Julie E. Walsh
Legal Unit - OCI Rule Comment for Rule Ins 1750
Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
PO Box 7873
Madison WI 53707-7873
Written comments can be hand delivered to:
Julie E. Walsh
Legal Unit - OCI Rule Comment for Rule Ins 1750
Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
125 South Webster St – 2nd Floor
Madison WI 53703-3474
Comments can be emailed to:
The deadline for submitting comments is 4:00 p.m. on March 22, 2016.
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Notice is hereby further given that pursuant to s. 227.114, Stats., the proposed rule may have an effect on small businesses. The initial regulatory flexibility analysis is as follows: a. Types of small businesses affected:
Small businesses that are either legal entities or are employed by one or more legal entities over which operating control is exercised and whose incomes are consolidated with the controlling legal entity in audited financial statements under generally accepted accounting principles.
b. Description of reporting and bookkeeping procedures required:
None beyond those currently required.
c. Description of professional skills required:
The use of an actuary to estimate proper funding of an affiliated health care provider.
Agency Small Business Regulatory Coordinator The OCI small business coordinator is Kate Ludlum kate.ludlum@wisconsin.gov or 608-264-6232. CONTACT PERSON
A copy of the full text of the emergency rule and the proposed permanent rule changes, analysis and fiscal estimate may be obtained from the OCI internet Web site at http://oci.wi.gov/ocirules.htm or by contacting Julie E. Walsh, 125 South Webster Street – 2nd Floor, Madison WI or PO Box 7873, Madison WI 53707-7873.