Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (CR 98-142):
Chs. ATCP 77 and HSS 165 - Relating to certification of laboratories engaged in public health testing of milk, water and food.
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (CR 99-18):
Chs. ATCP 10 and 11 - Relating to paratuberculosis (Johne's disease).
Employment Relations Commission (CR 95-179):
SS. ERC 1.06, 2.02 and 12.02 and chs. ERC 10 and 20 - Relating to fees for complaints, grievance arbitration, mediation, fact-finding, interest arbitration and transcripts.
Health and Family Services (CR 98-71):
Ch. HFS 90 - Relating to early intervention services for children with developmental needs in the age group from birth up to 3.
Revenue (CR 99-35):
S. Tax 1.12 - Relating to electronic funds transfer.
Revenue (CR 99-54):
Ch. Tax 11 - Relating to governmental units; meals, food, food products and beverages; and Wisconsin sales and taxable transportation charges.
Transportation (CR 99-63):
Ch. Trans 2 - Relating to the elderly and disabled transportation capital assistance program.
Administrative Rules Filed With The
Revisor Of Statutes Bureau
The following administrative rules have been filed with the Revisor of Statutes Bureau and are in the process of being published. The date assigned to each rule is the projected effective date. It is possible that the publication of these rules could be delayed. Contact the Revisor of Statutes Bureau at (608) 266-7275 for updated information on the effective dates for the listed rules.
Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (CR 98-81):
An order affecting ch. ATCP 48, relating to drainage districts.
Effective 09-01-99.
Commerce (CR 99-10):
An order affecting ss. Comm 10.18 and 10.48, relating to flammable and combustible liquids.
Effective 09-01-99.
Commerce (CR 99-52):
An order affecting ch. Comm 113, relating to the annual allocation of volume cap on tax-exempt private activity bonds.
Effective 09-01-99.
Funeral Directors Examining Board (CR 99-8):
An order affecting s. FD 6.10, relating to the solicitation of prospective purchasers of burial agreements funded with the proceeds of a life insurance policy.
Effective 08-01-99.
State Public Defender (CR 99-74):
An order creating s. PD 1.04 (10), relating to certification criteria.
Effective 09-01-99.
Public Service Commission (CR 98-157):
An order creating ch. PSC 187, relating to sewer main extension cost recovery.
Effective 09-01-99.
Public Service Commission (CR 98-194):
An order creating ch. PSC 183, relating to requirements for joint local water authorities.
Effective 09-01-99.
Regulation and Licensing (CR 99-36):
An order affecting s. RL 12.04 and ch. RL 25, relating to education, pre-license and continuing education programs and courses.
Effective 09-01-99.
Transportation (CR 99-37):
An order amending ch. Trans 212, relating to standards for the inspection of bridges in Wisconsin.
Effective 08-01-99.
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Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.