Wisconsin Legislature

Emergency Rule EmR2107

Status: Expired

Board of Nursing (N)

Administrative Code Chapters Affected:

Ch. N 1 (Revised)

Ch. N 2 (Revised)

Ch. N 3 (Revised)

Ch. N 4 (Revised)

Ch. N 6 (Revised)

Ch. N 7 (Revised)

Ch. N 8 (Revised)

Related to: Waiver of requirements in emergency situations

Comments for this rule have closed

Statement of Scope: SS 014-20

Date Rule Text Approved by Governor: January 14, 2021

Rule Text: EmR2107 Rule Text

Date Filed With LRB: February 16, 2021

Date Published: February 12, 2021

Effective Start Date: February 12, 2021

Expiration Date: July 11, 2021

Extended Expiration Date: September 9, 2021

First Extension

Register Entries

Date Register File
2/22/2021782B, Emergency Rules Filed with Legislative Reference BureauEmR2107 Rule Text
2/22/2021782B, Rule-Making Notices (Hearing Notices)EmR2107 Hearing Information
7/12/2021787A2, Actions By The Joint Committee For Review of Administrative RulesActions Taken by JCRAR on July 8, 2021: EmR2107