An order affecting chs. ILHR 63 and 64, relating to ventilation and energy conservation.
Effective 01-01-97.
An order affecting ss. HSS 172.04, 175.04, 178.05, 195.04, 196.04, 197.04 and 198.04, relating to permit fees for the operation of public swimming pools, recreational and educational camps, campgrounds, hotels, motels and tourist rooming houses, restaurants, bed and breakfast establishments, and food and beverage vending operations.
Effective 02-01-97.
An order affecting ss. HSS 172.03 and 172.05, relating to operation of public swimming pools.
Effective 02-01-97.
An order affecting ss. NR 20.03, 20.036, 20.13 and 20.18, relating to sturgeon spearing.
Effective 02-01-97.
An order amending ss. NR 20.02 (1) (c) and 25.05 (1) (e), relating to sport and commercial fishing for yellow perch in Lake Michigan.
Effective 01-01-97.
An order amending s. NR 20.08 (10), relating to fishing tournament permitting.
Effective 01-01-97.
An order affecting ss. PI 11.02 and 11.35, relating to the definition of handicapping conditions, including significant developmental delay.
Effective 02-01-97.
An order affecting ch. PI 11, relating to the method of resolving disputes concerning children with exceptional educational needs (EEN) between school boards and the parents of those children.
Effective 02-01-97.
An order repealing and recreating ch. PSC 185, relating to standards for water public utility service.
Effective 02-01-97.
An order affecting ch. Trans 139.05 (8), relating to fee for title and registration processing contractors.
Effective 02-01-97.
P u b l i c N o t i c e
Workforce Development
(Wisconsin Works)
The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, through its Division of Economic Support, will administer the Wisconsin Works program, the assistance program for families with dependent children, under ss. 49.141 to 49.161, Stats., as created by 1995 Wisconsin Act 289. Under s. 49.141(2)(b), Stats., if federal legislation has been enacted and the Department determines that sufficient funds are available, the Department may begin to implement the Wisconsin Works program no sooner than July 1, 1996, for selected counties or groups determined by the Department and must implement the program statewide for all groups no later than September 1997. Authorizing federal legislation, the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193), was enacted August 22, 1996.
Section 49.141(2)(d), Stats., directs the Department to, before implementing the Wisconsin Works program, publish a notice in the Wisconsin Administrative Register that states the date on which the Department will begin to implement the Wisconsin Works program statewide.
W-2 Implementation
Through this notice the Department is announcing that the Department will begin to implement the Wisconsin Works program statewide in September 1997. The Department will now begin the phase-in of the Wisconsin Works program in selected counties and for selected groups as part of the transition to statewide implementation.
Contact Person
For more information about the implementation of the Wisconsin Works program, write:
Gary Kuhnen
Bureau of Welfare Initiatives
Division of Economic Support
P.O. Box 7935
Madison, WI 53707-7935
The State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
Document Sales Unit
P.O. Box 7840
Dated Material. Please Do Not Delay!