4) Recovery Homes. Alcohol and drug free housing with rules, peer-led groups, staff activities and/or other structured operations which are directed toward maintenance of sobriety for persons in early recovery from substance abuse or persons who have completed substance abuse treatment services or who may still be receiving such treatment at another licensed facility.
77 Ill. Adm. Code 2060.205 Unlicensed Practice. (a) Whenever the Department determines that an unlicensed organization or person is engaging in activities that require licensure, pursuant to the specifications in Section 2060.101 of this Part, it shall issue an order to that organization or person to cease and desist from engaging in the activity. The order shall specify the particular services that require licensure, and shall include citation of relevant Sections of the Act and this Part.
(b) The Department's order shall be accompanied by a notice that instructs the recipient that written documentation may be submitted to the Department within 10 calendar days to support a claim that licensure is not required, or that the recipient is properly authorized to conduct the services.
(c) After the expiration of the 10 day period, if the Department believes that the organization or unlicensed person is continuing to provide services that require licensure, the matter shall be referred to the appropriate State's Attorney or to the Office of the Attorney General for prosecution.
77 Ill. Adm. Code s. 2060.221 Change of Ownership/Management. a) Each license issued by the Department shall be valid only for the premises and persons named in the application. Licensure is not transferable. A license shall become null and void when:
1) a change in ownership involving more than 25% of the aggregate ownership interest within a one year period or a significant change in management; or
2) a change of 50% or more in the board of directors of a not-for-profit corporation within a one year period.
b) In order to obtain a new license reflective of the change in ownership the licensee shall submit to the Department:
1) written notification at least ten calendar days prior to any of the above referenced changes in ownership; and
2) an application for initial licensure and the license application fee of $200 per license.
c) Failure to notify the Department within ten calendar days relative to the above referenced changes in ownership will result in the imposition of a license fee of $1000 for each affected license.
77 Ill. Adm. Code § 2060.309 Professional Staff Qualifications. (a) All professional staff providing clinical services (except as set forth in subsection (b)(2)), as defined in this Part, shall:
1) hold clinical certification as a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor from the Illinois Alcoholism and Other Drug Abuse Professional Certification Association (IAODAPCA), 1305 Wabash Avenue, Suite L, Springfield, Illinois 62704; or
2) be a licensed professional counselor or licensed clinical professional counselor pursuant to the Professional Counselor and Clinical Professional Counselor Licensing Act [225 ILCS 107]; or
3) be a physician licensed to practice medicine in all its branches pursuant to the Medical Practice Act of 1987; or
4) be licensed as a psychologist pursuant to the Clinical Psychology Practice Act [225 ILCS 15]; or
5) be licensed as a social worker or licensed clinical social worker pursuant to the Clinical Social Work and Social Work Practice Act [225 ILCS 20].
b) All professional staff providing only clinical assessments, DUI evaluations or designated program intervention services, as defined in this Part, shall:
1) meet one of the qualifications specified in subsection (a) above; or
2) hold assessor certification as a Certified Assessment and Referral Specialist (CARS) from IAODAPCA.
c) In any medically managed or monitored detoxification service at least one staff, 24 hours a day, shall:
1) be a registered nurse pursuant to Section 3(k) of the Illinois Nursing and Advanced Practice Nursing Act of 1987 [225 ILCS 65/3(k)];
2) be a licensed practical nurse pursuant to Section 3(i) of the Illinois Nursing and Advanced Practice Nursing Act of 1987 [225 ILCS 65/3(i)] who has completed at least 40 clock hours of formal training in the field of alcoholism or other substance abuse; or
3) be a certified emergency medical technician pursuant to Section 4.12 of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems Act [210 ILCS 50/4.12] who has completed at least 40 clock hours of formal training in the field of alcoholism or other substance abuse.
d) Any other staff who provide direct patient care that is not defined as a clinical service shall be supervised by an individual who meets the requirements for professional staff as defined in subsection (a), (b) or (c)(1) and (2) as applicable to detoxification.
e) any new professional staff, including interns, who will provide clinical services in a treatment or designated program service and who do not meet the requirements of subsection (a) or (b) when hired shall:
1) meet the requirements specified in subsection (a) or (b) within two years after the date of employment; and
2) not work in any supervisory capacity until such requirements are met; and
3) work under the direct, verifiable supervision of an individual who has staff supervisory responsibility at the facility and who meets the requirements for professional staff specified in subsection (a); and
4) sign, and adhere to, a professional code of ethics developed by the organization.
f) The above referenced supervision shall last until the employee meets at least one of the requirements for professional staff designation specified in subsection (a) or (b) or until the two year period has elapsed. Such supervision is verifiable, at a minimum, by:
1) signature of the supervisor and the affected employee on the treatment plan and all reviews of or any change to the patient's treatment plan; and
2) documentation of face-to-face supervision meetings, at least once monthly. This supervision can occur in a group or individual setting and shall be a distinct activity separate from regularly scheduled patient staffings.
g) Any employee providing clinical services under supervision at one or more organizations who does not meet at least one of the requirements specified in subsection (a) or (b) within the relevant two year period shall not provide any direct clinical services at the end of the two years until such requirement is met.
h) All staff providing DUI risk education services shall:
1) meet one of the qualifications specified in subsection (a); or
2) hold Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA) certification from IAODAPCA.
i) It is the responsibility of each organization to ensure that all professional staff meet the requirements outlined in this Section.
j) The Department will consider granting an exception to the requirements specified in subsection (e) of this Section based upon timing of certification or licensure examinations and part-time employment. In such cases, the exception will be time limited and based upon the minimum extension of time necessary to achieve full compliance. All exceptions shall be granted in accordance with Section 2060.303 of this Part.
77 Ill. Adm. Code § 2060.311 Staff Training Requirements. a) All organizations shall provide an initial employee orientation to all staff within the first seven days after employment that shall include, at a minimum, the following information:
1) An overview of all organization operations, including the specific duties assigned to the employee; emergencies and disaster drills; familiarization with existing staff backup and support; and all required training.
2) An overview of this Part for all staff.
3) Information on bloodborne pathogens and universal precautions (as those terms are defined in the regulations set forth in Section 2060.413 of this Part) and the importance of tuberculosis control and personal hygiene, the responsibilities of all staff with regard to infection control and an overview of the fundamentals of HIV, AIDS and tuberculosis control.
4) Information on HIV and AIDS relative to the etiology and transmission of HIV infection and associated risk behaviors, the symptomatology and clinical progression of HIV infection and AIDS and their relationship to substance abuse behavior, the purposes, uses and meaning of available testing and test results, relapse prevention and sensitivity to the issues of an HIV infected patient.
5) An overview of the principles of patient confidentiality, all related federal and state statutes and all record keeping requirements regarding confidential information.
b) Within the first six months after employment, any and all staff providing a DUI evaluation service shall attend one complete DUI Orientation training session offered or approved by the Department.
c) Within the first 12 months after employment, any and all staff providing a DUI risk education intervention service shall attend the first day of a DUI Orientation training session offered or approved by the Department.
d) In addition to mandatory training specified in subsections (b) and (c) of this Section, each DUI evaluator or Risk Education instructor shall obtain additional hours of substance abuse training annually consistent with the requirements of their professional staff credential.
77 Ill. Adm. Code § 2060.313 Personnel Requirements and Procedures. a) All professional staff:
1) shall be at least 18 years of age; and
2) cannot have been convicted of any felony or had any subsequent incarceration for at least two years prior to the date of employment.
b) Verification of the requirements specified in subsection a) above shall be documented on the Department's Schedule L at the time of employment and this form shall be maintained in the employee's personnel file. Prior to employment a copy of the Schedule L, along with a letter requesting an exception for employment, shall be sent to the Department relative to any person that indicates a felony conviction within the time period specified above.
c) In addition, any staff providing DUI evaluation or risk education services shall not have a suspension or revocation of driving privileges for an alcohol or drug related driving offense for at least two years prior to the date of employment.
d) Any staff providing clinical services to or any other supportive services for a child or adolescent who is receiving treatment at a facility, or is receiving child care at a facility, or is residing at a facility with a parent who is in treatment shall consent to a background check to determine whether they have been indicated as a perpetrator of child abuse or neglect in the Child Abuse and Neglect Tracking System (CANTS), maintained by the Department of Children and Family Services as authorized by the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act [325 ILCS 5/11.1(15)]. The organization shall have a procedure that precludes hiring of indicated perpetrators based on the reasons set forth in 89 Ill. Adm Code 385.30(a) and procedures wherein exceptions will be made consistent with 89 Ill. Adm. Code 385.30(e) and procedures for record keeping consistent with 89 Ill. Adm. Code 385.60.
e) The organization shall ensure that treatment services for special populations (gender, youth, criminal justice, HIV, etc.) are delivered by appropriate professional staff as clinical needs indicate.
f) The organization shall have written personnel procedures approved by the management or, if applicable, the board of directors. Such procedures shall apply to all full and part-time employees and shall include the process for:
1) recruiting, selecting, promoting and terminating staff;
2) verifying applicant or employee information:
3) protecting the privacy of personnel records;
4) performance appraisals, and review and update of job descriptions, for all positions in the organization;
5) disciplinary action, including suspension and termination;
6) employee grievances;
7) employment related accident or injury;
8) handing instances of suspected or confirmed patient/client abuse and/or neglect by staff, whether paid or volunteer;
9) handling instances of suspected or confirmed alcohol and other drug abuse by staff; and
10) documentation that the personnel procedures, and any changes in procedures, have been distributed to employees and are available on request.
g) The organization shall provide documentation that all personnel procedures have been reviewed and approved at least annually by the Authorized Organization Representative or, if applicable, the board of directors.
h) A personnel file shall be maintained for each employee that contains:
1) the employee's name, address, telephone number, social security number, emergency contact and telephone number;
2) resume and evidence of qualifications;
3) documentation of the Schedule L and any relevant background checks and/or exception request;
4) unless otherwise kept in a training file, documentation of required training and continuing education received while employed by the organization (as indicated by a certificate of completion or the title, date and location of the training and the signature of the staff member who attended the training);
5) a copy of any professional certification, current license and/or registration, and date of employment and/or termination from the organization;
6) a copy of the signed applicable professional code of ethics as referenced in Part 2060.309(e)(4) of this Part; and
7) documentation of annual review of the organization's policy and procedures manual by all staff during their first year of employment and, annually thereafter, any updated sections that pertain to each staff member.
i) Each personnel file shall be maintained for a period of five years from the date of employee termination.
77 Ill. Adm. Code § 2060.401 Levels of Care. Substance abuse treatment shall be offered in varying degrees of intensity based on the level of care in which the patient is placed and the subsequent treatment plan developed for that patient. The level of care provided shall be in accordance with that specified in the ASAM Patient Placement Criteria and with the following:
a) Level 0.5: Early Intervention. An organized service, delivered in a wide variety of settings, for individuals (adult or adolescent) who, for a known reason, are at risk of developing substance-related problems. Early intervention services are considered sub-clinical or pre-treatment and are designed to explore and address problems or risk factors that appear to be related to substance use and to assist the individual in recognizing the harmful consequences of inappropriate substance use. The length of such service varies according to the individual's ability to comprehend the information provided and to use that information to make behavior changes to avoid problems related to substance use or the appearance of new problems that require treatment at another level of care. Early intervention services are for individuals whose problems and risk factors appear to be related to substance use but do not appear to meet any diagnostic criteria for substance related disorders. Examples of individuals who might receive early intervention are at-risk individuals (i.e., family members of an individual who is in treatment or in need of treatment) or DUI offenders classified at a moderate risk level.
b) Level I: Outpatient. Non-residential substance abuse treatment consisting of face-to-face clinical services for adults or adolescents. The frequency and intensity of such treatment shall depend on patient need but shall be a planned regimen of regularly scheduled sessions that average less than nine hours per week.
c) Level II: Intensive Outpatient/Partial Hospitalization. Non-residential substance abuse treatment consisting of face-to-face clinical services for adults or adolescents. The frequency and intensity of such treatment shall depend on patient need but shall be a planned regimen of scheduled sessions for a minimum of nine hours per week.
d) Level III: Inpatient Subacute/Residential. Residential substance abuse treatment consisting of clinical services for adults or adolescents. The frequency and intensity of such treatment shall depend on patient need but shall, except in residential extended care as defined in this Part, include a planned regimen of clinical services for a minimum of 25 hours per week. Inpatient care, with the exception of residential extended care as defined in this Part, shall require staff that are on duty and awake, 24 hours a day, seven days per week. During any work period, if professional staff as defined in Section 2060.309(a) of this Part are not on duty, such staff shall be available on call for consultation relative to any aspect of patient care. Residential extended care shall require staff on duty 24 hours a day, seven days per week and that low intensity treatment services be offered at least five hours per week. Any staff providing clinical services shall meet the requirements for professional staff as defined in Section 2060.309(a) of this part. Individuals who have been in residence for at least three months without relapse may be used to fulfill any remaining staff requirements.
e) Level IV: Medically Managed Intensive Inpatient. Inpatient subacute residential substance abuse treatment for patients whose acute bio/medical/emotional/behavioral problems are severe enough to require medical and nursing care services. Such services are for adults or adolescents and require 24 hours medically directed evaluation, care and treatment and that a physician see the patient daily.
Michigan: MICH. ADMIN. CODE R 325.14201 Establishment or maintenance and operation of program without license prohibited.
Rule 201. A person shall not establish or maintain and operate a substance abuse program unless licensed by the office in accordance with the act and these rules.
MCLS §. 330.3101
B Department of Public Health
1. All the authority, powers, duties, functions and responsibilities of the Licensing of Substance Abuse Programs and the Certification of Substance Abuse Workers in the Division of Program Standards, Evaluation and Data Services of the Center for Substance Abuse Services, including the authority, powers, duties, functions and responsibilities set forth in the relevant parts of Act No. 368 of the Public Acts of 1978, as amended, being Section 333.6231 to 333.6251 of the Michigan Compiled Laws, are hereby transferred from the Department of Public Health to the Director of the Department of Commerce by a Type U transfer, as defined by Section 3 of Act No. 380 of the Public Acts of 1965, as amended, being Section 16.103 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.
MCLS § 333.6231 Rules.
(1) With the assistance of the department, and after consultation with the commission and the committee, the office shall promulgate rules for the administration of this article and the licensing of substance abuse service programs. The rules shall include reasonable criteria for the protection and well-being of individuals receiving services and the rights of recipients of services and shall define financial information. Rules governing recipient rights shall be promulgated not later than 1 year after the effective date of this section.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.