state wildlife areasState wildlife areas, see Public land
statutes _ revisionStatutes — Revision
“Act of terrorism” and “intent to terrorize” statutory definitions modified - AB1195
Correction bill - AB1020
Correction bill - AB1021
Correction bill - AB1022
Correction bill - SB989
Correction bill - SB990
Correction bill - SB991
DETF administered programs: various changes re WRS, abandoned retirement accounts, domestic relations orders, and other corrections (remedial legislation suggested by DETF) - AB1027
DETF administered programs: various changes re WRS, abandoned retirement accounts, domestic relations orders, and other corrections (remedial legislation suggested by DETF) - SB996
DOA management of information technology, outdated terminology, and certain technology purchases clarifications (remedial legislation suggested by DOA) - AB1032
DOA management of information technology, outdated terminology, and certain technology purchases clarifications (remedial legislation suggested by DOA) - SB1019
Gender neutral statutory references [Sec. 627-631, 633, 634, 759, 764-767, 776, 801, 806-808, 826-828, 830-835, 843, 865-876, 922, 923, 931-946, 957, 958, 960, 961, 963, 994-1000, 1002, 1006, 1043, 1059, 1065, 1071, 1209-1224, 1231-1237, 1269, 1298, 1310, 1312, 1384, 1398, 1399, 1415, 1426, 1583-1585, 1599, 1600, 1630, 1657, 1798, 1938-1941, 2275, 2290, 2392, 2567, 2703, 3010, 3017-3019, 3027-3060, 3078-3100, 3109, 3118, 3266, 3333-3335, 3462-3464, 9151 (1)] [original bill only] - AB68
Gender neutral statutory references [Sec. 627-631, 633, 634, 759, 764-767, 776, 801, 806-808, 826-828, 830-835, 843, 865-876, 922, 923, 931-946, 957, 958, 960, 961, 963, 994-1000, 1002, 1006, 1043, 1059, 1065, 1071, 1209-1224, 1231-1237, 1269, 1298, 1310, 1312, 1384, 1398, 1399, 1415, 1426, 1583-1585, 1599, 1600, 1630, 1657, 1798, 1938-1941, 2275, 2290, 2392, 2567, 2703, 3010, 3017-3019, 3027-3060, 3078-3100, 3109, 3118, 3266, 3333-3335, 3462-3464, 9151 (1)] - SB111
Gender-neutral terminology and gender-neutral marriage and parental rights adopted; JSCTE appendix report - AB484
Gender-neutral terminology and gender-neutral marriage and parental rights adopted; JSCTE appendix report - SB464
MA changes re coverage of home health services and products and cross-references to “institution for mental diseases;” definition of “independent living core services” revised (remedial legislation suggested by DHS) - AB1030
MA changes re coverage of home health services and products and cross-references to “institution for mental diseases;” definition of “independent living core services” revised (remedial legislation suggested by DHS) - SB999
Obsolete statutory references eliminated (remedial legislation suggested by DFI) - AB1023
Obsolete statutory references eliminated (remedial legislation suggested by DFI) - SB992
Official oath and bond requirement of wardens and superintendents of state prisons (remedial legislation suggested by DOC) - AB1029
Official oath and bond requirement of wardens and superintendents of state prisons (remedial legislation suggested by DOC) - SB998
Removal of fingerprint records if arrested individual is released without charges or cleared of offense; DHA decisions served by email (remedial legislation suggested by DOJ) - AB1024
Removal of fingerprint records if arrested individual is released without charges or cleared of offense; DHA decisions served by email (remedial legislation suggested by DOJ) - SB993
SHSW collection of fees for admission, reports from affiliate historical societies, and preserving the memory of early pioneers modified (remedial legislation suggested by SHSW) - AB1031
SHSW collection of fees for admission, reports from affiliate historical societies, and preserving the memory of early pioneers modified (remedial legislation suggested by SHSW) - SB1018
Standards incorporated by reference into administrative rules filed with LRB and nurse licensure compact terminology changes (remedial legislation suggested by DSPS) - AB1028
Standards incorporated by reference into administrative rules filed with LRB and nurse licensure compact terminology changes (remedial legislation suggested by DSPS) - SB997
Statutory changes re one-time purchase of equipment under 1989 WisAct 31, “safety data sheets” references, and designation of head of “emergency management” by cities, villages and towns (remedial legislation suggested by DMA) - AB1025
Statutory changes re one-time purchase of equipment under 1989 WisAct 31, “safety data sheets” references, and designation of head of “emergency management” by cities, villages and towns (remedial legislation suggested by DMA) - SB994
Tax revisions re obsolete statutory references, electronic assessment rolls, Internet equipment in the broadband market, property tax assessment objections, and sales tax exemptions for insulin, farm-raised fish, and patient health care records (remedial legislation suggested by DOR) - AB1033
Tax revisions re obsolete statutory references, electronic assessment rolls, Internet equipment in the broadband market, property tax assessment objections, and sales tax exemptions for insulin, farm-raised fish, and patient health care records (remedial legislation suggested by DOR) - SB1020
Vehicle weight or size limit permit fees, motorcycle registration weight, and specific information signs on highways revisions; motor vehicle emission control equipment grant program eliminated (remedial legislation suggested by DOT) [A.Amdt.1: motorcycle registration weight removed] - AB1026
Vehicle weight or size limit permit fees, motorcycle registration weight, and specific information signs on highways revisions; motor vehicle emission control equipment grant program eliminated (remedial legislation suggested by DOT) - SB995
stem science technology engineering and mathematicsSTEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), see Industrial development
stewardship programStewardship Program, see Natural resource
storage tankStorage tank, see Petroleum
streetStreet, see also Road, and its subheadings
Bikeways and pedestrian ways establishment to be considered re highway construction and reconstruction projects [Sec. 1457-1460] [original bill only] - AB68
Bikeways and pedestrian ways establishment to be considered re highway construction and reconstruction projects - AB796
Bikeways and pedestrian ways establishment to be considered re highway construction and reconstruction projects [Sec. 1457-1460] - SB111
Bikeways and pedestrian ways establishment to be considered re highway construction and reconstruction projects - SB765
Condemnation authority used to acquire land to establish or extend recreational trails, bicycle ways or lanes, or pedestrian ways: prohibition eliminated - SB805
Condemnation authority used to establish or extend recreational trails, pedestrian ways, or bicycle way or lane restored [Sec. 530, 615, 618-622, 646, 647, 1083, 1095, 1099, 1100, 1104-1107, 1488, 3459] [original bill only] - AB68
Condemnation authority used to establish or extend recreational trails, pedestrian ways, or bicycle way or lane restored [Sec. 530, 615, 618-622, 646, 647, 1083, 1095, 1099, 1100, 1104-1107, 1488, 3459] - SB111
Empty conduit lines: person conducting special work requiring digging in a right-of-way required to install; duty to offer service imposed on Internet service provider - SB1096
Local supplement grant program changes re bridge and certain local road and highway projects [Sec. 367, 1487, 1535] [original bill only] - AB68
Local supplement grant program changes re bridge and certain local road and highway projects [Sec. 367, 1487, 1535] - SB111
Local traffic calming project grant program established - AB1182
Motorists required to stop and remain stopped until pedestrian, bicyclist, personal delivery device, or rider of electric scooter or EPAMD has crossed certain highway crosswalks - AB853
Private road maintenance and repair: beneficial user required to contribute - AB208
Private road maintenance and repair: beneficial user required to contribute - SB283
studiesStudies, see also Reports; specific subject
Electric vehicle charging stations: person may charge fee to users and is not a public utility; owning, operating, and managing by political subdivisions or DOT provisions - SB573
Hemp program deficit study [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 9102 (2)] - AB68
Qualified ABLE savings account program under section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code: DFI to study and report on establishment - SB158
Truax Field electrical micro grid system study [Sec. 9131 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Sec. 9131 (2)] - AB68
suicideSuicide, see Death
suits against the stateSuits against the state, see Claims
sunsetSunset, see also specific subject
250th anniversary of the founding of the U.S.: Wisconsin commission for the United States Semiquincentennial Commission created - AB388
Beaver Dam Lake restoration appropriation, sunset provision [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 41, 42, 9432 (1)] - AB68
Clam Falls dam project appropriation, sunset provision [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 43, 44, 9432 (5)] - AB68
Dead Pike Lake restoration appropriation, sunset provision [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 45, 46, 9432 (2)] - AB68
DOT to establish programs to increase number of individuals with CDLs; sunset provision - AB941
Dual enrollment credential grants program for high schools: sunset repealed - AB893
Dual enrollment credential grants program for high schools: sunset repealed [S.Amdt.1: independent charter school pupil participation in the Early College Credit Program provisions added] - SB833
EBT processing equipment for farmer's markets and farmers who sell directly to consumers; healthy eating incentives appropriation modified and sunset eliminated [Sec. 389, 1054] [original bill only] - AB68
EBT processing equipment for farmer's markets and farmers who sell directly to consumers; healthy eating incentives appropriation modified and sunset eliminated [Sec. 389, 1054] - SB111
Employer-sponsored blood drive grants, sunset provision [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 9119 (3)] - AB68
Grants to American Indian tribes or bands for fiscal year 2021-22 [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 11, 12, 78, 79, 84, 85, 9401 (1)] - AB68
Law enforcement training reimbursement from LESB revised; Governor to allocate federal moneys, sunset provision - AB832
Microschool defined and provisions created which satisfy compulsory school attendance requirement [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, "microschool" changed to "micro education pod" and sunset added; A.Amdt.2: sunset modified] - AB122
Military pay income tax exemptions re active duty; armed forces member tax credit sunsetted [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 243, 246, 257, 9337 (1)] - AB68
MPS dissolved and replaced with four to eight City of Milwaukee public school districts; Milwaukee Public Schools Redistricting and Implementation Commission created - AB966
Nekoosa storm water project appropriation, sunset provision [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 49, 50, 9432 (4)] - AB68
New Berlin road construction appropriation, sunset provision [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 51, 52, 9432 (3)] - AB68
Nonviolent offender treatment and diversion (TAD) program sunset repealed; ongoing transfer of moneys from certain surcharges for investigation of Internet crimes against children [Sec. 440, 442, 3473] [original bill only] - AB68
Nonviolent offender treatment and diversion (TAD) program sunset repealed; ongoing transfer of moneys from certain surcharges for investigation of Internet crimes against children [Sec. 440, 442, 3473] - SB111
Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: eliminate repeal of grant program; septage characterization study required - AB444
Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: eliminate repeal of grant program; septage characterization study required - SB439