ID card for medical surrender of cancelled driver's license: no fee to be charged; DOT may order surrender of revoked license [Sec. 2950-2952, 2957-2959, 2961, 9350 (2), 9450 (2)]
Act 28
Low-speed vehicles: operation on certain highways with speed limit of 35 mph or less permitted, exceptions and ordinance provision; neighborhood electric vehicle redefined as a low-speed vehicle and electric power requirement removed; forfeiture and demerit point provisions -
Act 311
Motor vehicle liability insurance coverage made mandatory; exceptions and enforcement provisions [Sec. 675m, 2446m, 2740y, 2963t, 2964e, 2967r, 3203m, 3233c-r, 3239m, 3240m, 9150 (11v), 9450 (15v)] -
Act 28
Motor vehicle operating privileges: seizure of license by court or law enforcement modified; nonresident, reinstatement, and DOT provisions -
Act 103
Operating privilege revocation for fourth offense OAR, OWS, or OWD: court-ordered revocation made permissive and DOT administrative revocation requirement eliminated
Act 102
Operator's licensing tests: DOT contract with third-party testers (law enforcement agencies) [Sec. 2216e, 2916b, 2917g, r, 2918m, 2962g, r] -
Act 28
Photographs on motor vehicle operators license and ID cards: DOT to make available to DOJ in digital format; DOJ to provide electronic access to certain law enforcement agencies
Act 167
Podiatrists: civil liability immunity for providing aid at certain athletic events, privileged communication with patients, certify to DOT that applicant is fit to teach driving, may diagnose illness or injury for DVA purposes, may submit statement for specialized hunting permit, added to list of enumerated providers of sickness care, insurers to give equal weight to certifications of disability by, added to list of free choice providers for persons eligible for MA; Podiatrists Affiliated Credentialing Board renamed Podiatry Affiliated Credentialing Board [vetoed] -
Podiatrists: civil liability immunity for providing aid at certain athletic events, privileged communication with patients, certify to DOT that applicant is fit to teach driving, may diagnose illness or injury for DVA purposes, may submit statement for specialized hunting permit, added to list of enumerated providers of sickness care, insurers to give equal weight to certifications of disability by, added to list of free choice providers for persons eligible for MA; Podiatrists Affiliated Credentialing Board renamed Podiatry Affiliated Credentialing Board
Act 113
Portable scales used for enforcement of vehicle weight limitations: testing requirement modified
Act 156
Proof of financial responsibility re motor vehicle accident: policy or bond issued by insurer not authorized to do business in this state does not have to execute a power of attorney authorizing DOT to accept service of process (remedial legislation) -
Act 244
Proof of financial responsibility requirement re motor vehicle accident: liability release executed by a parent or guardian ad litem on behalf of a minor is acceptable (remedial legislation) -
Act 242
Proof of financial responsibility: requirement that nonresident provide in order to reinstate suspended operating privilege or vehicle registration eliminated (remedial legislation)
Act 245
Rebasing registration plates: DOT to determine intervals for redesign and reissuance [Sec. 2796-2798]
Act 28
Release of vehicle liens: DOT duties and fee revisions; creditors required to file electronically [Sec. 669, 1927, 2852, 2900, 2906-2913, 9450 (11)] -
Act 28
Self-authentication by electronic certification of certain DOT records -
Act 118
Special distinguishing registration plate created for women veterans; fee and Veterans Trust Fund provisions
Act 230
Special distinguishing registration plates created for persons supporting motorcycle safety; fees, Harley-Davidson logo and licensing rights, and DOT provisions
Act 226
Special distinguishing registration plates created for professional baseball team using facilities in a Professional Baseball Park District; funds used to retire Park District debt [Sec. 298, 304, 630, 675, 1857, 1857d, 2810, 2816, 2817, 2819, 2822, 2823, 2826, 9150 (3), 9443 (14x)] -
Act 28
Special distinguishing registration plates created re Lions Clubs of Wisconsin; fees, logo, and license or approval provisions -
Act 224
Special distinguishing registration plates created to express support for Marquette University, fee and implementation costs provisions -
Act 159
Special distinguishing registration plates re national guard: decal available for members, or former members, of units identified by DMA by rule; fee provision
Act 195
State patrol funding revised; DOT contracting re equipment in vehicles prohibited; consultation with DNR on shared use of City of Tomah facility required [Sec. 2216b, 9150 (11u)] [2216b — vetoed] -
Act 28
Utility terrain vehicle (UTV): pilot program established; definition, DNR, DOT, and ATV provisions
Act 175
Vehicle environmental impact fee: sunset eliminated [Sec. 2899]
Act 28
Vehicle fleet registration: optional three-year period permitted; fee and data processing cost provisions [Sec. 669d, 1927d, 2874t, 9150 (9u), 9450 (14v)] -
Act 28
Vehicle or combination of vehicles operating under a Michigan border permit may operate solely in Wisconsin; DOT appendix report re vehicle weight limits -
Act 229
Vehicles transporting raw forest products: exception to special weight limits re certain permit; suspension of permit and highway limitation provisions; DOT appendix report
Act 222
STH 13 between City of Marshfield and STH 29: DOT recommendation re environmental assessment required [Sec. 9150 (8j)] [vetoed] -
USH 12 (between cities of Elkhorn and Whitewater) environmental assessment: revision re required prior approval from TPC [Sec. 1918i] [vetoed] -
Abandoned employee retirement accounts of a retirement system of a 1st class city may be retained by the retirement system; JSCRS appendix report -
Act 191
Justice of the Supreme Court: laws revised for public financing of campaigns for office of; amount of the individual income tax checkoff for WECF increased; State Treasurer duties; JRCCP report [partial veto] -
Act 89
Court interpreter pilot project in seventh judicial administrative district authorized [Sec. 609, 9109 (1), 9409 (1)]
Act 28
Trespassing liability exemption under set conditions for assessor and staff making an assessment; certain civil liability immunity for owner and notice provisions; municipal assessor must publish a notice prior to revaluation of property and may not enter real property more than once per year to conduct an assessment -
Act 68
Dental education: moneys allocated from building trust fund to study the state's role in expanding access to services; emphasis on rural and underserved areas, including construction of new dental school in Marshfield [Sec. 9106 (25f)]
Act 28
Joint museum facility for SHSW and DVA: allocation from building trust funds for planning, programming, and site determination [Sec. 9106 (17)] -
Act 28
MA trust fund increase; provision re nursing home operating deficits [Sec. 1293, 9222 (2), (2u), (4q), 9422 (10), (11)] -
Act 28
Stone Barn historic property in the Town of Chase: allocation from building trust funds for restoration; DOA to review and approve plans [Sec. 19gf, 9106 (1)(q), (25)]
Act 28
Turtle Island Park in City of Beloit: allocation from building trust funds for restoration; determination re funding from nonstate donations [Sec. 19gg, 9106 (19)]
Act 28
Wills and trusts of decedents who died in calendar year 2010: provisions re the repeal of federal estate tax for 2010 only -
Act 341
``Donald J. Schneider Highway": DOT to designate and mark route of USH 8 between USH 53 and the Village of Turtle Lake [Sec. 1924c] [vetoed] -
Business closing or mass layoff: employer required to provide contact information of the local workforce development board to affected employees; DWD duty and support services information provision -
Act 87
Employment service program funding from special federal grants [Sec. 520] -
Act 28
FoodShare employment and training plan: DHS to work with certain counties re increase in federal funding [Sec. 9122 (12u)] -
Act 28
Health insurance for involuntarily terminated employees: ARRA benefits -
Act 11
Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board: DWD grant required if City of Milwaukee provides certain funds [Sec. 516v, w, 9156 (2q), 9456 (2q)] [516v, 9156 (2q) — partial veto] -
Act 28
Skills training grants by TCS Board: eligibility specified [Sec. 262s, 758d-t] -
Act 28
Wisconsin Workforce Development Association grants for video conferencing system to be used by job centers around the state -
Act 270
Construction employees: penalty for ``willful misclassification" as nonemployees; emergency rules provision [Sec. 2158h, 2210m, n, 2217h, 9156 (3i)] -
Act 28
Construction employees re painting or drywall finishing: penalty for ``willful misclassification" as nonemployees; JRCCP report -
Act 288
Employment service program funding from special federal grants [Sec. 520] -
Act 28
UI administration during 2009-2011 fiscal biennium: additional sums appropriated from special federal grant moneys; appropriation deleted on certain date [Sec. 519, 519a, 521, 521e, 9456 (3x)] -
Act 28
UI benefits eligibility and duration of federal/state extended benefits expanded -
Act 11
UI law revisions -
Act 287
Wisconsin supplemental and extended UI benefits: payment suspended due to available federal funds; Governor authority provision -
Act 1
Uniform Interstate Family Support Act updates -
Act 321
Uniform Power of Attorney Act adopted re legal or business matters -
Act 319
Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act adopted, replacing Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act -
Act 33
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