housing _ rentHousing — Rent, see Landlord and tenant
housing and economic development authority, wisconsinHousing and economic development authority, Wisconsin
Housing grants and loans: WHEDA reserve funding transferred to DOA; funding decrease and surplus fund transfer [Sec. 15, 15c, 26, 51-52c, 366-367c, 9101 (6z), 9201 (1), 9401 (2z)] -  Act 109
Rural finance authority: creation proposed [Sec. 9110 (1v)] -  Act 109
Small business development loan use for start-up of a small business in vacant downtown storefront of rural community [Sec. 3099, 3103-3109, 3112, 3113, 9426 (1)]  -  Act 16
Wisconsin development reserve fund: one overall guarantee limit for all programs [Sec. 3100-3102, 3110, 3111, 3114-3124] -  Act 16
humane treatment of animalsHumane treatment of animals, see Animal — Treatment
humanities council, wisconsinHumanities council, Wisconsin
Wisconsin book festival: funding for Wisconsin Humanities Council [Sec. 9140 (5w)] -  Act 16
hydroelectric powerHydroelectric power, see Electric utility
hygiene laboratoryHygiene laboratory
Bioterrorism response and preparedness: plan and funding; provisions re staffing, public health emergencies, vaccination, disposal of human remains, and reporting deaths of public health concern [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Public safety"] -  Act 109
Congenital disorders testing program: fees and appropriation [Sec. 696, 3143] -  Act 16
Security initiative re terrorism response training, statewide trauma care system, diseases and biological and chemical threats, and Hygiene laboratory duties [Sec. 14d, 94, 326-329, 330-333, 334, 334g, 339, 340, 623, 696, 9223 (1), 9229 (1k), 9323 (1), 9359 (6)] -  Act 109
i - I -
identification cardsIdentification cards
Driver's license or ID card photograph: sunset of DOT authority to release to law enforcement agencies repealed  -  Act 41
Selective service registration: DOT notification requirements re information from driver's license, permit, or ID card applications -  Act 93
immunizationImmunization, see Vaccination
implied consent or alcohol concentrationImplied consent or alcohol concentration, see also Drunken driving
Passive alcohol sensor use by law enforcement officer prohibited without consent [Sec. 2882m] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
impoundmentImpoundment, see Forfeiture
incestIncest, see Sex crimes
Income tax reciprocity agreement between Minnesota and Wisconsin: Minnesota legislature urged to continue [SJR-57] -  JR-29
Income tax reciprocity between Minnesota and Wisconsin: interest payment [Sec. 170v] -  Act 109
Inter vivos trusts: taxation of [Sec. 2154-2156, 9344 (19)] -  Act 16
Internal revenue code changes adopted re income and franchise taxes [Sec. 158-230b, 9144 (1), 9344 (1b)]  -  Act 109
Internal revenue code update [Sec. 2130d-dt, 2158d-dzf, 2175d-dj, 2176d, 2182d-dw, 2184r, 9144 (3z), 9344 (28z)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
income tax _ creditIncome tax — Credit
Development opportunity zone in Milwaukee: tax credit for capital investment; tax benefits on basis of another's activity in that zone authorized [Sec. 2143, 2146, 2152, 2157, 2175, 2176, 2177, 2180, 2182, 2191, 2194, 2203, 2248, 3700, 3701, 3702, 3703, 3704, 3705-3708, 9344 (9), (10)] [2146, 2175, 2177, 2191 — partial veto] -  Act 16
Partners of a partnership: other state tax credit expanded to include [Sec. 2149, 9344 (8)] -  Act 16
TANF temporary transfer for earned income tax credit [Sec. 119m, 9258 (12q), 9259 (9q)] -  Act 109
Wisconsin Artistic Endowment Foundation created; tax credit provision [Sec. 465r, 467m, 1102m, 1104m, 1143m, 1414m, 2148m, 2150d, t, 2175, 2179d, h, 2193d, h, 2205n, 3128m, 9105 (1h)] [2148m, 2150d, t, 2175, 2179d, h, 2193d, h, 2205n — vetoed] -  Act 16
Campaign finance law revisions; tax credit provision; attorney general directed to seek declaratory judgment re treatment of chap.11, Wis.Stats, is constitutional [Sec. 1bc, bf, psb, psc, sb-sw, tu-ude, udh-ugL, 2d, 23p, 25c-x, 52gj, 79t, 170mj-t, 519m, 9115 (2v)-(2y), 9132 (4v), 9215 (3v), 9244 (6v), 9315 (2v), (2w), 9344 (2v), 9415 (1zx)]  -  Act 109
College savings account contributions and tuition expenses programs: income tax deduction for [Sec. 170L-Le, 9344 (5f)] -  Act 109
Military, uniformed services pensions: tax exemption provided [Sec. 2142m, n, 9344 (9c)] [2142m, n — partial veto] -  Act 16
Waste treatment equipment: application revision re property and income tax deductions [Sec. 2104-2108, 2144, 2201, 2202, 9344 (6)] -  Act 16
income tax _ rateIncome tax — Rate
Individual income tax bracket indexation revision [Sec. 2145] -  Act 16
income tax _ refundIncome tax — Refund
Development opportunity zone in Milwaukee: tax credit for capital investment; tax benefits on basis of another's activity in that zone authorized [Sec. 2143, 2146, 2152, 2157, 2175, 2176, 2177, 2180, 2182, 2191, 2194, 2203, 2248, 3700, 3701, 3702, 3703, 3704, 3705-3708, 9344 (9), (10)] [2146, 2175, 2177, 2191 — partial veto] -  Act 16
National guard tuition grant program: restrictions on eligibility; DOR to collect through tax intercept program [Sec. 1024bg-bk, e-m, 2200cm] [1024bg, m — vetoed]  -  Act 16
Support arrearages: changes to receipt and disbursement fee; federal tax intercept [Sec. 738, 739, 1139, 1842-1844c, 1845, 1846, 3787, 3788, 3789, 3790, 4057, 9358 (2)]  -  Act 16
Tax refund offsetting agreements with other states authorized [Sec. 2205] -  Act 16
Tax refunds offset against federal tax obligations: administrative fee charged [Sec. 52Li, 232p, 9244 (1j)]  -  Act 109
income tax _ returnIncome tax — Return
Local professional baseball park district: individal income tax checkoff for [Sec. 917r, 2153g, 3037m, n, 9344 (8x)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Operation Enduring Freedom armed forces participants: interest abatement re income tax returns filed under an extension -  Act 23
Tax-processing activities move from Madison to southwestern Wisconsin: DOR to study feasibility of [Sec. 9144 (2z)] -  Act 16
Volunteer income tax assistance program: DOR to work with IRS and U.W. Extension [Sec. 2205m, 9144 (2x)] [partial veto] -  Act 16
incubator program or grantIncubator program or grant, see Industrial development
independent livingIndependent living, see Handicapped
indians or indian gaming compactIndians or Indian gaming compact
Brighter futures initiative program and tribal adolescent services: appropriations revised [Sec. 1575-1577]  -  Act 16
Children first program changes re DWD authority to contract with elected tribal bodies [Sec. 1741-1747, 9358 (4)]  -  Act 16
Coaster brook trout study and reintroduction: funding from Indian gaming revenues [Sec. 588m, 886m]  -  Act 16
County-tribal law enforcement grants to Oneida and Vilas counties; report to OJA [Sec. 859r, s, 890g, h, 9101 (21k), 9401 (3k)] [vetoed] -  SB-55
Gambling device transfer to Indian gaming facilities [Sec. 3966h-q] -  Act 16
Gaming economic and diversification programs and gaming specialist salary and benefits: payment out of Native American liaison appropriation [Sec. 449] -  Act 16
Gaming economic development and diversification program revisions, appropriations consolidated; brownfields remediation included; grants to M7 Development Corporation re Lincoln Park center and Oneida Small Business, Inc., re Project 2000 [Sec. 443, 445, 451, 452, 882, 3634-3642, 3646, 9110 (1)] [451 — partial veto; 9110 (1) — vetoed]  -  Act 16
Grazing education grants for agricultural education, tribal gaming provision [Sec. 580t, 890n, 1356g] [vetoed]  -  SB-55
Indian gaming receipts appropriation revisions; transfer of moneys to the environmental fund [Sec. 448, 450, 456, 466, 483, 484, 511, 560, 581, 582, 586, 589, 595, 602, 623, 630, 631, 713, 713g, 721, 729-731, 746, 761, 786, 787, 824, 880, 885h, 892, 1125] [630 — partial veto] -  Act 16
Indian gaming receipts transferred to certain state agencies [Sec. 9201 (5mk), 9205 (1mk), 9210 (3mk), 9223 (5mk), 9224 (1mk), 9225 (1mk), 9231 (1mk), 9237 (4mk), 9240 (1mk), 9251 (1mk), 9256 (1mk), 9257 (2mk), 9258 (2mk)]  -  Act 16
Jail reimbursements to county and tribal bodies re certain persons held in custody: funding increased [Sec. 9211 (2)]  -  Act 109
Kickapoo valley reserve appropriation for payments in lieu of taxes; new GPR funding for information technology; Indian gaming revenues use to provide law enforcement services; report re generating revenues and resubmitting building plans [Sec. 631r-632g, 881r, 1263h, 1404f] [632g, 1263h, 1404f — vetoed] -  Act 16
MA eligibility administration transferred from DWD to DHFS; provisions re welfare fraud and error reduction, food stamps, and obsolete AFDC provisions [for section numbers, see entry under ``Medical assistance"] -  Act 16
MA outreach and reimbursement for tribes [Sec. 713hk] -  Act 16
Manufacturing extension center grants funded from Indian gaming revenues; program date extended [Sec. 444, 454, 884, 3692, 3693] -  Act 16
Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation grants to the Menominee Valley Partners, Inc.: funding from environmental fund, Indian gaming revenue provisions; matching funds required [Sec. 458, 3643-3645] -  Act 16
Minority health program grants; funding from Indian gaming revenues [Sec. 720m, n, 881t, 2848r, s] [2848r — partial veto] -  Act 16
Nonpoint grant to Oneida Nation: Indian gaming receipts funding revised [Sec. 616b, 890p] -  Act 16
Parks operation: gaming revenues transfer to conservation fund [Sec. 9237 (2)] -  Act 16
SHSW appropriation re American Indian grave sites at Power's Bluff County Park and Merrill Historical Society publication of upper Wisconsin River valley native tribal history; funding from Indian gaming revenues [Sec. 493d, m, 891p, t]  -  Act 16
Special counselor grants re American Indian pupils; funding from Indian gaming revenues [Sec. 559m, 887r, 2625m]  -  Act 16
Tourism marketing and information assistant: technical change to Indian gaming appropriation [Sec. 881i, k]  -  Act 16
Trade masters pilot program: DWD to provide and evaluate; funding from Indian gaming receipts [Sec. 736g, 891c, 2560r] [2560r — partial veto] -  Act 16