Tuition grant program to pay cost of 2 years of postsecondary education: DOA to study [Sec. 9101 (21g)] [vetoed]
U.W. graduate student financial aid and Lawton grants: additional funding for [Sec. 9256 (3c), (3cb)]
Act 109
Wisconsin higher education grants for U.W. system and technical college students: appropriation increased [Sec. 9224 (1), (2)] -
Act 109
Wisconsin tuition grants: HEAB to establish maximum amount [Sec. 1380m] -
Act 16
Charter school operated by or under contract with U.W. Parkside [Sec. 553m, 577o, 579m, 993i, 2615ag-t, 2725mb-t, 2762d, 3047p, 3060p, 3078d, 3079c, 9159 (3t)]
Act 16
Charter schools: annual report by State superintendent [Sec. 2635m] -
Act 16
Charter schools established by certain Milwaukee entities: eligibility for TEACH funding [Sec. 565, 567, 568, 1415, 1416, 1422, 1424, 1426, 1431, 1435] -
Act 16
Pest management for schools: program created; report required [Sec. 426p, 582k, 1357k, 2395t] [2395t — partial veto; 426p, 582k, 1357k — vetoed] -
Act 16
Pledge of allegiance and national anthem: public and private school requirements revised [Sec. 2674d, j]
Act 16
Prisoners of war remembrance day designated April 9; Governor and school provisions -
Act 20
School district annual meeting date revised [Sec. 2760k] -
Act 16
School year commencement before September 1: opt out provision removed; DPI may grant exemption [Sec. 2673p, 2725m, 9440 (3f)] -
Act 16
Uniforms for pupils: school boards authorized to adopt policy; exemption, discrimination, and economic assistance provisions; report required [Sec. 2673m]
Act 16
Veterans discussing armed forces experiences: school boards encouraged to invite to schools [Sec. 2635L]
Act 16
Open enrollment re continuing pupils and their siblings [Sec. 2738-2742, 9440 (1)] -
Act 16
Academic excellence scholarship program: eligibility revised [Sec. 1381m] [vetoed] -
High school diploma may be awarded to certain veterans posthumously -
Act 98
Marriage and parental responsibility instruction in schools [Sec. 2670m-q, 9440 (1f)] -
Act 16
Pest management for schools: program created; report required [Sec. 426p, 582k, 1357k, 2395t] [2395t — partial veto; 426p, 582k, 1357k — vetoed] -
Act 16
Recall of local elected officials: procedure revised; ``cause" defined [Sec. 94f-s, 3828m, 9359 (11q)] [vetoed]
Revenue limit agreement validation [Sec. 4034z] -
Act 16
School board membership: petition procedure for changing the number revised -
Act 54
School year commencement before September 1: opt out provision removed; DPI may grant exemption [Sec. 2673p, 2725m, 9440 (3f)] -
Act 16
Soft drink sales in schools re exclusive contracts: school board must ensure milk is available [Sec. 280n, 9340 (2e)] [280n — partial veto] -
Act 109
Uniforms for pupils: school boards authorized to adopt policy; exemption, discrimination, and economic assistance provisions; report required [Sec. 2673m]
Act 16
Veterans discussing armed forces experiences: school boards encouraged to invite to schools [Sec. 2635L]
Act 16
Calculator use on 4th grade exam prohibited [Sec. 2709m, 9340 (16c)] [vetoed] -
Examinations required to be administered statewide: access provisions; State superintendent to ensure security and confidentiality [Sec. 2712m, 2714m] -
Act 16
Forestry funding for DNR re seedling surcharge, education curriculum, and sustainable forestry [Sec. 424m, 585g, h, 1149m, 1153q] [1149m — partial veto]
Act 16
High school diploma may be awarded to certain veterans posthumously -
Act 98
High school graduation examination: date delayed [Sec. 2703m, 2707m, 2718m] [vetoed] -
High school graduation examination: implementation delayed [Sec. 282-284] -
Act 109
Home Instruction for Preschool Youngsters: subgrant to the extent allowed by federal law [Sec. 9140 (2x)]
Act 109
Marriage and parental responsibility instruction in schools [Sec. 2670m-q, 9440 (1f)] -
Act 16
Pupil assessment and school performance report revisions [Sec. 543, 544, 549, 2641m, 2700, 2702, 2704, 2706, 2763m]
Act 16
School library aid notification clarified; payment date revised; moneys may be used to purchase materials from SHSW for use in teaching Wisconsin history [Sec. 1408, 1409]
Act 16
Youth Challenge program revisions; DPI duties and state aid adjustments [Sec. 43c, 72c, d, 284m, 285m, 288m, 9136 (1), 9436 (1)] -
Act 109
Dangerous weapons in public schools: DOJ to maintain toll-free telephone number; person answering after-hours to refer caller to ``911" or local law enforcement [Sec. 2857g-n, 9431 (2p)] -
Act 16
Pest management for schools: program created; report required [Sec. 426p, 582k, 1357k, 2395t] [2395t — partial veto; 426p, 582k, 1357k — vetoed] -
Act 16
Public school energy billing: DOA access to information [Sec. 322m] -
Act 16
Open enrollment and youth options programs transportation costs: payments made from same appropriation [Sec. 551, 552, 2744] -
Act 16
Glucagon administration to pupils: liability exemption created [Sec. 2695e, m] -
Act 16
Prescription drugs administered to pupils: civil liability immunity expanded to advanced practice nurse prescriber, optometrist, and physician assistant -
Act 83
Charter schools established by certain Milwaukee entities: eligibility for TEACH funding [Sec. 565, 567, 568, 1415, 1416, 1422, 1424, 1426, 1431, 1435] -
Act 16
Intradistrict pupil transfer program: revenue limit adjustment [Sec. 2798g] -
Act 16
Kindergarten pupils: counting 4-year-olds re revenue limit [Sec. 2749m, 2761d, g, 2764m, 2779, 2788m, 2798L, 9140 (10f), 9340 (8h)] [vetoed] -
Racine Unified School District: annual grant for computer training purposes [Sec. 571t, 1426m, 2983m]
Act 16
Revenue ceiling for school districts increased [Sec. 2789] -
Act 16
Revenue limit agreement validation [Sec. 4034z] -
Act 16
Revenue limits for school districts: carry over of unused revenue-limit authority [Sec. 2797, 2798, 9340 (8)]
Act 16
Revenue limits for school districts: inflation adjustment [Sec. 2207] -
Act 16
Revenue limits for school districts: penalty for exceeding [Sec. 2799] -
Act 16
School aid formula: secondary cost ceiling revisions [Sec. 2204m, 2765z] -
Act 16
School financing: JLC to study [Sec. 9140 (10k)] [vetoed] -
Milwaukee school athletes: grant for community programs for drug prevention [Sec. 1557v] [vetoed]
Morning milk program renamed School day milk program and eligibility revised [Sec. 548m, 2640g, h, 9340(7x)]
Act 16
Community programs and services: revenue limit increase [Sec. 2789m, 2791m, 2798f, 9340 (11x)] -
Act 16
Computer aid included in school district shared cost [Sec. 2761, 9340 (7)] -
Act 16
General aid determination: date revised [Sec. 287m] -
Act 109
Milwaukee parental choice program revisions re notification date, aid reduction and levy offset, and summer school payment [Sec. 2748i, 2752r, 2767h-Lm, 9340 (1k), 9440 (2m)]
Act 16
Public school energy billing: DOA access to information [Sec. 322m] -
Act 16
Pupil assessment and school performance report revisions [Sec. 543, 544, 549, 2641m, 2700, 2702, 2704, 2706, 2763m]
Act 16
Revenue limits for school districts: adjustment formula [Sec. 2798s, 9340 (14c)] [vetoed] -
Rural school district aids [Sec. 2798j] -
Act 16
SAGE program changes [Sec. 550, 2729-2735] -
Act 16
School aid and revenue revisions [Sec. 31, 285, 286, 287, 288, 9340 (1), 9440 (1)] -
Act 109
School aid formula: secondary cost ceiling revisions [Sec. 2204m, 2765z] -
Act 16
School aid payment delay [Sec. 546m, 2767f, m, 2777g, r, 2779, 2779m] [2779, 2779m — partial veto; all other sections vetoed] -
Act 16
School library aid notification clarified; payment date revised; moneys may be used to purchase materials from SHSW for use in teaching Wisconsin history [Sec. 1408, 1409]
Act 16
Special adjustment aid calculation: amount of state aid adjustment may not be considered [Sec. 2769-2771, 9340 (6)]
Act 16
Special counselor grants re American Indian pupils; funding from Indian gaming revenues [Sec. 559m, 887r, 2625m]
Act 16
Supplemental school aid re percentage of land taxed as forest croplands [Sec. 2657m, 9340 (12d)]
Act 16
Tuition for pupils in foster home: state payment in certain cases [Sec. 2780-2782, 9340 (2)] -
Act 16
Youth Challenge program revisions; DPI duties and state aid adjustments [Sec. 43c, 72c, d, 284m, 285m, 288m, 9136 (1), 9436 (1)] -
Act 109
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