Wisconsin Legislature

Scope Statement SS 082-24

Status: Active

Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (ATCP)

Administrative Code Chapter Group Affected:

Chs. ATCP 20-54; Agricultural Resource Management

Administrative Code Chapter Affected:

Ch. ATCP 29 (Revised)

Related to: Pesticide use and control

Text: Text of SS 082-24

Date Statement Approved by Governor: April 25, 2024

Date Statement Expires Under s. 227.135 (5), Stats.: January 22, 2027

Notes: This scope replaces SS 045-24, originally published in Register No. 821A2 on May 13, 2024. SS 045-24 contained language that did not match the approved version of the scope. The hearing for SS 045-24, originally scheduled for July 29, 2024, will be held under SS 082-24 at a date to be determined.

Register Entries

Date Register File
7/22/2024823A4, Statements of ScopeSS 082-24