worker, child support worker, school employee, or their family members: misdemeanor crime created  - SB24
Campaign finance law revision re donation from campaign treasury to charitable organization or common school fund at any time, for any reason -  AB998
Charter and residential school eligibility for school lunch reimbursement [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 179r, 1857m, 9337 (6q)]  - AB100
Comm.Dept may assess a forfeiture for violating certain licensing requirements; interest, AG authority, and school fund provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, limited to plumbing] - AB750
Differentiated teacher compensation program grants [Sec. 182, 1860, 9137 (1); original bill only]  - AB100
Discrimination between an employee in a job dominated by employees of a particular sex and an employee in a job dominated by employees of the oppoiste sex in compensation for work of comparable worth prohibited; tax benefits, grants, and appropriation supplements when employers achieve compliance; sales and use tax on legal services and moneys put in comparable worth fund; school revenue limits increased re wage differential paid -  AB528
Educational services for pupils in secure detention: school board of the district the pupil resided in at the time of detention must pay tuition to the district providing educational services - AB541
Election law revisions re voter registration, absentee ballots, pre-election procedures, election day procedures, and post-election procedures [A.Amdt.7: authorization to make donations from campaign treasuries to charitable organizations or the common school fund added] -  SB612
Electronic auction system for solicitation of bids for state procurements and public contracts: DOA directed to maintain and other political subdivisions may utilize; DWD provision  - AB161
Gift or grant from a class of a particular school with no specific direction: school board must use gift for the benefit of that school -  AB1216
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, annexed territory, and first class city levies for school purposes provisions; school district revenue limit per pupil adjustment set; sunset [for further revisions, see entry under ``Municipality — Taxation"] -  AB58
Local levy limits applied to political subdivisions and technical college districts with exceptions; debt service, annexed territory, and first class city levies for school purposes provisions; school district revenue limit per pupil adjustment set; sunset - SB28
Low revenue ceiling adjustment [Sec. 1913] -  AB100
Milwaukee and Racine charter school program funding [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1897g, i, 1898b-s, 1899m, 1912m, 9137 (4p), 9337 (9m)] -  AB100
Negative tertiary aid exclusion for certain costs [S.Amdt.50 to Engr.AB-100: Sec. 1897j] -  AB100
New school district: calculation of special adjustment aid and revenue limit revised -  AB891
New school district: calculation of special adjustment aid and revenue limit revised -  SB482
Project Lead the Way grants [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 193c] -  AB100
Referenda to exceed school district revenue limit modified re approval of excess revenue for a recurring purpose  - AB584
Referenda to exceed school district revenue limit or approve school district borrowing: scheduling requirements revised [S.Amdt.1: further revisions] -  SB171
Revenue limit for school district that receives no equalization aid may be increased under certain conditions  - AB244
Revenue limit set at amount calculated using a three- or five-year rolling average of enrollment (whichever is higher) [Sec. 1914, 1915, 1919, 1920; A.Sub.Amdt.1: per pupil adjustment under revenue limits, 1915d-h, 1919d, deletes 1914, 1920] - AB100
Revenue limits for school districts increased re school safety and security measures -  AB1108
School district determination of and notification to municipalities of tax levies: deadlines modified  - AB803
School district determination of and notification to municipalities of tax levies: deadlines modified  - SB412
School district of certain square mileage with declining enrollment: supplemental aid payment; separate aid program created if increase in revenue limit is approved in a referendum, sunset provision -  AB417
School district revenue: carry forward of 100 percent of the difference from previous year allowed  - AB22
School district revenue: carry forward of 100 percent of the difference from previous year allowed  - SB17
School district, school board, and DPI requirements revised re paying certain tuitions to U.W. System, fire drill reports to Comm.Dept, rules prohibiting pagers, reporting school bus accidents, school districts acquiring or using another district's facilities or equipment, extracurricular and recreational program policies, exchange of teachers, promote training of certain health professionals, maintain certain mailboxes, and report on CESA programs and services [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; A.Amdt.1: U.W. tuition provision deleted]  - SB259
School finance task force created; report required -  AB250
School general fund balance provisions [Sec. 1239-1242, 1895, 9337 (5); original bill only] -  AB100
State (public) school funding formula to be enacted by July 1, 2007; key components enumerated - AJR94
State (public) school funding formula to be enacted by July 1, 2007; key components enumerated - SJR83
State school aid: determination of amount of general school aid to fund two-thirds of statewide school costs required; JCF duties specified -  AB170
State school aid: determination of amount of general school aid to fund two-thirds of statewide school costs required; JCF duties specified -  SB25
Technology-enhanced high school curriculum: grants to consortia of school districts meeting certain criteria [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 103m, 411g] - AB100
Unused revenue limit carry-over [Sec. 1916-1918, 9337 (4)] -  AB100
Virtual charter school: definition created; teaching or instructional staff license or permit requirements; exemption from certain geographic restrictions for charter schools; U.W. Parkside provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, geographic restrictions and U.W. Parkside provisions deleted, nonresident tuition provision] -  AB1060
Youth Challenge Academy: counting pupils for revenue limit purposes revised -  SB384
school _ health programSchool — Health program, see also Vaccination
Abstinence only education required for schools that receive federal funding; notice and academic penalty provisions  - AB691
Abstinence only education required for schools that receive federal funding; notice and academic penalty provisions  - AB795
Abstinence only education required for schools that receive federal funding; notice and academic penalty provisions  - SB339
Complaint procedure with State Superintendent established re use of ethnic names, nicknames, logos, and mascots by a school; DNR prohibited from using the word ``squaw" in the name of any lake or stream and names in current use must be changed -  AB564
Dental grants for school-based dental sealant program and funding to TCS for oral health services [Sec. 325, 2131, 2132; A.Sub.Amdt.1: funding for programs to discourage use of smokeless tobacco, 325g, 2149g, h, deletes 325]  - AB100
Ethnic names, nicknames, logos, and mascots used by schools: complaint procedure established; State Superintendent duty specified -  AB395
Ethnic names, nicknames, logos, and mascots used by schools: complaint procedure established; State Superintendent duty specified -  SB172
High school physical education credit for participation in extracurricular sports; WIAA provision - AB1080
High school physical education credit for participation in extracurricular sports; WIAA provision - SB229
Human growth and development instruction: DHFS required to develop and distribute informational materials on the procedures governing adoption and listing private and public agencies providing adoption services - SB670
Human growth and development instruction: school board may offer a scientifically based program, topics specified; school board required to notify parents and guardians if it elects not to offer such instruction -  AB690
Human growth and development instruction: school board may offer a scientifically based program, topics specified; school board required to notify parents and guardians if it elects not to offer such instruction -  AB795
Human growth and development instruction: school board may offer a scientifically based program, topics specified; school board required to notify parents and guardians if it elects not to offer such instruction -  SB340
Human growth and development programs: school board must ensure course materials include information on abstinence [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - SB286
Interscholastic athletics: penalty for use of prohibited substances re ``blood doping" and ``gene doping"; DPI duties and definition provisions -  SB280
MA supplemental payments for school-based services: DHFS authority eliminated [Sec. 177, 1147-1149, 1880]  - AB100
Marriage and parental responsibility instruction in human growth and development course, during same school year, required -  AB309
Meningococcal disease: DPI and all schools required to provide information to parents or guardians of pupils in grades 6 to 12 [A.Amdt.2: DHFS Secretary required to promulgate a rule requiring vaccinations against meningitis]  - AB589
School district, school board, and DPI requirements revised re paying certain tuitions to U.W. System, fire drill reports to Comm.Dept, rules prohibiting pagers, reporting school bus accidents, school districts acquiring or using another district's facilities or equipment, extracurricular and recreational program policies, exchange of teachers, promote training of certain health professionals, maintain certain mailboxes, and report on CESA programs and services [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; A.Amdt.1: U.W. tuition provision deleted]  - SB259
School medical services re MA program: reimbursements modified; DHFS and DPI provisions -  SB313
Special education aid reimbursement for school counselors permitted [Sec. 1877, 1878, 9337 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: school nurses added, provision re special education services to charter schools] -  AB100
Volunteer Health Care Provider Program expanded to certain public elementary schools, charter schools, and MPCP participating schools; conditions set; definition expanded to include nurse practitioner; DOA approval required  - AB829
school _ lunchSchool — Lunch
Charter and residential school eligibility for school lunch reimbursement [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 179r, 1857m, 9337 (6q)]  - AB100
Chicken, turkey, beef, or pork products: state agencies required to give preference to suppliers of meat from animals that have not been given antibiotics, other than therapeutic reasons - AB837
School breakfast program reimbursement rate increased [Sec. 1858, 9337 (1); original bill only]  - AB100
school _ state aidSchool — State aid, see also School — Finance
Additional aid to certain school districts re declining enrollment, equalized value per pupil, and square miles; MPCP provision - SB308