Emergency repair, 31.18
Eminent domain for existing, 196.91
Enlargement of existing, 31.13
Environmental pollution considered, 31.06 (3)
Equipment and operation, 31.02
Erection not to injure existing mills, 31.32
Fees for permits and approvals, 31.39
On construction, 31.06
On operation and maintenance, 31.08
Horicon marsh, construction, 29.749 (2)
Inspection, 31.19
Joint municipal action, 31.38 (5)
Jurisdiction of department, 31.02, 31.33
Lower Wis. state riverway, 31.305
Mill on nonnavigable waters, 31.31
Milwaukee river, removal, 31.307
Municipalities may construct and maintain, 31.31, 31.38
Nonnavigable waters:
Authority, 31.31
Jurisdiction of department, 31.33
Parties to violation of ch. 31, 31.99
To abandon, 31.185
To build and maintain, 31.04 to 31.13
Transfer conditions, 31.21
Plans, submission to department, 31.12
Private, restrictions, 31.23
Proof of ability to maintain required, 31.14, 710.11
Raising or enlarging existing, 31.13
Regulation, not limited by chapter 281, 281.92
Rehabilitation project grants, 31.387
Removal, 31.187
Opportunity for hearing, 31.253
Repair and maintenance by department, 31.187 (2)
Right to build, forfeiture, 31.11
Roadway over, town may acquire, 82.03 (8)
Scenic beauty, recreation, need, considered, 31.06
Stream flow maintained, 31.34
Time limit to construct, 31.11
Transfer of land where dam exists, 710.11
Unlawful, public nuisance, 31.25
Unlawful combinations, trust, 196.665
Water powers:
Adequate service, grantee to give, 196.375
Certificate of convenience and necessity, 196.92
Clear land prior to flowing, 31.18
Condemnation by public utilities, 196.91
Natural resources dept., authority, 31.02, 31.33
Partition of rights to, 842.06
To build and maintain, 31.04 to 31.13
To develop, 31.04, 31.05, 31.06, 31.095
Power to erect and maintain, 31.31
Reasonable rates, grantee to give, 196.375
Scenic beauty, recreation, need considered, 31.06
Wisconsin river, open for navigation, 31.18
Wolf river, prohibited, 30.25
dane county lakes and watershed commission DANE COUNTY LAKES AND WATERSHED COMMISSION
Boating fees, 33.475
Budget proposals, 33.46
Duties, 33.445
Members, appointments, 33.44
Powers, 33.45
Removal, 17.15 (3)
Vacancies, 17.27 (1n)
Creation, 33.42
Expenditures by Dane county and municipalities, 33.48
Implementation plan, 33.457
Ordinances and local regulations, 33.455, 59.693 (9), 61.354 (8), 62.234 (8)
Special assessments and charges, 33.47
dangerous weapons DANGEROUS WEAPONS
dating services DATING SERVICES
Contracts regulated, 100.175
day care centers DAY CARE CENTERS
daylight saving time DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME
Applicability, 175.095
deafness and hearing and speech impairment DEAFNESS AND HEARING AND SPEECH IMPAIRMENT
Adoption of minors, discrimination prohibited, 48.82
Discrimination in hiring or licensing, generally, 111.321, 111.33
Teachers, 118.195