Madison, WI 53707-7946
Written Comments
Written comments on the proposed rules received at the above address no later than January 22, 2001, will be given the same consideration as testimony presented at the hearing.
Rule orders filed with the
Revisor of Statutes Bureau
The following administrative rule orders have been filed with the Revisor of Statutes Bureau and are in the process of being published. The date assigned to each rule is the projected effective date. It is possible that the publication of these rules could be delayed. Contact the Revisor of Statutes Bureau at (608) 266-7275 for updated information on the effective dates for the listed rules.
An order affecting ch. NR 101 relating to the wastewater fee program.
Effective 2-1-01
An order to repeal chs. NR 161, 162, and 163 and create ch. NR 162 relating to Clean Water Fund Program financial assistance.
Effective 3-1-01
An order affecting chs. NR 700, 716, 720, 722, 726, and 746, relating to sites contaminated with petroleum products discharged from petroleum storage tanks.
Effective 2-1-01
An order to create ch. NR 168 relating to the brownfield site assessment grant program administration.
Effective 2-1-01
An order affecting chs. RL 121, 125, and 126, relating to the regulation of auctioneers and auction companies.
Effective 2-1-01
An order affecting chs. RL 90, 91, and 92, relating to educational and examination requirements for massage therapists and bodyworkers.
Effective 2-1-01
An order affecting ch. RL 7, relating to standards for approved drug testing programs.
Effective 2-1-01
Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapists and Professional Counselors (
CR 00-054)
An order affecting ch. SFC 8, relating to continuing education programs.
Effective 2-1-01
The following administrative rule orders have been adopted and published in the December 31, 2000 Wisconsin Administrative Register. Copies of these rules are sent to subscribers of the complete Wisconsin Administrative Code, and also to the subscribers of the specific affected Code.
For subscription information, contact Document Sales at (608) 266-3358.
An order affecting chs. Comm 81, 82 and 84, relating to the state of Wisconsin's Uniform Plumbing Code.
Effective 1-1-01
An order affecting ch. Comm 18, relating to inspection of elevators and other mechanical lifting devices.
Effective 1-1-01
An order to repeal and recreate ch. DOC 303, relating to inmate conduct, inmate discipline, and procedures for the imposition of discipline.
Effective 1-1-01
An order affecting ch. ETF 10, relating to election procedures for the Employee Trust Funds Board.
Effective 1-1-01
Financial Institutions, Division of Securities
CR 00-117)
An order affecting chs. DFI-Sec 2, 3, 4, and 5 relating to securities registration exemptions, and to securities broker-dealer, agent, investment adviser and investment adviser representative licensing procedures, record-keeping requirements, and rule of conduct provisions.
Effective 1-1-01
An order repealing and recreating ch. HFS 120, relating to the collection, analysis and dissemination of health care information.
Effective 1-1-01
An order affecting ch. HFS 119, relating to operation of the health insurance risk-sharing plan (HIRSP).
Effective 1-1-01
An order affecting ss. NR 108.02 and 108.04 and chs. NR 114, 809, and 811, relating to plans and specifications submittals for reviewable projects, operator certification, safe drinking water, and operation and design of community water systems.
Effective 1-1-01
An order to repeal and recreate ch. NR 190, relating to lake planning grants.
Effective 1-1-01
An order to amend ch. NR 25, relating to commercial fishing for chubs on Lake Michigan.
Effective 1-1-01
An order affecting ch. NR 10, relating to the 2000 migratory game bird season.
Effective 1-1-01
An order affecting ch. N 5, relating to renewal after 5 years.
Effective 1-1-01
An order affecting ch. PI 11, relating to eligibility criteria for children with disabilities.
Effective 7-1-01
An order affecting ch. Tax 9, relating to the master settlement agreement between the state of Wisconsin and tobacco product manufacturers.
Effective 1-1-01
Sections affected by rule revisions and corrections
The following administrative rule revisions and corrections have taken place in November 2000, and will be effective as indicated in the history note for each particular section. For additional information, contact the Revisor of Statutes Bureau at (608) 266-7275.