Permissive use of small claims procedure revised [Sec. 7140m-r, 9310 (9q), 9410 (4q)] -
Act 27
Fuel used in snowmobiles, ATVs and motorboats: tax revisions -
Act 113
Operation on highways for purpose of access to lodging establishment, campground or residence
Act 61
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation districts: certain powers extended to town sanitary districts; state funding, ordinance authority expanded and lakes without public access provisions -
Act 349
Snowmobile trail inspection by DNR: certain exemptions created -
Act 294
Supplemental trail aids [Sec. 677g, 737g, 6434g, 9142 (9x), 9442 (10s)] -
Act 27
Indigency verification and collection of representation costs: SPD authority expanded; provisions re social security number on applications, use of collection agency and DOA and DILHR duties [Sec. 1110, 1111, 2448d-h, 3422, 3423, 3649m, r, 6398m, 7257, 7263e, f, k, 7269-7281s, 7290m, p, 9144 (2), (2m), 9444 (1x)] -
Act 27
UC law revisions re benefits, tax changes, cooperative sickness care associations, appeals and hearings, wage concealment and evidence of social security number
Act 118
LWSR revisions re county permits, standards for structures or mobile homes, timber cutting, nonmetallic mining, soil erosion prevention and control, recreational trails, DNR and LWSR board authority -
Act 211
Wind erosion control aids [Sec. 482h, 3549p] -
Act 27
Operation Balkan endeavor: income tax and state health insurance revisions provided for military personnel [partial veto] -
Act 255
Operation Balkan endeavor: operator's license and vehicle registration extensions provided for military personnel
Act 255
Special distinguishing registration plates re U.S. armed services: transferrable to surviving spouse
Act 253
Internal revenue code redefined re income and franchise taxes; earned income tax credit and military personnel tax benefit provisions -
Act 380
Operation Balkan endeavor: income tax and state health insurance revisions provided for military personnel [partial veto] -
Act 255
Environmental statutes (chap. 144, Wis.Stats.) renumbered and reorganized -
Act 227
Foundry sand and other high-volume industrial waste reuse: standards to be set by rule; advisory committee created [Sec. 4319g, 9142 (6t)] -
Act 27
Fruit and vegetable washing facilities: exemption from certain permit, plan approval and license requirements
Act 99
Hazardous waste facility discharge: use of net worth method as proof of financial responsibility for corrective action authorized -
Act 63
Landfill bans: DNR permitted to grant exceptions re incineration and disposal of certain materials, including plastics
Act 142
Natural resources laws revised re stocking or introduction of fish, spawn or wild animals permit and languages and technical changes in water systems and abandoned container provisions (remedial legislation) -
Act 378
Open burning on commercial vessels prohibited; DNR inspection provisions -
Act 290
Technology and pollution control and abatement grants [Sec. 508d, 514e, g, 6925t, 6930-6933jz]
Act 27
Waste tire removal and recovery program revisions [Sec. 648z-650, 1408b, 4320g-h, 4408m-4415d, 6411b, 9142 (2t), 9242 (1t), 9442 (7t)] -
Act 27
Wood ash: license exemption re agricultural use; DNR report required [Sec. 4319h, 9142 (1g)] -
Act 27
Professional patient care collective bargaining unit: contract ratification -
. Act 1
Professional baseball park district created; provisions re bond issuance, contracting, minority businesses, LAB audit, sky box special rental payments, contributions to youth sports organizations and smoke-free environment in certain stadium seating areas [partial veto] -
. Act 56
Abandoned motor vehicle on land under control of state agency: removal and disposal authority created [Sec. 67s-tm]
Act 216
Administrative rule-making procedures: notice requirements expanded -
Act 106
Arrangement of state agency appropriations in the statutes [Sec. 468, 9459 (4)] -
Act 27
Borrowing schedule, bonding authority, summary of all funds and effective dates [Sec. 471-473, 538m, 563m, 1037g, r, 1160g-s, 1164g, r, 1165b-x, 1166g, r, 1167g, r, 1168e-s, 1658m, 9400, 9408 (1z)] [471, 473 — partial veto] -
Act 27
Capital planning and building construction services on behalf of state agencies [Sec. 1057] -
Act 27
Child abuse or neglect records and reports: disclosure provision expanded -
Act 369
Collective bargaining grievance arbitrations: state agencies required to pay costs [Sec. 1096, 3832]
Act 27
DOA revisions re PR restructuring, document sales, interagency mail delivery and printing services [Sec. 357, 393, 1055, 1058, 1059, 1178, 9101 (3), (4)] -
Act 27
DOA rules of conduct for leased or managed buildings; security agreement with other state agencies; ``security officer" changed to ``police officer" and arrest authority expanded
Act 174
Efficiency studies by WERC, LIRC and Personnel commission required [Sec. 9120 (1m), 9130 (1m), 9143 (1m)]
Act 27
Emergencies resulting from enemy action or natural or man-made disasters: role of state agencies, including DMA, specified -
Act 467
Energy savings performance contracting provisions [Sec. 397m, 3338m] -
Act 27
Federal grant application processing by DOA: state agencies assessed for costs [Sec. 308, 1060]
Act 27
Health functions of state agencies: DHSS to develop plan for transfer to local health departments [Sec. 9126 (27h)] [partial veto] -
Act 27
Incidental taking of endangered or threatened species: permits created; news media notification provision
Act 296
Information technology restructuring; optical imaging provisions; study of mainframe computer services at U.W. Madison [Sec. 14g, 31g-j, 32m, 33g, h, 41p, 288r, 412g, r, 413e-s, 414g, 416m, 467m, 1050o, 1079b, 1755p, 1762w-y, 7095m, 9101 (21g)-(21i), 9119 (1t), 9130 (14t), 9131 (1t), 9157 (2at), 9301 (4g)] [32m, 9101 (21ho) — partial veto; 288r, 467m, 1762x — vetoed] -
Act 27
Information technology strategic plans adoption by executive branch agencies [Sec. 415, 416] [415 — partial veto] -
Act 27
Office space of small executive branch agencies consolidated [Sec. 392] -
Act 27
Print-to-mail center established in DOA [Sec. 14L, 9101 (20m)] -
Act 27
Publications and mailings by state agencies: report on feasibility of sponsorship required [Sec. 9159 (14h)] [partial veto] -
Act 27
Recycled paper purchase by state agencies: implementation date modified (remedial legislation) -
Act 432
State agency distribution of publications to legislators: procedure created [Sec. 1749m] -
Act 27
State government bodies: evaluation for termination, transfer or continuation; legislative findings cited [Sec. 77m-p, 1762z, 1775hi, 3849m, 3873m, 5239m, 6611m, 9159 (6f), 9459 (8f)] [9159 (6f) — partial veto; all other sections — vetoed] -
Act 27
State information technology investment fund created; project funding provided [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under: ``Data processing"] -
Act 27
Surplus state property sale or lease: use of proceeds from [Sec. 16m, 24g-m] [16m — partial veto]
Act 27
Technology management, Division of, created in DOA; functions transferred from executive branch agencies; revision re justice information systems; JCF approval of plan [Sec. 102, 406-410, 417, 418, 420, 422m-428, 1052-1053n, 1061, 1066, 1145b, 1147, 4458, 7176, 7177, 7177m, 9144 (1), 9159 (12g), 9353 (1g), 9453 (1g)] -
Act 27
Vacant positions in state agencies: fee to cover cost of advertising permitted [Sec. 1094, 6280] -
Act 27
Zero-based budgeting requirements for state agencies created [Sec. 288p, q] [vetoed] -
actindex/1995/soldier _ exemption from taxation
actindex/1995/soldier _ exemption from taxation