utilities UTILITIES
vacancies in public office VACANCIES IN PUBLIC OFFICE
Generally, Ch. 17
Application of chapter 17, 17.29
Cause, 17.03
City offices filled, 17.23
Newly created office, 17.245
Congress, filling, 17.18
Cooperative educational service agencies board of control, 116.02 (2)
County offices filled:
Board, 59.10
Milwaukee county:
Board, 17.21 (5)
Executive office, 59.17 (7)
Officers, VI, 4
Appointive, 17.22
Elective, 17.21
Joint institutions, 17.27
Treasurer, 17.21, 59.25 (2)
Dane county lakes and watershed commissioners, 17.27 (1n)
Filling, legislature to prescribe manner, XIII, 10
Flood control board, 87.12 (2)
Declare vacancy on breach of bond, 17.05
Fill office if no provision made, 17.27
Lieutenant governor to act, V, 7
Temporary, disability board, hearing, 17.025
Judges and justices:
Circuit, supreme or appellate, VII, 9; 17.19 (2)
Suits not affected, 757.08
Jury commissioners, 17.27
Filling, 17.19
Legislative appointees, filling, 17.20
May declare, XIII, 10
Writs of election, IV, 14
Lieutenant governor, V, 8
Governor nominate successor, XIII, 10
Temporary, disability board hearing, 17.025
Metropolitan sewerage commission, 17.27 (1m)
Milwaukee, mayor and common council member, filling offices, 17.23 (1) (b)
Municipal judge, filling, 17.23
Municipal water district director, 198.22 (4) (d)
Notice, 17.17
Presidential electors, 17.19
Record of applicants for elective positions, 17.275
School board members, 17.26
Milwaukee, 119.08 (4)
Special elections, conduct of, 8.50
State officers:
See also Governor, under this head
Appointive, 17.20
Constitutional officers, temporary, 17.025
Salary of temporary successors, 20.925
Elective, 17.19
Emergency interim successors to office, 166.08 (4)
Successors, generally, qualifications and terms, 17.28
Supreme court justice, filling, VII, 9; 17.19
Technical college district board, 17.27 (3)
Temporary, generally:
Armed service leaves, 17.035
Elections, 17.285
Town officers, 17.25
Newly created office, 17.245
Temporary vacancy, 60.30 (5)
U.S. senator or representative, filling, 17.18
Village officers, 17.24
Newly created office, 17.245
Temporary vacancy, 61.23
vaccinations VACCINATIONS
vagrancy VAGRANCY
Defined, penalty, 947.02
vegetables VEGETABLES
vehicles VEHICLES
vending machines VENDING MACHINES
Agent status for villages, cities and counties for permits or inspections, 254.69
Application for permit, 254.70
Annual fee, 254.68
Application for permit, 254.70
Outside state, regulation, 254.67
Contraceptive articles:
Display or advertising, to minors, 450.155