322.045 Article 45—Pleas of the accused.
322.046 Article 46—Opportunity to obtain witnesses and other evidence.
322.047 Article 47—Refusal to appear or testify.
322.048 Article 48—Contempt.
322.049 Article 49—Depositions.
322.050 Article 50—Admissibility of records of courts of inquiry.
322.0505 Article 50a—Defense of mental disease or defect.
322.051 Article 51—Voting and rulings.
322.052 Article 52—Number of votes required.
322.053 Article 53—Court to announce action.
322.054 Article 54—Record of trial.
322.055 Article 55—Cruel and unusual punishments prohibited.
322.056 Article 56—Maximum limits.
322.057 Article 57—Effective date of sentences.
322.0575 Article 57a—Deferment of sentences.
322.058 Article 58—Conditions of confinement.
322.0585 Article 58a—Sentences: reduction in enlisted grade upon approval.
322.0587 Article 58b—Sentences: forfeiture of pay and allowances during confinement.
322.059 Article 59—Error of law; lesser included offense.
322.060 Article 60—Action by the convening authority.
322.061 Article 61—Withdrawal of appeal.
322.062 Article 62—Appeal by the state.
322.063 Article 63—Rehearings.
322.064 Article 64—Review by the senior force judge advocate.
322.065 Article 65—Disposition of records after review by the convening authority.
322.0675 Article 67a—Review by state appellate authority.
322.070 Article 70—Appellate counsel.
322.071 Article 71—Execution of sentence; suspension of sentence.
322.072 Article 72—Vacation of suspension.
322.073 Article 73—Petition for a new trial.
322.074 Article 74—Remission and suspension.
322.075 Article 75—Restoration.
322.076 Article 76—Finality of proceedings, findings, and sentences.
322.0763 Article 76a—Leave required to be taken pending review of certain court-martial convictions.
322.0767 Article 76b—Competency; commitment for examination and treatment.
322.077 Article 77—Principals.
322.078 Article 78—Accessory after the fact.
322.079 Article 79—Conviction of lesser included offense.
322.080 Article 80—Attempts.
322.081 Article 81—Conspiracy.
322.082 Article 82—Solicitation.
322.083 Article 83—Fraudulent enlistment, appointment, or separation.
322.084 Article 84—Unlawful enlistment, appointment, or separation.
322.085 Article 85—Desertion.
322.086 Article 86—Absence without leave.
322.087 Article 87—Missing movement.
322.088 Article 88—Contempt toward officials.
322.089 Article 89—Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer.
322.090 Article 90—Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer.
322.091 Article 91—Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer.
322.092 Article 92—Failure to obey order or regulation.
322.093 Article 93—Cruelty and maltreatment.
322.094 Article 94—Mutiny or sedition.
322.095 Article 95—Resistance, flight, breach of arrest, and escape.
322.096 Article 96—Releasing prisoner without proper authority.
322.097 Article 97—Unlawful detention.
322.098 Article 98—Noncompliance with procedural rules.
322.099 Article 99—Misbehavior before the enemy.
322.100 Article 100—Subordinate compelling surrender.
322.101 Article 101—Improper use of countersign.
322.102 Article 102—Forcing a safeguard.
322.103 Article 103—Captured or abandoned property.
322.104 Article 104—Aiding the enemy.
322.105 Article 105—Misconduct as prisoner.
322.107 Article 107—False official statements.
322.108 Article 108—Military property — Loss, damage, destruction, or wrongful disposition.
322.109 Article 109—Property other than military property — Waste, spoilage, or destruction.
322.110 Article 110—Improper hazarding of vessel.
322.111 Article 111—Drunken or reckless operation of an all-terrain vehicle, vehicle, snowmobile, aircraft, or vessel.
322.112 Article 112—Drunk on duty.
322.1125 Article 112a—Violations regarding controlled substances.
322.113 Article 113—Misbehavior of sentinel.
322.114 Article 114—Dueling.
322.115 Article 115—Malingering.
322.116 Article 116—Riot or breach of peace.
322.117 Article 117—Provoking speeches or gestures.
322.120 Article 120—Rape and carnal knowledge.
322.121 Article 121—Larceny and wrongful appropriation.
322.122 Article 122—Robbery.
322.123 Article 123—Forgery.
322.1235 Article 123a—Making, drawing, or uttering check, draft, or order without sufficient funds.
322.124 Article 124—Maiming.
322.126 Article 126—Arson.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2007. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?