Lake Lions, public access to, 30.90
Lake Mendota, pollution, 281.47 (1)
Lake Winnebago:
Counties bordering upon, jurisdiction, 2.04
Structure and fill project, 30.203
Lakebeds, removal of material from, 30.20
Administrative and judicial review, 30.209
Application for contract, 30.208
Financial assurance for nonmetallic mining, 30.201
Management planning grants, 281.68, 281.69
Protection and rehabilitation districts:
Alteration of, 33.36
Annual meeting, 33.30
Attachment, 33.33 (2)
Board of commissioners, 33.27 to 33.29
Boundaries, 33.26 (6)
Conversion and merger of town sanitary districts, 33.235
Cooperation by state agencies, 33.03
County board may establish, 33.24
County programs, 59.70 (8)
Creation and alteration, notice and filing requirements, 33.265
Detachment, 33.33 (3)
Dissolution, 33.35
Establishment, 33.26
Financial assistance, 281.68, 281.69
In more than one county, 33.37
Intent, 33.001
Judgment against, 66.0117
Loan from trust fund, 24.61 (3), 24.66 (2m)
Merger, 33.33 (1)
Municipalities may establish, 33.23
Officers, duties, 33.29
Petition requesting establishment, 33.25
Power to borrow and finance, 33.31
Powers, 33.22
Feasibility study, 33.13
Financial assistance program, 33.16
Goals, 33.11
Implementation, 33.15
Plan preparation and adoption, 33.14
Scope, 33.12
Unfunded application to continue, 33.17
Property tax exemption, 70.11 (2)
Public improvement bonds, issuance, 66.0619
Revenue bonds for sewer system, refunding bonds, 66.0623
Safe drinking water loan program, 281.59, 281.60
Shoreland management, 92.17
Special assessments and special charges, 33.32
Tax incremental financing prohibited, 33.18, 66.1105 (14)
Temporary loan, 33.31 (2)
Town sanitary district may act as, 60.782
Research, contributions for, 30.52 (3m)
Skin diving, 30.70
Snowmobiles, icebound lakes, regulation, 30.81
Swimming regulations, 30.70
Towns may improve, 60.50 (5)
Wild rice harvesting, 29.607
waterways_3. riparian rights 3. Riparian Rights
Boat shelters, permit to install, exemptions, 30.12 (1g), (3)
Boundaries, determination of, 30.10 (4)
Condemnation by cities, 62.22 (3)
Conveyances restricted, 30.133
Dams, transfer of land where dam exists, 710.11
Dams in nonnavigable streams, 31.31
Deposits in navigable waters, prohibitions, exceptions, 30.12
Deposits to bulkhead lines allowed, 30.11 (4)
Fish crib, permit issued to install, 30.12 (1g), (3)
Marina condominiums, 30.1335
Removal of material from bed of lake or stream, 30.20
Administrative and judicial review, 30.209
Application for contract, 30.208
Financial assurance for nonmetallic mining, 30.201
Riprap, permit to install, exemptions, 30.12 (1g), (3)
Shorelines, use of exposed areas along streams, 30.134
Stream courses, changing, 30.195
Financial assurance, 30.201
Submerged lands held by state, lease, 24.39 (4), 30.11 (5)
Water withdrawal from lakes and streams, 30.18
Wharves, piers and swimming rafts, regulation, see Waterways—1. General Provisions
waterways_4. rivers and streams 4. Rivers and Streams
Adopt a river program, 30.265
Alterations, by metropolitan sewerage districts, 200.35 (8)
Black River:
Dredge disposal in, 30.202
Private dams and bridges on, liability, 31.26
Brule River, see Brule River
Conservation groups, contracts with, 281.72