(first or second author, first sponsor)
3/22/2024: 2023 Assembly Bill 1160
Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for firearms and ammunition. (FE)
1/16/2024: 2023 Assembly Bill 957
Relating to: preemption of certain local animal ordinances.
1/5/2024: 2023 Senate Bill 892
Relating to: preemption of certain local animal ordinances.
12/8/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 801
Relating to: possession of a firearm by a licensee in a place of worship located on the grounds of a private school.
12/8/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 799
Relating to: nonresident archer and crossbow hunting license fees. (FE)
12/8/2023: 2023 Assembly Joint Resolution 99
Relating to: continuity of government (first consideration).
12/8/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 780
Relating to: nonresident archer and crossbow hunting license fees. (FE)
12/8/2023: 2023 Senate Joint Resolution 93
Relating to: continuity of government (first consideration).
12/8/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 754
Relating to: possession of a firearm by a licensee in a place of worship located on the grounds of a private school.
11/27/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 672
Relating to: indicia of registration for electric vehicles. (FE)
11/8/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 628
Relating to: requiring retail sellers to accept cash and providing a penalty. (FE)
11/7/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 617
Relating to: indicia of registration for electric vehicles. (FE)
7/17/2023: 2023 Assembly Joint Resolution 63
Relating to: honoring the legacy of Old Abe, Wisconsin's Civil War eagle.
5/17/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 274
Relating to: a commercial driver training grant program and making an appropriation. (FE)
5/8/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 271
Relating to: a commercial driver training grant program and making an appropriation. (FE)
4/10/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 168
Relating to: designating the Henry All-Weather .45-70 as the state rifle.
2/10/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 33
Relating to: emergency contact records maintained by the Department of Transportation. (FE)
2/7/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 14
Relating to: repair and replacement of implements of husbandry under warranty.
2/14/2024: 2023 Assembly Joint Resolution 121
Relating to: proclaiming June 7, 2024, as Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge Day.
2/9/2024: 2023 Assembly Bill 1077
Relating to: transfer from the state building trust fund to the general fund, funding for grants to support hospital emergency department services, and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/9/2024: 2023 Assembly Bill 1078
Relating to: funding for hospital emergency department services. (FE)
1/25/2024: 2023 Assembly Bill 1004
Relating to: requiring local governments to designate an individual for consultation required under a federal program regarding refugee resettlement and assistance. (FE)
11/7/2023: 2023 Assembly Joint Resolution 90
Relating to: declaring November 2023 as Veterans' Mental Health and Suicide Awareness Month in Wisconsin.
10/26/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 562
Relating to: adding rural emergency medical services providers to the Emergency Medical Services Board.
10/11/2023: 2023 Assembly Joint Resolution 81
Relating to: proclaiming October 2023 as Manufacturing Month.
10/9/2023: 2023 Assembly Joint Resolution 79
Relating to: recognizing October 17, 2023, as First Responders Appreciation Day in Wisconsin.
10/5/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 466
Relating to: consumer data protection and providing a penalty. (FE)
9/29/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 465
Relating to: prohibiting gender transition medical intervention for individuals under 18 years of age.
9/28/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 451
Relating to: exempting tobacco bars from the public smoking ban.
9/6/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 414
Relating to: public funds for substantially identical materials distributed by state senators and representatives to the assembly prior to a general election and providing a penalty.
8/29/2023: 2023 Assembly Joint Resolution 66
Relating to: requiring a supermajority in each house of the legislature for passage of tax increase legislation (first consideration).
8/29/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 386
Relating to: lowering the individual income tax rates in the third bracket and increasing and expanding the retirement income subtraction. (FE)
6/2/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 303
Relating to: the broadband expansion grant program. (FE)
6/1/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 302
Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for data center equipment or software. (FE)
6/1/2023: 2023 Assembly Joint Resolution 53
Relating to: celebrating the 175th year of Wisconsin's statehood.
5/17/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 272
Relating to: an income and franchise tax exemption for broadband expansion grants. (FE)
5/15/2023: 2023 Assembly Joint Resolution 47
Relating to: recognizing May 2023 as Law Enforcement Appreciation Month in Wisconsin.
5/3/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 245
Relating to: county and municipal aid; imposing a city sales tax and an additional county sales tax to pay the unfunded actuarial accrued liability of city and county retirement systems; requiring newly hired city and county employees of certain city agencies and counties to be enrolled in the Wisconsin Retirement System; fire and police commissions of first class cities; eliminating the personal property tax; reporting certain crimes and other incidents that occur on school property or school transportation; advisory referenda; local health officers; local public protection services; exceptions to local levy limits; local regulation of certain quarry operations; emergency services; local approval of projects and activities under the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program; requiring a referendum; and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
4/20/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 216
Relating to: passenger restrictions on all-terrain vehicles.
4/13/2023: 2023 Assembly Joint Resolution 26
Relating to: honoring and commending the National Wild Turkey Federation upon its 50th anniversary.
4/10/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 163
Relating to: supplying anti-choking devices in schools. (FE)
4/7/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 150
Relating to: various changes to the unemployment insurance law, federal Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessment grants, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
3/31/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 133
Relating to: farmland preservation agreements and tax credits. (FE)
3/31/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 137
Relating to: establishing a statewide wolf population goal.
3/24/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 119
Relating to: model curriculum for pupils in grades 5 to 12 on interacting with law enforcement and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
3/24/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 130
Relating to: modifying administrative rules related to supplemental aid for snowmobile trail maintenance and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
3/14/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 113
Relating to: the amount of allowable cash withdrawal from a bingo account for the purpose of paying cash prizes.
3/8/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 98
Relating to: signs along snowmobile trails that advertise nearby businesses.
2/23/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 66
Relating to: fees for certain motor vehicle certificate of title transfers. (FE)
2/10/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 28
Relating to: classifying county jailers as protective occupation participants under the Wisconsin Retirement System and the treatment of county jailers under the Municipal Employment Relations Act. (FE)
2/7/2023: 2023 Assembly Bill 8
Relating to: expanding veterans benefits to individuals who served in Laos in support of the United States during the Vietnam War.
2/9/2024: 2023 Senate Bill 1014
Relating to: funding for hospital emergency department services. (FE)
2/9/2024: 2023 Senate Bill 1015
Relating to: transfer from the state building trust fund to the general fund, funding for grants to support hospital emergency department services, and making an appropriation. (FE)
2/7/2024: 2023 Senate Joint Resolution 107
Relating to: proclaiming June 7, 2024, as Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge Day.
1/11/2024: 2023 Senate Bill 916
Relating to: requiring local governments to designate an individual for consultation required under a federal program regarding refugee resettlement and assistance. (FE)
11/7/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 642
Relating to: consumer data protection and providing a penalty. (FE)
10/16/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 526
Relating to: adding rural emergency medical services providers to the Emergency Medical Services Board.
10/13/2023: 2023 Senate Joint Resolution 77
Relating to: proclaiming October 2023 as Manufacturing Month.
10/13/2023: 2023 Senate Joint Resolution 76
Relating to: recognizing October 17, 2023, as First Responders Appreciation Day in Wisconsin.
9/29/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 471
Relating to: exempting tobacco bars from the public smoking ban.
9/29/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 480
Relating to: prohibiting gender transition medical intervention for individuals under 18 years of age.
9/20/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 435
Relating to: lowering the individual income tax rates in the third bracket and increasing and expanding the retirement income subtraction. (FE)
9/8/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 408
Relating to: public funds for substantially identical materials distributed by state senators and representatives to the assembly prior to a general election and providing a penalty.
9/8/2023: 2023 Senate Joint Resolution 63
Relating to: requiring a supermajority in each house of the legislature for passage of tax increase legislation (first consideration).
6/7/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 325
Relating to: the broadband expansion grant program. (FE)
5/24/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 308
Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for data center equipment or software. (FE)
5/24/2023: 2023 Senate Joint Resolution 47
Relating to: recognizing May 2023 as Law Enforcement Appreciation Month in Wisconsin.
5/18/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 301
Relating to: county and municipal aid; imposing a city sales tax and an additional county sales tax to pay the unfunded actuarial accrued liability of city and county retirement systems; requiring newly hired city and county employees of certain city agencies and counties to be enrolled in the Wisconsin Retirement System; fire and police commissions of first class cities; eliminating the personal property tax; reporting certain crimes and other incidents that occur on school property or school transportation; advisory referenda; local health officers; local public protection services; exceptions to local levy limits; local regulation of certain quarry operations; emergency services; local approval of projects and activities under the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program; requiring a referendum; and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
5/2/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 266
Relating to: an income and franchise tax exemption for broadband expansion grants. (FE)
4/14/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 216
Relating to: whip lights on all-terrain and utility terrain vehicles.
4/14/2023: 2023 Senate Joint Resolution 28
Relating to: honoring and commending the National Wild Turkey Federation upon its 50th anniversary.
4/3/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 156
Relating to: supplying anti-choking devices in schools. (FE)
4/3/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 165
Relating to: designating the Henry All-Weather .45-70 as the state rifle.
3/23/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 136
Relating to: modifying administrative rules related to supplemental aid for snowmobile trail maintenance and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
3/23/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 139
Relating to: establishing a statewide wolf population goal.
3/8/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 125
Relating to: model curriculum for pupils in grades 5 to 12 on interacting with law enforcement and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
3/1/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 105
Relating to: signs along snowmobile trails that advertise nearby businesses.
2/14/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 42
Relating to: repair and replacement of implements of husbandry under warranty.
2/14/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 54
Relating to: the amount of allowable cash withdrawal from a bingo account for the purpose of paying cash prizes.
2/14/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 60
Relating to: fees for certain motor vehicle certificate of title transfers. (FE)
2/3/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 28
Relating to: classifying county jailers as protective occupation participants under the Wisconsin Retirement System and the treatment of county jailers under the Municipal Employment Relations Act. (FE)
2/3/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 35
Relating to: emergency contact records maintained by the Department of Transportation. (FE)
1/27/2023: 2023 Senate Bill 17
Relating to: expanding veterans benefits to individuals who served in Laos in support of the United States during the Vietnam War.
1/30/2024: 2023 AA2-AB957
1/29/2024: 2023 AA1-AB957
1/29/2024: 2023 AA1-AB799
10/16/2023: 2023 ASA1-AB274
Relating to: a commercial driver training grant program.